VASSAL Version History

3.5.0-beta1 - ???

  • 13509: Save As in Editor, if it fails, complains about old filename instead of new filename

  • 13504: Simpler way to display PDF files from Help menu

  • 13495: Wizard should set the initial value for next save/load dialog

  • 13494: Expose version numbers and module strings to module as properties

  • 13432: MouseOverStackViewer can show > 1 piece of a deck

  • 13417: Editor’s search function can now search piece traits and component attributes

  • 13415: MouseoverStackViewer has HTML support and additional formatting options

  • 13414: "Help" button (and help information) added to Preferences dialog

  • 13368: Added preference to control drag-at-edge-of-map width

  • 13363: buildFile renamed to buildFile.xml

  • 13355: Threshold for centering on opponent’s move is now configurable

  • 13354: Add a chatter message when starting to write a logfile

  • 13353: Use native file chooser on Linux

  • 13352: Title Bar of module should always show most recent Save/Load/Log

  • 13336: Incorrect date format in SecretNotesController

  • 13333: Better handling of logfile/savefile comments

  • 13326: Saving a module will default to .vmod, an extension to .vext

  • 13323: Player switching sides now reported in Chat Log

  • 13297: Ability to Deselect a piece with a Key Command (also remove it from its stack)

  • 13296: Flare feature for map

  • 13219: Added KeyNamer for overriding key names

  • 13098: Move Compatibility related preferences on the General tab to a new Compatibility tab

  • 12946: Prevent top level required components from being deleted in Editor

  • 1804: Added Preference for turning off sounds

3.4.6 - 12 October 2020

  • 13508: NPE in GamePieceOpImpl.getTileIndices()

  • 13505: Dragging a card/piece off the top of a deck should not also band-select

  • 13503: At-Start Stacks and Decks in <Any> board appear in wrong place if map padding specified

  • 13467: Edited modules containing HTML img elements can’t be saved on Windows

  • 13456: At-Start Stack using Grid Location uses Location on first board, not chosen board (additional fix for 12576)

3.4.5 - 6 October 2020

  • 13490: Module Manager "Show Error Log" doesn’t

3.4.4 - 6 October 2020

  • 13486: Backspacing in NamedHotKeyConfigurer will no longer shift focus

  • 13471: Using BeanShell string functions in Calculated Property crashes Editor

  • 13461: Always initialise Deck on New/Load game

  • 13458: Reinstate behavior of floating point expression evaluation

  • 13454: ClassCastException in SetPersistentPropertyCommand.execute()

  • 13426: NegativeArraySizeException when receiving first private message

3.4.3 - 24 September 2020

  • 13452: Bundle Java 15 with Windows and Mac packages

  • 13442: Add button for toggling password visibility

  • 13441: Multiple scaling or rotation of SVG images failed to compound

  • 13438: NPE in BoardPicker.getSelectedBoardNames() when changing owning Board of an At-Start Stack

  • 13436: Allow Module Managers from different versions to run simultaneously

  • 13435: "Bad Module Data" messages with less-than symbols misinterpreted as HTML when HTML turned on in module

  • 13434: Clarify deprecation messages

  • 13433: OBSCURED_BY_OTHERS property now returns null instead of a value in face down decks when tested using GKCs

  • 13430: Pieces move too fast while "Repositioning stack" in HDPI monitors

  • 13427: Cannot add or edit items when editing an Extension on Linux or Macs

  • 13404: Use better color picker on Linux

  • 13342: Player creates saveGame twice in a row when starting a log file

  • 13307: Background transparency in Text Labels not working

  • 2569: Improved error message for NoSuchElementException in Decorator.mergeState()

3.4.2 - 17 September 2020

  • 13425: Legacy property match expressions no longer evaluated == or != correctly

  • 13416: Chatter fails to update

  • 13409: Two units in same hex do not stack when hex overlaps two boards

  • 13405: Piece window appears beside main map and chat pane instead of just the chat pane

  • 13398: Fix piece drag so that pieces can be moved a few pixels

  • 13381: Prevent BeanShell from interpreting 1D, 1F, 1L as numbers

  • 13365: Chatter component does not filter out Alt+Key commands

  • 13300: Remove "Preference" option for HTML for Chatter

  • 13279: Pivot was auto-reporting moves when auto-reporting is turned off

3.4.1 - 8 September 2020

  • 13389: Chatter flickers when updated

  • 13376: NoSuchMethodError due to change of setOldProperties() signature

  • 13374: NPE in ExtensionTree.isEditable()

  • 13373: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in Embellishment.getProperty()

3.4.0 - 4 September 2020

  • 13371: Render text labels directly at the required size rather than rendering at 100% and scaling

  • 13358: Prevent units in Zones setting OldLocationName incorrectly

  • 13356: Game refresher should not copy marker state

  • 13351: SequenceEncoder.Decoder.copy() should use start offset from parent

  • 13332: Improved save game write time

  • 13329: Don’t create new GPIDs for temporary pieceslots

  • 13217: Editor: Additional fix for cut-and-paste

  • 13134: Some characters in Text Labels render poorly at 8pt on Windows in 3.3+

  • 2377: NPE in Decorator.getOutermost() caused by PlaceMarker

  • 2714: NPE in StackMetrics.merge()

3.4.0-beta1 - 26 August 2020

  • 13325: Specify encoding for String conversion to and from bytes

  • 13319: Multiline HTML labels breaks toolbar button alignment

  • 13313: Specify VM options for Player via a file

  • 13302: BasicCommandEncoder.DecoratorFactory and BasicPieceFactory should have remained public

  • 13301: Don’t rewrite save state when we already have it

  • 13300: HTML-Enable pref for Chatter doesn’t show for pre-3.3.3 modules without GlobalOptions

  • 13291: Fix Beanshell issues with $$ variable processing

  • 13290: Optimized serialization, unserialization

  • 13289: Don’t print "Saving game" twice when using Save As

  • 13282: Stop logging debug messages by default

  • 13281: Added inadvertently removed throws declaration for Embellishment0.getCurrentImage()

  • 13280: NPE in KeyStrokeListener.keyPressed()

  • 13275: Ctrl+Mousewheel to zoom

  • 13236: StackOverflowError: Expressions and Formatted Strings can infinite-loop

  • 13217: Editor: Prevent pasting a cut ancestor as its own child

  • 13200: NPE in Map.setup() when attempting to dock main map

  • 13197: Reverted Mac hotkey change from 3.3.3-beta1

  • 13076: NPE in FlowView$FlowStrategy.layoutRow()

  • 12798: ClassCastException: NullCommand cannot be cast to AddPiece

  • 12648: Setup stack doesn’t recover from a piece build failure

  • 11827: NPE in SendToLocation.getSendLocation()

  • 11355: NPE in MassPieceLoader$MyTreeTable.getCellRenderer()

