Module:Commands & Colors Ancients

From Vassal
CCA cover.jpg
Publisher GMT Games Era Ancient
Year 2006 Topic Warfare from 3000 BC to 400 AD
Players 2 to 8 Scale Mixed
Length 1-3 hours Series Commands & Colors


Full Game (Standard and Epic) 4.x (English; Italian from v4.3.17)

Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility Developer Other Contributors
CCAncientsV4-3-22.vmod Module 118.95 MB 2024-08-12 3.7.13 marktb1961 AleCrespi,bdgza
CCAv4ChangeLog.txt‎ Change Log 19 KB marktb1961
CCAncientsV4-2-6.vmod Module 208.65 MB 2022-10-25 3.6.7 marktb1961 AleCrespi,dgza
CCAncientsV41f1.vmod Module 47.99 MB 2021-05-29 3.4.6 AleCrespi marktb1961
CCAEpicNameTagsV1.vlog Continuation File 239 KB 2021-06-18 3.2.17 marktb1961
CCAncientsV41.vmod Module 47.99 MB 2019-03-03 3.2.17 AleCrespi G1ul10,bdgza
CCAncientsV4.vmod Module 33.9 MB 2018-11-27 3.2.17 AleCrespi G1ul10

Standard Game 3.3 (English)

Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility
C&CAncientsv3.3.vmod Module 4.08 MB 2016-10-6 3.2
CCA Expansion1.vmdx Extension 868 KB 2016-12-24 3.2
CCA Expansion2.vmdx Extension 730 KB 2016-12-24 3.2
CCA Expansion3.vmdx Extension 172 KB 2016-12-24 3.2
CCA Expansion4.vmdx Extension 850 KB 2016-12-25 3.2
CCA Expansion6.vmdx Extension 815 KB 2016-12-25 3.2
CCA C3iScenarios.vmdx Extension 117 KB 2017-12-06 3.2
ScenarioX.vmdx Extension 388 KB 2010-03-17 3.2
ScenarioX_ArmyList.vmdx Extension 2.56 MB unknown 3.2
CCA RandomScenario.vmdx Extension 2 KB unknown 3.2
C&CAncientsv3.vmod Module 4.12 MB 2009-10-14 3.2
CCAncients_d10.vmod Module 4.05 MB unknown User Maps
UserMaps_ACxx.vmdx maps by Alessandro Crespi 462 KB 2011-06-27 3.2
UserMaps_DCxx.vmdx maps by Don Clarke 266 KB 2011-06-27 3.2
UserMaps_GBxx.vmdx maps by Greg Blanchett 189 KB 2011-06-27 3.2
UserMaps_JDxx.vmdx maps by Jim Duncan 2.91 MB 2011-06-27 3.2
UserMaps_MMxx.vmdx maps by Miguel Marques 276 KB 2014-08-28 3.2
UserMaps_TTxx.vmdx maps by Travis Taliaferro 261 KB 2011-06-27 3.2

Epic Game (English)

Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility
CCA_Epic.vmod Module 6.93 MB 2014-11-29 1.1
Epic01_PunicWars.vmdx Extension: Punic Wars 593 KB unknown 1.1
Epic02_JuliusCaesar.vmdx Extension: Julius Caesar 301 KB unknown 1.1
Epic03_Exp1.vmdx Extension: Expansion 1 Scenarios 364 KB unknown 1.1

Standard Game (Italian)

Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility
C&CAncientsv3_ITA.vmod Module 3.88 MB 2013-07-09 3.2
IT Expansion1.vmdx Extension 832 KB unknown unknown
IT Expansion2.vmdx Extension 725 KB unknown unknown
IT RandomScenario.vmdx Extension 979 bytes unknown unknown
IT ScenarioX.vmdx Extension 343 KB unknown unknown

Epic Game (Italian)

Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility
CCA_Epic_ITA.vmod Module 6.12 MB 2010-02-02 unknown

Module Information

Maintainer Bilben, AleCrespi, marktb1961
Contributors Bilben, AleCrespi, G1ul10, bdgza, marktb1961


C&C Ancients is Richard Borg's game of ancient warfare, published by GMT Games. You can find info, rules, scenarios and more on Commands & Colors: Ancients website.

