Module:South China Sea

From Vassal
Publisher Compass Games Era Modern
Year 2017 Topic Naval
Players 2 to 5 Scale Operational
Length Varies


Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility
SCS Module 1_3.vmod Module 24.69 MB 2022-06-24 3.6.0
SCS Module 1_2.vmod Module 24.68 MB 2021-10-01 3.5.8
SCS Module 1_1.vmod Module 24.24 MB 2021-07-11 3.5.6
SCS Module 1.0.vmod Module 24.23 MB 2017-12-06 3.2.15

Module Information

Maintainer Thelockers
Contributors Pilgrim


Version 1_3 corrects an issue introduced during one of the updates where US ground forces were all showing up as "Airborne 1".

Version 1_2 removes the ownership restrictions on counters to allow any player to move/flip the marker to facilitate combat. Added an updated focus marker graphic, cleaned up main map image, and TF markers including adding them to all scenarios. Graphics courtesy of cjensen from BGG.

Version 1_1 adds two player via the US Aligned and China Aligned players; use these two sides for 2 player games.

Screen Shots


  • Some Guy
  • Kellmat74