  • 3215: Global Options icons do not update themselves properly

3.3.3-beta1 - 13 August 2020

  • 13276: Center on Moves is now a user preference instead of a module setting

  • 13251: Add Module name to Bug summary, extra info to comments

  • 13250: Add implementation of Missing !~ Beanshell operator

  • 13243: Add functionality to methods to be deprecated and removed gracefully

  • 13239: Right-click doesn’t pick up whole stack anymore

  • 13234: Rotation gets stuck due to floating point error

  • 13229: Performance: Save property map rather than clone pieces as snapshot

  • 13221: Data race in ConcurrentSoftHashMap.SoftValue.equals() and hashCode()

  • 13218: Allow a piece get its context menu click location

  • 13216: Adding regions to Irregular Grid via GUI editor was broken

  • 13205: NPE when trying to display file write failure dialog

  • 13199: MapShader using image throws InternalError on Linux

  • 13197: Hotkeys using Control should use Command on Macs

  • 13196: Ctrl+Click toggles rather than only deselects

  • 13191: Add a "Search" command to the editor for searching the nodes/names/descriptions of a module

  • 13184: CounterDetailViewer can now display overlapping counters

  • 13178: Game Refresher does not handle Place Markers or Prototypes correctly

  • 13174: Pieces in Piece Palettes (PieceSlots) can be given a scale factor

  • 13172: Undo button can now be assigned a hotkey by module designer

  • 13171: SetGlobalProperty makes menuCommands the wrong type of array

  • 13164: Upgrade Apache Commons libraries: commons-io 2.7, commons-codec 1.14, commons-lang3 3.10

  • 13155: Correct Dutch translations

  • 13153: Consistently ask to start logging when loading a game

  • 13149: "Band Select" Improvements: immobile pieces don’t "eat" band selects, and band-select gets Does-Not-Stack filter

  • 13146: Custom classes that are children fail to be culled in PropertiesWindow.initialized (resulting in duplicate buildFile entries)

  • 13137: Drag Threshold was effectively 1 pixel except at 100% zoom, making double-click difficult; also added preference for drag threshold adjustment

  • 13129: New HTML Chatter with colors, fonts/bold/italic, image tags

  • 13124: Removed unused deprecated code

  • 13123: "Mark When Moved" trait puts blank line in menu, even if Command field left completely empty

  • 13117: Help & HTML Charts scroll unnecessarily slowly with mouse wheel

  • 13100: Replace Beanshell If function in Expression Builder with inline If ?:

  • 13060: Area Of Effect generates NPE if activated when piece is not on a Map

  • 13036: Entire contents of a deck can be inadvertently group-selected and moved

  • 13018: Fix incorrect ExpressionConfigurer in SetGlobalProperty config

  • 12999: Add Beanshell functions to generate Random results

  • 12972: Return to Location backMap and backPoint are not sent to clients or undone

  • 12980: Set Global Property: Beanshell incorrectly tries to "simplify" expression and generates incorrect result

  • 12970: Setting values of Old…​ variables are not encoded in a Command

  • 12952: Evalute $..$ strings in Property Match expressions on source pce

  • 12951: Undo of Send to Deck command does not return cards to hand in same state

  • 12948: Trigger action firing multiple Moved Fixed Distance, piece ends up in incorrect position

  • 12935: NPE in MoveReporter.shouldMarkMoved assuming nonnull map

  • 12888: NPE in BooleanConfigurer.setValue

  • 12576: At-Start stack attaches to first board listed in module, even if that board wasn’t selected by player and is inactive

  • 12554: Undo bug: Do not add the whole Stack to the DragBuffer

  • 12519: GlobalKeyCommand with Matching Properties does not apply 'Fixed number of pieces' to a Deck correctly

  • 12551: Movement Trails: locallyVisible repeatedly "initialized" resulting in buggy trail behavior

  • 10414: SVG with non-px dimensions throws ImageIOException

  • 10314: NPE in GameRefresher if dialog is closed quickly while test is running

  • 3199: Add separators to menus

  • 3042: Improved Retire/Resign/Switch Sides button flow

  • 2705: NPE in FreeRotator.mouseDragged if piece was moved off-map

  • 1875: Movement Trail Enhancements: add commands to clear, turn on, turn off movement trails

3.3.2 - 16 July 2020

  • 13182: Piece images in Inventory windows are drawn offset on HiDPI screens

  • 13181: Piece images in Inventory windows have truncated height on Macs

  • 13176: Bundled Java fails to start on Mac OS X < 10.13

  • 13175: Add bundle for 32-bit Windows

  • 13152: Version number and year set incorrectly in Mac DMG’s Info.plist

  • 13143: HTTPS URLs fail to load (handshake_failure) due to missing module

  • 13140: Versions with a build number are incorrectly sorted before versions without a build number

  • 13136: Update notifier still has old SourceForge URL for downloads

  • 13126: Right mouse button and Control-Click broken on Macs

  • 12861: Improved behavior of Zone editor

3.3.1 - 22 June 2020

  • 13111: IncompatibleClassChangeError due to change of ComponentSplitter methods to static

  • 13083: BrowserSupport cannot open URLs on Linux without gtk3

3.3.0 - 16 June 2020

  • 13103: Windows installer checks for 64-bit Windows, as bundled Java is 64-bit

3.3.0-beta4 - 8 June 2020

  • 12973: Unnecessary NullCommands being generated by Trigger Action

  • 12861: Improved behavior of Zone editor

  • 12825: Send keep-alive to prevent disconnection

  • 12817: Right-clicking on unexpanded stacks no longer selects top piece

  • 12816: Splitter between chat and map panes starts with map obscured

  • 12805: Upgraded Batik from 1.12 to 1.13

3.3.0-beta3 - 12 May 2020

  • 12732: Use all available rendering hints for text

  • 12731: javax.sound.samples.Clip fails to convert WAV files it can play

  • 12724: Bundle Java 14 with Windows and Mac packages

  • 12613: Advance maximum custom class version to Java 11

  • 12544: MacOS launcher not finding correct Java install

3.3.0-beta2 - 29 April 2020

  • 12579: Don’t bundle Java on Linux

3.3.0-beta1 - 27 April 2020

  • 12559: HiDPI support

  • 12558: Bundle Java with VASSAL

  • 12557: Compatibility with Java 9+

  • 12556: Mass Piece Definer does not sort image names

3.2.17 - 31 December 2016

  • 12534: Regular Expression matching not supported in Calulated Property

  • 12533: Game Refresher fails if Extensions are loaded

  • 12527: "Save Game" behaves as "Save As"

  • 12526: Switching desktop on Mac OS X 10.11.3 sometimes clones the currently selected unit

  • 12518: Rotated Layer following property does not update if property changes

  • 11649: Persistent LOS thread not working with zoom different from 100%

  • 11404: Some uses of the PRNG introduce a minuscule amount of modulo bias

  • 9670: IllegalStateException: Icon Family VASSAL not found in ServerAddressBook.getCurrentIcon