Version 4.3 is an incremental update to Version 4.2 (see below), that adds the "Power of Three" solo mode along with several fixes and minor enhancements. It is not backward compatible with version 4.2, except for viewing games. From 4.3.17, the module provides cards in Italian (when language Preference is set accordingly).

To see CDG Solo mode in action, try Robin Reeve's YouTube Series (in French).

*** v4.3.6 & v4.3.5 First Strike replacement bug *** There is a bug in these versions causing a loop when the First Strike replacement button is pressed in an opposed game. If using one of these versions, save your game, update to module v4.3.7 or later, re-open your saved game and use Tools...Refresh Counters before continuing. Alternatively, replace a First Strike card by dragging a card from the Draw Deck. Sorry for any inconvenience. Mark B.

Version 4.2 by marktb1961 is a major content and features update that builds on version 4. New features include click-actions, full end turn automation and GMT's CDG Solo System (used with kind permission of GMT). More details in the release notes. The module is considerably larger than previous versions due to more scenarios and functionality. Log files are typically 500Kb+ in size which may be a consideration if saving many log files on a free cloud service. The basics of game play will be familiar to users of earlier versions and the module's Help menu includes further guidance.

Version 4 by alecrespi is a complete redesign (change log below and more details on CommandsAndColors.NET website).

Version 4.1f1 is compatible with v4.1. It makes a small change to the End Turn button action, resolving a movement trails issue brought about by Vassal v3.4. Contributor: marktb1961

Epic Name Tags for v4.1: To deploy labels, replay the CCAEpicNameTags file as a Continuation File' after opening an Epic scenario. Label or delete the name tags as required. Important: For Vassal v3.5 onwards, Load Continuation is under the Tools... menu. Do not load as a Game or Log File!

Version 3.3 by g1ul10 includes a solo mode and introduces automatic re-placement of attacker/target markers.


v4 Changelog

  • modified icons (from left to right: undo, next, disconnect, change side, p1, p2, dice from 1 to 7, terrains, units, notes, charts, end turn / clear)
  • I've also modified Zoom, "LoS" and Clear moves icon
  • card back with white round corner
  • player's hand windows with grey / bronze background (following toolbar icon color)
  • changed dice face pictures with HQ images and round corner)
  • draw icon on player's hand (hand icon) to automatically draw to hand 1 card (with log on main log window)
  • cards drawn to player's hand automatically stacks side by side (without overlapping)
  • right click (or shortcut) on selected card to be "played" (as to say: send it to the center of the map, instead of drag'n'dropping things around) deck card counter (a small number to show remaining cards)
  • swapped "draw" and "discard" deck to keep more visible "actual card in play" (instead of scrolling to the right)
  • thicker "movement trail" to be more visible
  • "color coded" it to better understand relative faction
  • added a "star icon" to identify actual in turn player (icon shows on top or bottom of the map) linked to "End Turn" hourglass icon
  • added "cards left" counter below command card draw deck
  • added sound: dice roll
  • added sound: draw / flip / play a card
  • added sound: reshuffle deck
  • redesign victory track bar (what do you think about placing one at the top and the other one at the bottom of the sidebar, instead of both at the bottom?)
  • star icon (bottom left) to show actual player (it cycles from bottom left to top left every time a player ends turn)
  • HQ dice picture on sidebar
  • added "report in log window" for marker actions like "attack" and "target"
  • slightly changed markers: attack = double swords, target = bullseye, battled = tick)
  • integrated all extension materials (markers, units, terrains, chards, scenarios, ecc) inside main module, so we are going to have a single VMOD file including all official components
  • added scenarios menu (submenu) with unlinked scenario vsav files
  • added units with color-coded movement trails
  • unit movement using numpad keys
  • added a "Hide units" icon to easily show the map with terrains only
  • added "Area of Effect" trait to see ranged combat max distance for bow, slinger (foot and cavalry) and war machines.
  • added links in "About menu" to easily reach Units and Terrain section on Official Website
  • changed highlight color to be more visible and less "overlapping"
  • "Mouse Over Stack" feature will show both terrain and units
  • added "hide letter" button (to enable / disable top left letters inside unit block)
  • added Figs Lost count
  • added buttons to remove/add sounds
  • added "scenario chooser" (similar to memoir 44) with full statistics, scenario preview and link to official scenario webpage

