VASSAL Reference Manual

Home > Module > Map > Board > Grid > Grid Numbering

Grid Numbering

Specifies how identifying names/numbers are assigned to cells in a Hex Grid or Rectangular Grid on a Board, and whether the names are to be drawn on top of the board image.

Order: Label cells by row/column vs. column/row.

Separator: Text to place between the row and column, such as a comma.

Numbering: Alphabetical (A,B,C, …​ AA, BB, CC, etc.) vs. Numeric (1,2,3 …​).

Descending: If checked, numbering of rows/columns begins on the bottom/right edge of the board.

Leading Zeros: One leading zero means always use two digits for the row/column. Two leading zeros mean always use three digits, etc.

Starting Number: The number of the first cell ('A' == 0 if using alphabetic numbering).

Location format: The Message Format used to populate a piece’s LocationName Property and for reporting locations within a map window (e.g. for move reporting): gridLocation is the name as drawn on the sample grid. This is useful for prepending a board name, for example.

Draw Numbering: If checked, the numbering of the grid will be drawn on top of the board image.

Font size: Size of the font to use when drawing the numbering.

Color: Color to use when drawing the numbering.

Rotate Text: Orientation of the numbering text.

Text X offset: Distance in pixels to the right (relative to the text’s orientation) of its default position that the text will be drawn. By default, text is center-justified at the top of the cell.

Text Y offset: Distance in pixels downward (relative to the text’s orientation) of its default position that the text will be drawn. By default, text is center-justified at the top of the cell.

Odd-numbered rows numbered higher: For hex grids only. If checked, then the first number of staggered columns on the grid will be one greater than non-staggered columns.

GridNumbering2 GridNumbering