3.2.16 - 1 April 2016

  • 12524: Images retile unnecessarily due to bad timestamp

  • 12522: Deck shuffling logged incorrectly

3.2.15 - 25 December 2014

  • 11864: Relative $INSTALL_DIR in breaks paths for documentation

  • 11769: NPE in Deck.getState()

3.2.14 - 16 December 2014

  • 11667: Changing directory to $INSTALL_DIR before launching java breaks relative paths for

  • 11631: Text in SVG is not rendered by Java 6 on Mac OS X Yosemite

  • 11404: Some uses of the PRNG introduce a minuscule amount of modulo bias

  • 11281: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in PieceDefiner$11.actionPerformed()

  • 11275: Warn user when module contains incompatible class files

  • 2505: NPE in javax.swing.JEditorPane.registerEditorKitForContentType()

3.2.13 - 27 July 2014

  • 11193: Side selection fix for Bug 11085 misassigned observer

  • 11148: Windows installer fails to uninstall old versions since 3.2.9

  • 11112: DrawPile "Include command to send entire deck" does not persist if no "Send Menu text" is set

  • 10946: Z-order of pieces is not preserved in saves

  • 10100: IllegalArgumentException: Piece is not on this map at

  • 4752: ConcurrentModificationException in sun.awt.color.ProfileDeferralMgr.activateProfiles()

  • 4505: BitstreamException in Mp3AudioClip$

  • 3253: ConcurrentModificationException in GameState.getRestorePiecesCommand()

  • 2686: IllegalArgumentException in GeneralFilter.zoom()

3.2.12 - 21 June 2014

  • 11085: Side selection dialog displayed twice when observer chosen

  • 11084: Additional Selection Highlighters do not work

  • 11083: SumStack() function fails if unit in stack does not define Property

  • 11060: Symbol.NatoUnitSymbolSet.createImage() creates images with zero height

  • 10957: Movement trails trait has incorrect bounding box

  • 10925: IllegalArgumentException due to intransitive Comparator in KeyBuffer.sort()

  • 10897: Windows uninstaller unconditionally removes file associations

  • 10886: Java fails to exit after temporary directory cleanup on Windows

  • 10867: Mac launcher script does not find some Apple JDKs

  • 10686: Using String.isEmpty() is Java 5 incompatible

  • 10295: No Drag Cursors when dragging units on Windows 7 using Java 7

  • 10260: Added missing documentation for Mass Piece Loader

  • 9889: Added missing documentation for Module Level Action Button

  • 9888: Added missing documentation for ExpressionBuilder

  • 9483: StackOverflowError while processing InfiniteLoop

  • 2518: NPE in ExtensionsManager.getExtensionsDirectory()

  • 602: Horizontal wheel scrolling modifier should be Shift, not Ctrl

3.2.11 - 14 February 2014

  • 10852: New launcher script does not find Java 5 on old Macs

  • 10848: Failure to launch on newer versions of Windows due to old Launch4j

  • 10809: First-time dialog is too tall on very short screens

  • 10807: NPE in ColorManager.getColorSwatch()

  • 10798: ZipException in BrowserHelpFile.ConfigSupport.packFile()

  • 10797: Display installation instructions in DMG root window for Mac OS X

  • 10796: Create compressed DMG for Mac OS X

  • 10793: Text in SVG is not rendered on Macs with Retina displays

3.2.10 - 16 January 2014

  • 10723: IllegalStateException in ImageIOImageLoader.<clinit>

3.2.9 - 1 January 2014

  • 10641: Module Manager clobbers global preferences set in Editor, Player

  • 10628: Game state not set to unmodified after a save

  • 10594: Max heap estimate sometimes too low for image tiler on Mac OS X

  • 10590: Cards painted in wrong location when Deck is sent after using "Draw specific cards" but without drawing cards

  • 10518: Text is not antialiased in chat pane on Linux

  • 10493: HTMLCharts do not follow anchors

  • 10468: doesn’t work if path includes spaces

  • 10369: Windows installer doesn’t find older installs on 64-bit systems

  • 10158: UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can’t find dependent libraries via MemoryUtils.getPhysicalMemory

  • 9897: Mac bundle fails to find non-Apple JVMs

  • 9833: UnsatisfiedLinkError because JNA DLL cannot be read

3.2.8 - 28 July 2013

  • 10342: IOException in ZipArchive.writeToDisk() while writing Preferences file

  • 10317: 3-component JPEGs without JFIF markers where color components are differently subsampled are incorrectly color-corrected by fix for Bug 9882

  • 10298: Exception: TurnTracker.level_error in TurnComponent.getTurnLevel()

  • 10279: Report State failed to perform inner commands before its own command

  • 10266: ConcurrentModificationException at

  • 3294: IOException writing preferences at startup on Mac OS

  • 2727: NPE in ReadOnlyPrefs ctor

  • 2587: Manager and Player preferences get out of step

  • Reverted bad fix for 2714: NPE in StackMetrics.merge()

3.2.7 - 23 June 2013

  • 10261: Off-EDT UIManager.setLookAndFeel() causes lag on Apple Java

  • 10256: StackOverflowError when Preferences can’t be read

  • 10249: Deck loses position over loading multiple player logs

  • 10229: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in RandomTextButton.DR

  • 10217: Lose New Room selection field when changing from P2P to VASSAL server

  • 10211: $oldLocation$ for Report Format is not set on Send To Location on same map

  • 10179: Module manager is overwriting P2P server preferences

  • 10135: ClassCastException: GlobalProperties cannot be cast to Zone

  • 10070: ClassCastException in DirectPeerPool.WTextArea()

  • 9833: UnsatisfiedLinkError because JNA DLL cannot be read

  • 9650: NPE in NodePlayer.toProperties()

  • 3934: Windows installer launches VASSAL with admin privileges

  • 3548: NumberFormatException in RandomTextButton.DR

  • 2713: ClassCastException in P2PClient.playerToString()

  • 2630: Editor crashes on close attempt when PieceDefiner is open

  • 2545: NPE in TurnTracker$SetDialog.addChildControls()

3.2.6 - 23 May 2013

  • 10184: Test Mode Counter Refresh created duplicate counters

  • 10174: NPE in DirectPeerPool.Entry.edit()

  • 10170: Incorrect LAN address reported under Linux

  • 10169: Non-latin characters are lost on P2P connections between different OS’s

  • 10167: Improve efficiency of SELECTED handling

  • 10165: Rotation is not applied to Text Boxes in Game Piece Layouts

  • 10155: NPE in FormattedStringExpression.evaluate()

  • 10128: Slow Follow Property handling in Embellishment

  • 10125: Expression Builder should return a Property Name, not expression in the Set Global Property trait

  • 10072: NPE in SynchCommand.executeCommand()

  • 2714: NPE in StackMetrics.merge()