Screen Shots


  • jgs3
  • bricco
  • Greg O
  • czmielon
  • Coxyfc
  • militantcheesewiz
  • HazMatt
  • Bilben
  • seanmac31
  • caroper
  • Xoota
  • GuyRiessen
  • Davout
  • Burkhalter
  • Toadkillerdog
  • Ogreking
  • DerDiplomat
  • fred25
  • Corregidor
  • Bizzio
  • motoi
  • markball
  • fenris
  • ToganAlper
  • robin
  • ColtsFan76
  • ges
  • jrhester
  • jtesser
  • paulmdickey
  • ges
  • JanWels
  • Athos
  • Kenntak
  • paspas
  • goldenboat
  • Benwa
  • Alexander331bc
  • smalecek
  • aforandi
  • glocko
  • mschemen
  • Erebus
  • WyattB
  • mawiker
  • callsignthumper
  • timf
  • Acheronian
  • zatopek
  • lpauperio
  • Diego
  • Prufrock
  • Biggls
  • biffo
  • Telchar
  • Preacher
  • xrubio
  • grantwhitley
  • MarkHill
  • casoli
  • Tacticus
  • trailofdead
  • bpisarik
  • Cantata
  • raiderd23
  • EricTheRed
  • Cunki
  • norseman1066
  • yams69
  • Angel40k
  • yangtze
  • Pennicillina
  • Lemno
  • AlextheTitan
  • swduke
  • regbob
  • XSiberia
  • EricTheRed
  • 40thann
  • unicoEvo
  • jrmorgan56
  • Rooster
  • jburdett
  • Maraxus
  • zollone
  • nerotora
  • darthxaos
  • Totola
  • CroakerPete
  • sedecula
  • Dean
  • Hawkmoon
  • lesulm1
  • odonkor
  • Totola
  • Jashugan
  • Elnaith
  • Josh
  • DougTeach
  • markacres
  • Slorm
  • Tanngrisner72
  • Buck
  • leegb1
  • c7Jim
  • gherardo
  • agssm
  • Holien
  • buffmeister
  • psychojosh13
  • Noman
  • asdnart
  • mickery
  • pzlehr
  • ermd
  • ktodd
  • LordJesse
  • ozpom
  • daxelos
  • ktodd
  • SaphireSoldier
  • thehermit
  • justnord
  • southseasnurse
  • BDebus
  • doctormabuse00
  • gwylie
  • toddrew
  • Damien
  • Zaratustro
  • michaelangelo
  • Totola
  • Christo
  • dunlar
  • Ron42na
  • Goshawk
  • AleCrespi
  • GraftonHill
  • bayernkini
  • espoir
  • KingMob
  • philmcd
  • Gluka70
  • valkray
  • jomni
  • knoel
  • Hector
  • Amarok
  • shmcbee
  • nerotora
  • lpauperio
  • LordJesse
  • BeatGuy
  • thales
  • kaufmad
  • TKaz84
  • brianconlon
  • brandysta
  • drmabuse00
  • Obreelsulls
  • shawn1341
  • Wicked133
  • DavidSAntonio
  • mehrunes
  • TuoLei
  • moloch
  • smaul1
  • VyC
  • jpat
  • zaxor0
  • lpauperio
  • Guthwulf
  • JoelCFC25
  • seelord
  • PacoHolliday
  • SoloHobbit
  • Shrimpers
  • warloc66
  • mortificator
  • timvandongen
  • grifalco
  • bayernkini
  • SamuraiLord
  • lj1983
  • WyattB
  • Pak43
  • MarkMcG
  • nitro50010
  • rhammond
  • hanyhebisha
  • fjfuentes
  • bloddragon
  • ed091maf
  • kduke42
  • elginj
  • Lysimachos
  • Colonelsam
  • uselessarthur
  • Rindis
  • markwals
  • PNMarkW2
  • smtudor
  • jjtaylor37
  • aewestenbarger
  • charlescab
  • Exceeds
  • Springroll
  • Tulfa
  • DougAcker
  • Boonast
  • bdgza
  • zhodani
  • theimann
  • Jihef
  • J6A
  • Pert
  • gprince66
  • pinos58
  • Derekrledr
  • mrcoolranch
  • DylanDog
  • G1ul10
  • jcgfenoy
  • marktb1961
  • Tal S
  • WeeBeasties
  • Belisario
  • beckerdo