Module:Commands & Colors: Napoleonics

From Vassal
Publisher GMT Games Era Napoleonic
Year 2010 Topic Napoleonic Wars
Players 2 to 8 Scale Tactical
Length 1-6 hours Series Commands & Colors

Current Versions

For archived versions, including prior beta releases, see the end of this page.

Standard-Size Game (2 players)

Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility Developer Other Contributors
v5.1 beta11 - not backward compatible, see comments section!
CCNapoleonics5_1_0.vmod‎ Module 238.57 MB 2024-12-08 3.7.15 marktb1961 AleCrespi, bdgza
CCNv5_Change_Log.txt‎ Change Log 23 KB marktb1961
CCNapoleonics4_1_16.vmod‎ Module 126.38 MB 2024-03-02 3.7.9 marktb1961 AleCrespi, bdgza
CCNv4_Change_Log.txt‎ Change Log 18 KB marktb1961
CCNapoleonics3_43.vmod‎ Module 19.33 MB 2023-03-06 3.6.14 Bayernkini Mark McG, marktb1961

EPIC & Grand Battle Games (2-8 players)

Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility Developer Other Contributors
Epic v2.2
CCNapoEpic2.vmod‎ Module 16.19 MB 2016-10-31 3.2.2 Bayernkini
Fansscenariosepic.vmdx Extension 2.87 MB 2016-10-31 3.2.2 Bayernkini

Module Information

Maintainer marktb1961
Contributors Bayernkini, bdgza, AleCrespi


Find players and support via the CommandsAndColors.NET fan site.

The Files and Comments sections are divided into "Standard-Size" and "EPIC & La Grande Battle” sub-sections. Select the sub-section for the type of game that you wish to play.

Standard-Size Game

Modules & Extensions for standard-size Commands & Colors: Napoleonics.

Version 5

Version 5 is a major update now in Beta testing. It is not backward compatible but runs separately from prior versions to avoid conflicts and ease transition to the new version; as a result, all module preferences are reset to default values. The module requires a JVM maximum heap size of at least 2560 Mb recommended; set this in Preferences (or Settings) - General after starting the module (restart to implement the change). Please review the module's Help menu for assistance to get the most out of the new version and to report any issues.

The new version brings a wealth of features to streamline and track game play including pre-configured scenarios, automated ordering, order & movement validation, full support during the combat process, single-press end turn and game stats! A tutorial is included supported by Youtube videos. Explore the module's Help menu for this and more.

NOTICE TO BETA USERS - Version 5.1 introduces "GMT standard" graphics and high-resolution cards which make the module incompatible with prior Version 5 releases. In addition, JVM Max Heap size should be increased to 2560 Mb. The module includes a new tutorial but at this time the videos are still based on the previous tutorial with the original graphics.

Version 4.1

Version 4.1 is a maintenance update to Version 4.0 to fix minor bugs. It includes generally only minor new features. v4.1.10 adds in-game Player Aids, improving mouseover ("hover text") functionality for units & terrain. See Change Log for full list of changes.

This release is NOT backwards compatible (except for viewing); all participants in a game should use the same Vassal and module version.

Acknowledgements: Thanks to bdgza for converting his C&C Scenario Chooser to work with Napoleonics and to AleCrespi for enabling scenario data used by the tool.

Version 4 introduced many convenience features whilst remaining familiar to v3.4 users. New features include a revamped Toolbar, self-managing hand windows, intelligent combat markers and graphics in the chat log to display dice results and other information. Most fan scenarios are included. A tutorial aids new players and those familiar with earlier versions. The latest release and a change log is in the files section above.

Please post on the VASSAL module support forum to advise any issues.

Version 3.43

Version 3.4 is the classic Commands & Colors: Napoleonics module. Version 3.43 corrects two scenarios in v3.42 (River Coa & Czarnowo) and patches the card count feature for Vassal v3.6.12+ compatibility. Remains compatible with Extension v3.41.

Extension Version 3.41:

Provides most standard size fan scenarios published by designers on Only compatible with Main Module version 3.4x

EPIC & Grand Battle Games

Modules & Extensions for games on the EPIC Napoleonics & La Grande Battles Napoleonics size boards.

Epic Version 2.2

EPIC & La Grande Battles module; all Expansion 6 EPIC and La Grande Battle scenarios included. This version is not backwards compatible with the unofficial epic version nor the old epic fan extension.

Epic Extension Version 2.2: Epic fan scenarios. Requires Epic Main Module version 2.2.

Archives See for Archived comments

Screen Shots


  • Terumo
  • Joel Toppen
  • bdgza
  • AronBC
  • J6A
  • theimann
  • ColtsFan76
  • JWandel
  • Bayernkini
  • Grifalco
  • Derekrledr
  • Michaelangelo
  • oneway76
  • soul1st
  • Pierre Miranda
  • RiverWanderer
  • Tal S
  • utl94

Older Versions

Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility Developer Other Contributors
v5.0 beta9 - superceded by 5.1. Not recommended for new games!
CCNapoleonics5_0_0.vmod‎ Module 183.18 MB 2024-05-09 3.7.12 marktb1961 AleCrespi, bdgza
CCNapoleonics4_0_6.vmod‎ Module 125.63 MB 2021-11-08 3.5.8 marktb1961
CCNapoleonics3_42.vmod‎ Module 19.29 MB 2020-02-20 3.2.17 Mark McG marktb1961
CCNapoleonics3.vmod‎ Module 18.72 MB 2016-10-31 3.2.2 Bayernkini bdgza
CCN_Fansscenarios3.vmdx Extension 5.37 MB 2016-10-31 3.2.2 Bayernkini bdgza
CCNapoleonics2.5.vmod‎ Module 10 MB 2015-04-02 3.2.2 Bayernkini bdgza
CCN_Fansscenarios.vmdx Extension 2.61 MB 2015-04-02 3.2.2 Bayernkini bdgza
Commands & Colors Napoleonics v1.42.vmod Module 9.68 MB 2010-12-19 3.1.15 Joel Toppen
CCNv1.41_Notes.txt User Notes 1 KB 2010-12-019 Joel Toppen
Epic v1.21 (Unofficial)
CCNapoEpic1.2.vmod‎ Module 10.28 MB 2015-01-09 3.2.2 Bayernkini
Fansscenariosepic.vmdx Extension 2.87 MB 2015-01-09 3.2.2 Bayernkini