3.2.5 - 10 May 2013

  • 10129: Pre-3.0 modules broken under 3.2

  • 10128: Slow Follow Property handling in Embellishment

  • 10125: Expression Builder should return a Property Name, not expression in the Set Global Property trait

  • 10124: Comparisons with GetProperty() calls do not work correctly

  • 10107: NPE in ServerAddressBook.PeerClientEntry.toString()

  • 10101: NPE in MassPieceLoader.MyTreeTableModel.setValueAt()

  • 10099: Counter Detail Viewer displays top card in face down deck as face up

  • 10097: 'Away from Keyboard' and 'Looking for Game' icons are wrong size

  • 10083: Refesh Counters cannot refresh counters from a 3.1 Module/save game

  • 10075: JPEGs with APP14 tags are incorrectly color-corrected by fix for Bug 10053

  • 10052: NPE when Tutorial filename is null

  • 10016: P2P Client/Server modes do not work in 3.2.2

  • 9696: NPE in ZipArchive.writeToDisk()

  • 9694: NPE in ZipArchive.remove()

  • 9654: NPE in ZipArchive$ZipArchiveInputStream.close()

3.2.4 - 8 April 2013

  • 10054: Add option to clear tile cache to Module Manager

  • 10053: JPEGs with APP14 tags are incorrectly color-corrected by fix for Bug 9882

  • 10016: P2P Client/Server modes do not work in 3.2.2

  • 10012: NPE in EnumeratedPropertyPrompt.getNewValue()

  • 9969: IllegalArgumentException in MapShader.PatternOp ctor

  • 9823: No entry allowed for Peek command

  • 9700: Unit activation improperly recorded

3.2.3 - 30 March 2013

Bugs fixed:

  • 10038: NPE while editing a global property button

  • 10000: IllegalArgumentException in Embellishment.setValue()

  • 9997: NPE in RegionGrid.addRegion()

  • 9990: Cannot customise Reverse Order text on a Deck

  • 9967: Reversed stacking order when dropping a stack onto an expanded stack

  • 9918: NPE in BeanShellExpressionConfigurer.addProp()

  • 9910: ESC key interpreted as "No" instead of "Cancel" at save prompts

  • 9905: User Guide item missing from Help menu

  • 9882: ImageIO munges colors of 3-component JPEGs without JFIF markers

  • 9864: Toolbar menu w/ Inventory Items autoexpands permanently when switching players

  • 9825: Macs with Retina displays unable to paint map tiles at non-power- of-two zoom levels

  • 9823: No entry allowed for Peek command

  • 9717: ClassCastException: javax.swing.KeyStroke cannot be cast to in ADC2 converter

  • 9700: Unit activation improperly recorded

  • 9681: NPE in Zone.getMutablePropertiesContainerId()

  • 9648: ConcurrentModificationException in Map.drawBoardsInRegion()

  • 9589: NPE in Embellishment.myGetKeyCommands()

  • 9555: NoSuchFieldError in ExpressionInterpreter.evaluate()

  • 4803: NoSuchElementException in Footprint.draw()

  • 2531: Change Global Property button missing configurable tooltip

3.2.2 - 12 December 2012

Bugs fixed:

  • 9637: Faulty base64 encoding when synchronizing with game server

  • 9636: Mask trait opens too large if images are large

3.2.1 - 11 December 2012

Bugs fixed:

  • 9600: UnsupportedClassVersionError for net.iharder.Base64 on Java 5

  • 9596: Sub-commands list in SubMenu properties dialog doesn’t resize

  • 9595: DataArchive should not collect image filenames case-insensitively

  • 9593: NPE in GameRefresher.processGamePiece()

  • 9589: NPE in Embellishment.myGetKeyCommands()

  • 9555: NoSuchFieldError in ExpressionInterpreter.evaluate()

  • 9511: NPE in BooleanConfigurer.setValue()

  • 4159: NPE in javax.swing.BoxLayout.preferredLayoutSize()

3.2.0 - 3 December 2012

  • Levels within a Layer can be moved up or down the level list using buttons. [RFE 1919]

  • Mass Piece Loader activated by 'Add Multiple Pieces' and 'Add Multiple Cards' options in right-click menu in Editor. Specify a folder of images, specify a counter template and Vassal will automatically load the images and generate units. [RFE 1927]

  • Description field added to Toolbar Menu and Multi-Action button components. [RFE 1885]

  • Specify Keystrokes by name - Key Commands can be entered as single Key Strokes as in earlier versions of Vassal, or can be given a 2 or more character names. Named Key Strokes are essentially 'invisible' to users. Vassal guarantees that a unique real keyStroke will be allocated to each uniquely named Keystroke. [RFE 1928]

  • Decks can specify by Property Expression which pieces are allowed to be dropped onto them. Pieces which may not be added are returned to where the drag started. [RFE 1935]

  • Decks can now specify a Hotkey for the Reverse and FaceUp/Down command and can customize the Reverse and Re-shuffle menu command names.

  • Counters now support the DeckPosition property. If a piece is not in a Deck, 0 is returned. If a piece is in a Deck, then the position of the piece relative to the top of the Deck is returned. The top piece returns 1, the next piece down returns 2 etc. [RFE 1937]

  • Support for MP3 sound files. [RFE 1934]

  • Fix Display/Color handling for Grids and Numberings. Allow Numbering to be visible when grid not visible in Zones. [RFE 1917]

  • Implementation of BeanShell allowing arbitrarily complex Java expressions to be used in Property Match Expressions, In-line Java expressions and new Calculated Property trait. [RFE 1801]

  • Display the Log File Comments in the Chat Window when a log file is opened or continued. [RFE 1939]

  • Global Key Commands created on a Map now have an option to affect counters on all Maps, not just the Map they are created on.

  • Traits that move a counter (Send To Location, Return to Deck, Moved Fixed Distance, Pivot) now update the same location Oldxxxxxx properties that Drag and Drop movement does. [RFE 1792]

  • Added repeat (loop) option to Trigger Action and Multi-action button.

  • Ensure all commands generated by a single user action are undone by a single click of the undo action. [RFE 2816016]

  • Option to allow non-owning players to move Restricted Access pieces.

  • Add 'Snap to Grid?' option to HexGrid and SquareGrid, defaulting to Yes. Allows Grid Snapping to be turned off for the whole grid.

  • Streamlined room creation: automatic synchronization on room entry

  • New scenario updater [RFE 1899]

  • Allow Dynamic Property Select Value list to be dynamic [RFE 1926]

  • All scaling is now high-quality. Low-quality scaling (in hardware) caused too many graphics glitches on Windows.

  • The Invisible trait now supports adjustable transparency.

  • Map images are tiled the first time modules are loaded, to create an image cache. This should dramatically reduce the amount of memory needed to run modules.

  • Improved display of properties in the Editor [RFE 4323]:

    • Display all available properties from all components structured in the same way as the components of the module are built instead of all the global properties being dumped in one menu.

    • Available Global properties now appear without having to start a game. Previously, globals like Deck and Zone properties where not available unless you had started a game.

    • Property and component names are sorted, except for the Piece Property menu where the traits are displayed in the same order they exist in the counter.

    • If a menu has too many options to fit on the screen, it is now scrollable, instead of stretching off the screen and leaving some properties inaccessible.

  • Improvements to Layer trait [RFE 4717]:

    • Follow Property name may be a BeanShell expression.

    • Improved layout for Layer dialog in Editor.

  • Notify user when image loading fails [RFE 1887]

Bugs fixed:

  • 9569: Board.boardImageOp has bad path, preventing use of cached tiles

  • 9545: NPE in TurnLevel.getPropertyNames()

  • 9466: IOException when removing nonexistent tile directory

  • 9407: Batik 1.8pre should be compiled for Java 5

  • 4717: Change Layer Follow Property name to be an Expression

3.2.0-beta4 - 10 October 2012

Bugs fixed:

  • 4822: Some trait windows are opening too large

3.2.0-beta3 - 28 September 2012

Bugs fixed:

  • 4789: ZipFileImageTiler is invoked with too little max heap on Mac OS X

  • 4788: Resizing "Properties" windows doesn’t extend text fields

  • 4783: NPE in ServerAddressBook$AddressBookEntry.edit()

  • 4696: Embellishment follows property to display first level when property is null instead of erroring

  • 4477: Image tiler invoked with argument list longer than Windows supports

  • Tiles for removed modules are now removed from tile cache.

  • 4818: Hide empty TurnTracker launch buttons

  • 4807: Vengine.jar should be readable by group and other

  • 4784: Unable to edit regions within an irregular grid via mouse and arrow keys once created

  • 4764: Losing Player Sides when opening module with different language set

  • 4763: Symbolic Dice button window results do not open correctly

  • 4690: Hide Pieces Toolbar button causes Toolbar button icons to move

  • 4547: Ensure that image data is integer type before casting to DataBufferInt

  • 4402: StackOverflowError from recursively generating counter name with Label

  • 4302: Global Hotkey cannot preserve execution order across server

  • 3864: IllegalStateException in ReturnToDeck.promptForDrawPile() when no decks exist

3.2.0-beta2 - 15 September 2012

Bugs fixed:

  • 4763: Symbolic Dice button window results do not open correctly

  • 4690: Hide Pieces Toolbar button causes Toolbar button icons to move

  • 4547: Ensure that image data is integer type before casting to DataBufferInt

  • 4402: StackOverflowError from recursively generating counter name with Label

  • 3040: ClassCastException in

  • 2694: Warn (Windows) users to reboot after Java upgrade

  • 2671: BMPs are incompatible with memory-mapped images

  • 2556: ImageOp does not support paths

  • Check for resource paths missing initial slash. This fixes the problem with resources like moved.gif not being found.

  • Include "images/" in tile names when running TilingHandler. This helps us handle directories nested under images, and archives which have no images directory at all (such as VASL map archives).

  • Property filter built incorrectly in MassKeyCommand.

This release also contains all bug fixes from 3.1.20.

3.2.0-beta1 - 1 June 2012

Bugs fixed:

  • 3040: ClassCastException in

  • 2694: Warn (Windows) users to reboot after Java upgrade

  • 2671: BMPs are incompatible with memory-mapped images

  • 2556: ImageOp does not support paths

3.1.20 - 2 September 2012

  • Windows installer now suggests JRE 1.6.0_35 for Java upgrades, and installs 64-bit JREs on 64-bit systems.

Bugs fixed:

  • 4745: Snapshot tool fails to force unloaded map tiles to load

  • 4705: Decks behave strangely after loading saved game

  • 4696: Embellishment follows property to display first level when property is null instead of erroring

  • 4639: Movement trail trait erroneously draws dots on unmoved pieces

  • 4599: Cannot return to having no image in BasicPiece trait

  • 4473: TabWidget updates its name using stale values

  • 4459: Property filter built incorrectly in MassKeyCommand

  • 4297: Send Back Command disabled after undo

  • 4244: Dynamic Property Set/Increment expressions cannot access Properties defined above them

  • 4278: Map-level global properties of the same name messed up online

  • 3988: Windows installer does not recognize 64-bit JVMs

  • 3278: Corrupt module should not cause unchecked exception

  • 2807: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CropOpBitmapImpl.eval()

  • 2719: RotateScaleOpBitmapImpl created with scale == 0

  • 2696: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in Map.popMouseListener()

  • 2573: Negative scale factor passed to RotateScaleOpBitmapImpl

  • 2554: NumberFormatException in SVGImageUtils.getImageSize()

  • 1921: Better adjustment for splitter between log and map panes

3.1.19 - 9 May 2012

  • Windows installer now suggests JRE 1.6.0_32 for Java upgrades.

Bugs fixed:

  • 4363: When retiring, cancelling side selection leaves side == null

  • 4259: When retiring, 'Become observer' fails to update other players' rosters

  • 4258: Large image masks in Non-Rectangular trait lock up the GUI

  • 4204: Java 7 has incorrect offset for drag images

  • 4184: Should use DocumentListener to catch updates on Swing text fields

  • 4132: Bad layout for Map window obscures Global Key Command buttons

  • 3976: Double characters appearing for NamedKeyStroke

  • 3075: NegativeArraySizeException when snapshotting large maps

  • 1924: Put settings directory in system-appropriate location

  • Bad tile-counting when snapshotting maps

3.1.18 - 19 December 2011

  • Windows installer now suggests JRE 1.6.0_30 for Java upgrades.

Bugs fixed:

  • 4126: PieceMover.dragDropEnd() does not remove DragSourceMotionListener

  • 4106: Send to Location to a counter using a Property Expression not working

  • 3457: Corrupt JPEG causes ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

  • 2815: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in Stack.insertPieceAt()

  • 2798: ConcurrentModificationException in

  • 2715: NPE in Map.setup()

3.1.17 - 21 October 2011

  • Windows installer now suggests JRE 1.6.0_27 for Java upgrades.

Bugs fixed:

  • 4054: Inserting a GamePiece Layer generates an OutOfBounds error

  • 4051: Allow Cut and Paste between Decks and GamePiece Palette

  • 3987: Updated server fallback IP address to

  • 3986: Counters disappear during Undo

  • 3915: IOException in BrowserSupport when opening PDFs

  • 3910: IOException in BrowserSupport when opening web pages

  • 3280: IllegalArgumentException in StackMetrics.relativePosition()

  • 2798: ConcurrentModificationException in

3.1.16 - 17 August 2011

  • Windows installer now suggests JRE 1.6.0_26 for Java upgrades.

Bugs fixed:

  • 3500: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in TurnComponent.getTurnLevel()

  • 3486: ConfigureTree.isValidParent() should permit subclasses

  • 3479: DynamicProperty.setProperty() casts non-Strings to String

  • 3472: Initial value of DynamicProperty is not evaluated

  • 3463: Infinite recursion if $PieceName$ specified as Text Label

  • 3465: Empty DynamicProperty causes IllegalStateException on loading

  • 3277: NPE because MTRandom.setSeed() not called by Random() in Java 7

  • 3115: NPE in PlayerHand.mapSize()

  • 2907: Don’t dump stack traces for missing images

  • 2815: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in Stack.insertPieceAt()

  • 2633: BrowserLaunchingInitializingException in BrowserSupport()

3.1.15 - 6 December 2010

  • Windows installer now suggests JRE 1.6.0_22 for Java upgrades.

  • URLs for version checking and bug reporting switched to

  • Starting with this release, all Bug and RFE numbers refer to the ones in our Bugzilla tracker at

Bugs fixed:

  • 3208: Adjust Windows installer to detect Java 6u22 and later

  • 3179: JNA needs Kernel32 to be public

  • 3095: JPEGs with bad color profiles throw CMMException

  • 2979: CounterGlobalKeyCommand logs its changes separately

  • 2949: IndexOutOfBoundsException in SpecialDiceButton.ResultsIcon.setResults()

  • 2924: Mac OS X: Quartz renderer misrenders fonts

  • 2883: MemoryUtilsImpl is misnamed

  • 2813: NPE in Decorator.setId()

  • 2803: IndexOutOfBoundsException in SpecialDie.getTextValue()

  • 2602: ClassCastException in Decorator.setProperty()

  • 2549: Mac OS X: Failed to create temporary file for jnidispatch library

  • 2463: NPE in Map.getAttributeValueString()

  • 2451: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in Embellishment.getCommonName()

  • ADC2 line definition names are max 25 chars long

  • Incorrect color for empty messages in chat pane

  • Only one connection record is listed per timestamp in server history

The following bugs which affect VASSAL on Windows are fixed in Java 6 Update 21. If you are using an earlier version of Java, we strongly recommend upgrading to at least this version.

  • 2601: NPE in

  • 2572: IOException in Win32ShellFolder2.getFileSystemPath0()

  • 2552: NPE in

3.1.14 - 10 March 2010

  • RFE: Total player count now appears in the Server Status pane.

  • Bug 2944858: Misplaced AreaOfEffect center when board is magnified

  • Bug 2933236: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in StackMetrics.draw()

  • Bug 2912371: Custom step/undo/connect icons not showing in 3.1.13

  • Bug: user.home property is not passed from Module Manager to Player or Editor

  • Bug: Only select marker if original piece was selected. Prevents autoselecting of markers when placed via Global Key Command.

3.1.13 - 2 December 2009

  • Bug 2902254: NPE in {Player,Editor}.PromptLaunchAction.actionPerformed()

  • Bug 2900930: Trigger Actions not disabled when Property Expression fails

  • Bug 2899561: Module is marked 'dirty' as soon as it is opened.

  • Bug 2888918: IndexOutOfBoundsException in SpecialDie.getImageName()

  • Bug 2817148: NPE in BasicLogger.write() - Trying to log to closed logfile

  • Bug 2816987: IndexOutOfBoundsException in SpecialDie.getTextValue()

  • Bug: Removed spurious Vengine.jar from Launch4j classpath.

  • Bug: Confusing error message on attempt to run without unzipping on Windows

3.1.12 - 15 October 2009

  • Bug 2873163: Cannot save module after adding bad SVG image

  • Bug 2871323: NPE in ImageIOException

  • Bug 2844284: Global key cmd "Suppress individual reports" bug

  • Bug 2835838: bad transparency for Type 2 Truecolor PNGs

  • Bug: DataArchive.getImageNameSet() returns empty string for images dir

3.1.11 - 30 September 2009

  • The Mac OS X bundle has been updated to run with a 64-bit JVM if one is available.

  • Bug 2849638: StackOverflowError - Return to Deck and Map auto-move

  • Bug 2844284: GKC does not "Suppress individual reports" across maps

  • Bug 2839916: Player with no Name does not appear properly on Server (II)

  • Bug 2817002: UnsatisfiedLinkError in JNA on some versions of Mac OS X

3.1.10 - 26 August 2009

  • VASSAL has a new User’s Guide.

  • Bug 2839923: Users not showing an IP address

  • Bug 2839916: Player with no Name does not appear properly on Server

  • Bug 2838915: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in ReportState.myKeyEvent()

  • Bug 2835827: Use images with premultiplied alpha on Macs

  • Bug 2835735: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in PieceDefiner

  • Bug 2833840: IllegalArgumentException in FileChooser with Java 1.5

  • Bug 2832499: IllegalArgumentException in PropertySheet

  • Bug 2832472: Inventory: Pieces appear multiple times

  • Bug 2832471: Inventory: Label for folders cannot contain properties

  • Bug 2827225: NPE in NodeClient.doInvite()

  • Bug 2826715: NPE in GlobalProperty.encode()

  • Bug 2825175: Game Piece Inventory: "Draw Piece Images?" option is broken

  • Bug 2817139: NPE in RangeFilter ctor

  • Bug 2827113: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in Embellishment

  • Bug 2817070: PropertySheet saves empty hotkey as null

  • Bug 2756330: StackOverflowError in BasicPiece.mySetType()

  • Bug 2735630: IllegalArgumentException due to non-UTF8 ZipEntry names

  • Bug 2259361: NPE in FreeRotator - Counter moved or deleted during rotate

3.1.9 - 11 July 2009

  • Bug 2817613: Bad initial zoom level when loading old Zoomer attributes

  • Rolled back fix for Bug 2813765.

3.1.8 - 9 July 2009

  • Bug 2817069: IllegalComponentStateException in MenuDisplayer

  • Bug 2817064: Global Key Commands can send Null KeyStrokes

  • Bug 2817038: NPE in MetaDataFactory.buildMetaData()

  • Bug 2816275: NPE in Embellishment adding layer with no image

  • Bug 2813782: NPE in VASSAL.counters.AreaOfEffect.getArea

  • Bug 2813765: Can’t always Peek at a card, even though you can unmask it

3.1.7 - 26 June 2009

  • Bug 2811307: Extraneous error messages in Embellishment following property

  • Bug 2811211: Area of Effect does not display in all Zoned Grids

  • Bug 2806392: Observer side linked to password

  • Bug 2806183: Trigger action fails to execute another TA more than once

  • Bug 2805282: SendToLocation does not undo correctly

  • Bug 2804153: NPE in ModuleManager when refreshing Save Folder

3.1.6 - 30 May 2009

  • Bug 2798275: Layer following prop does not allow non-string custom props

  • Bug 2794703: StackOverflow using Embellishment level following property

  • Bug 2793103: Memory check fails on Linux due to architecture mismatch

  • Bug: Transparent images used for orthogonal rotations of opaque sources

  • Bug: Incorrect PropertySource used to evaluate properties

  • Bug: Use bounds for primary screen on multi-monitor X11 systems.

3.1.5 - 11 May 2009

  • Bug 2786932: MemoryUtils.getPhysicalMemory() fails on PPC Linux

  • Bug 2787242: Layer tracking Property - Report Action lags on PieceName

  • Bug 2787134: NPE during map scrolling due to off-EDT Swing calls

  • Bug 2785328: ImageIO fails to read size of JPEGs with bad color profiles

  • Bug 2784636: NPE in MapShader.buildTexture()

  • Bug 2766794: Expanded Stack of 2 pieces collapses when arrow keys used

  • Bug 2659577: ImageSaver paints Boards with no background black

  • Bug: Accidentally rejecting perfectly valid mask images in ADC2 symbol sets

  • Bug: CounterDetailViewer calls Swing methods off EDT

  • Bug: CounterDetailViewer should not appear during piece drags

  • Image scaling is now 35% faster.

  • Map-edge autoscrolling is now smoother and more responsive.

3.1.4 - 15 April 2009

  • Bug 2731738: Memory test fails on Windows 98, Windows ME

  • Bug 2721306: IllegalArgumentException in PanelWidget.getLayout()

  • Bug 2718948: v3.0+ DoesNotStack trait bug

    • Replace Crtl-Shift-Click Selection filter with Alt-Click selection filter

    • Allow Alt-lasso to select Alt-click selection filter units

    • Allow Ctrl-lasso to deselect Does Not Stack units.

    • Double-click on Does Not Stack units causes selection status to toggle

  • Bug 2696618: ImageSaver fails when map has nonpositive dimensions

  • Bug: Bind to loopback ports only to avoid collisions and firewall problems

  • Bug: Module Manager fails to start if port in prefs is already in use

  • Bug: Race condition when setting Module Manager port and key

  • Bug: GUI calls by Module Manager server executed off the EDT

  • Bug: Memory test inaccurate on Linux

  • Bug: Deadlock when Module Manager is closed before children

  • Bug: Java 1.5 ImageIO fails to load PNGs with iTXt chunks

3.1.3 - 1 April 2009

  • Bug 2721276: Illegal Heap sizes crashing startup

  • Bug 2706019: Too few parameters for socket failure dialog

  • Bug 2703991. Mask dimensions in ADC2 symset files are stupid

  • Bug 2698781: Cannot switch to English if PC Locale is non-English

  • Bug 2680395: Error in Maximum Heap calculation and check

  • Bug 2665174: NPE due to no default UI font

  • Bug 2580669: Module-specific exception classes cannot be logged

  • Bug 2372121: Race condition causes truncated errorLogs in bug reports

  • Bug: 8-bit PNGs with 1-bit alpha have bad transparency

  • Bug: HTML help folders with more than one file cannot be opened

  • Bug: close() on a pipe closed from the other end will throw IOException

3.1.2 - 18 March 2009

  • Bug 2690874: No Moved button if no text specified

3.1.1 - 17 March 2009

  • Bug 2689040: StringIndexOutOfBoundsException inviting peer2peer players

  • Bug 2688226: NPE Adding Preference

  • Bug 2687265: NPE in SendToLocation

  • Bug 2687178: Mark unmoved button appears even if icon set to null

  • Bug 2686890: Turn Counter does not respond to Hotkeys when undocked

  • Bug 2686888: Turn Counter always increments/decrements by 1

  • Bug 2685559: NPE in Embellishment.getMatchingActivationChar()

  • Bug 2684931: ClassCastException when loading module

  • Bug 2672959: Old Java fails to read PNGs with small palettes

  • Bug 2676355: Bug Dialog sometimes hangs over other modal dialogs

  • Bug 2673589: ImageIO throws IllegalArgumentException reading bad mages

  • Bug 2665747: NPE in MovementReporter reporting Drag & Drop move

  • Bug 2658210: OutOfMemoryError in Importer should not generate Bug Dialog

  • Bug 2653477: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in Embellishment.getLocalized

  • Bug 2630529: NPE in ModuleManager displaying newly added module info

  • Bug 2432256: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in Embellishment

  • The recommended minimum Java version for VASSAL is now 1.5.0_08.

3.1.0 - 28 February 2009

  • Launch from VASSAL.exe on Windows

  • Native Windows installer

  • Native MacOS X bundle

  • File associations for Windows and MacOS X

  • Upgraded SVG library from Batik 1.6 to Batik 1.7

  • New module library interface

  • Welcome Wizard can be turned off

  • 10x faster Server Status lookups

  • Generation and storage of GamePiece ID’s (gpid’s)

  • ADC2 module importer

  • TurnTracker improvements

  • Spanish translation

  • Adjustable map background color

  • New VASSAL application icon.

  • Less ugly Windows installer theme.

  • Die-roll sorting.

  • Invite, kick players from locked rooms

  • Suggest .vsav instead of .sav as the save extension.

  • Updated JRE download URL to fetch current JRE 1.6.0_6u12.

  • Improved error messages when loading an invalid module.

  • RFE 2373999: Module Manager to have access to Global preferences

  • RFE 2193791: Pieces in palette to show correct dynamic property values.

  • RFE 1633152: Simplify adjusting Maximum Memory requirements

  • RFE 1566177: Implement JAI tiled images to reduce memory usage

  • RFE 1565958: Zooming to larger than 100%

  • Bug 2536324: Memory mapped and Scaling prefs missing

  • Bug 2527705: NPE in SelectionHiglighter.addHighlighter()

  • Bug 2522301: NPE when loading broken PNGs

  • Bug 2521503: Bug Dialog Show Details does not repack dialog correctly

  • Bug 2514834: OutOfMemoryError should not be reported as a bug

  • Bug 2503662: NPE on connection with a newly created module

  • Bug 2502717: NPE in

  • Bug 2501338: IllegalStateException if cannot create extensions directory

  • Bug 2499980: User Profile display reverting to pre 3.1 version

  • Bug 2499446: NPE when extension directory does not exist

  • Bug 2499238: Return to Deck stacking issue

  • Bug 2498607: Edit extension from another module generates bug report

  • Bug 2497564: No GamePieceImage items when piece first created

  • Bug 2495248: NPE in Replace.replacePiece()

  • Bug 2493325: Don’t add Preferences to Module Manager File menu on MacOS X

  • Bug 2489325: SocketException in ModuleManager$

  • Bug 2486596: NPE in SequenceEncoder.appendEscapedString()

  • Bug 2476838: IllegalArgumentException in BundleHelper.getString()

  • Bug 2475197: Chat classes call Swing methods off the EDT

  • Bug 2446130: Better handling for ModuleManager socket errors

  • Bug 2442887: Exception if no Layer levels and type new level name

  • Bug 2432774: ClassCastException: PrototypeDefinition$Config$Definer$Plain cannot be cast to VASSAL.counters.Decorator

  • Bug 2431468: NumberFormatException in StackMetrics.setAttribute()

  • Bug 2418907: NPE When SendToLocation sends to Region that does not exist

  • Bug 2418813: NPE Sending PrivateMsg to person who is 'Ignoring' you

  • Bug 2415632: NPE in DeckGlobalKeyCommand.encode()

  • Bug 2393526: Cache requests not marked as failed when Errors occured

  • Bug 2393130: Zoom menu not initialized at time of Zoomer creation

  • Bug 2390630: Connecting to server blocks GUI when server is down

  • Bug 2381419: NPE in RegionGrid.Config.EditRegionAction.windowClosed()

  • Bug 2380245: FileNotFoundException not being caught during image loading

  • Bug 2373956: NPE in child ImageOp when parent fails

  • Bug 2373491: StackOverflowError due to infinite Send-to-location loop

  • Bug 2372199: NPE in PieceSlot.updateGpId()

  • Bug 2358673: Piece transparency in LOS looks weird at non 100% zoom

  • Bug 2346899: file chooser fails with null owner window in Java 1.5

  • Bug 2344403: gpidSupport not set on pieces coming from PieceDefiner

  • Bug 2340311: Edit All pieces, no change, should not update pieces

  • Bug 2339611: Try to load PNGs with bad metadata anyway

  • Bug 2319018: Triggering multiple 'Move Fixed Distance' traits doesn’t work

  • Bug 2316022: ArithmeticException in PropertySheet.TickLabel.mouseClicked

  • Bug 2315230: ConnectException in HttpRequestWrapper.doGet()

  • Bug 2311318: Setting Label length to 0 in Turn Tracker changes to Fixed

  • Bug 2309593: Move Fixed Distance auto-report never turns off

  • Bug 2306908: Default option for 'Auto-Report Moves' should be Always

  • Bug 2306873: Not a Number when referencing DiceButton value in Edit mode

  • Bug 2305254: Chart Maps not Visible if Main map undocked

  • Bug 2301594: LoadExtensionException trying to open an Extension

  • Bug 2300943: Module names with apostrophes don’t appear in Server Status

  • Bug 2296067: InvalidDnDOperationException in PieceMover.DragHandler

  • Bug 2294041: Bad Image generates IOException instead of Bad Data report

  • Bug 2292450: Corrupted Color Preference causing NoSuchElement Exception

  • Bug 2290225: Cancel when setting a Dynamic/Global Property sets to null

  • Bug 2286888: NPE in FileChooser$NativeFileChooser.awt_file_dialog_init

  • Bug 2286774: Problems playing modules from folders with '!' in pathname

  • Bug 2286742: Exception loading tutorial while constructing Welcome Wizard

  • Bug 2285925: NPE in FileChooser.NativeFileChooser.awt_file_dialog_init()

  • Bug 2282205: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in ZoomMenu.initZoomItems()

  • Bug 2280943: Delete key no longer deletes elements in Edit Mode

  • Bug 2280253: NPE if no Key Command specified

  • Bug 2273032: NPE in PlaceMarker.placeMarker()

  • Bug 2265820: Prevent StackOverflowErrors due to LaunchButton loops

  • Bug 2261405: Unable to move region in irregular grid

  • Bug 2259361: NPE in FreeRotator.mouseReleased()

  • Bug 2254357: StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in FormattedStringConfigurer

  • Bug 2250058: NPE when adding a Place Marker to a prototype.

  • Bug 2248313: NoSuchElementException in ColorConfigurer.stringToColor()

  • Bug 2225711: Fixed ConcurrentModificationException in SavedGameUpdater

  • Bug 2219448: Can Synchronize with players in Locked Rooms

  • Bug 2202296: Hang when moving trait up

  • Bug 2199683: NPE in GameState.addPiece()

  • Bug 2199032: NPE in FileChooser.NativeFileChooser.awt_file_dialog_init()

  • Bug 2198485: NPE in PlaceMarker.updateGpId()

  • Bug 2198485: NPE in PlaceMarker.updateGpId()

  • Bug 2194826: ArithmeticException in HexGrid.HexGridEditor.check()

  • Bug 2191296: HTML not working in Text Label traits

  • Bug 2189633: NPE in Footprint.redraw()

  • Bug 2187303: IllegalArgumentException in SavedGameUpdaterDialog

  • Bug 2186983: EmptyStackException in ModuleManagerWindow.GameFolderInfo

  • Bug 2180966: Only allow valid module files to be opened or edited

  • Bug 2179397: Poor performance for counters with multiple Text Labels

  • Bug 2176712: NPE in SetupStack.StackConfigurer.actionPerformed()

  • Bug 2176550: NumberFormatException in PositionOption.setValue()

  • Bug 2175571: NoSuchElementException in ColorConfigurer.stringToColor()

  • Bug 2174283: SymbolSet$SymbolData.getImage() creates 0-width image

  • Bug 2172904: NPE in StackMetrics.merge()

  • Bug 2172556: Synchronize on shared SAXSVGDocumentFactory

  • Bug 2169452: Don’t raise a dialog for missing images

  • Bug 2162266: NPE in HybridClient.setDelegate()

  • Bug 2146393: No zoom levels in zoom menu

  • Bug 2129550: UnknownHostException in HttpRequestWrapper.doGet()

  • Bug 2124682: Synchronize on shared SAXSVGDocumentFactor

  • Bug 2107274: GeneralFilter gets images with wrong data type

  • Bug 2099742: NullPointerException in Deck

  • Bug 2087474: NullPointerException in PolygonEditor

  • Bug 2087474: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in PolygonEditor

  • Bug 2078197: NullPointerException in RemovePiece

  • Bug 2074670: NullPointerException in AreaOfEffect

  • Bug 2043946: NullPointerException in Footprint

  • Bug 2042928: NullPointerException in Deck

  • Bug 2038103: NullPointerException in BoardPicker

  • Bug 1926512: Updated Private notes not written to save file

  • Bug 1877899: Return To Deck Stacking Problem

  • Bug 1866161: Exception when deleting initial elements from tabs

  • Bug 1860941: Do not prompt to start new logfile when already recording

  • Bug 1716080: Piece traits editor allows removal of BasicPiece trait

  • Bug 1716071: Multiple selection isn’t drawn in drag ghosts

  • Bug: Main Room must not be lockable

  • Bug: Tooltip for dice button was completely broken.

  • Bug: Canonicalize $0 in case is being invoked via a symbolic link

  • Bug: Restricted Access trait works again

  • Bug: Must recalculate bounding box for rotation when inner piece changes

  • Bug: Check that child port is in [0,65535] when launching Player or Editor

  • Bug: Problem when adding a Place Marker to a Place Marker definition

  • Bug: Transparent SVG has an opaque black background

  • Bug: Some transparent PNGs not loaded properly by ImageIO

  • Bug: Added missing Cancel button, close window handling to several dialogs

  • Bug: Zooming now correctly maintains view center

  • Bug: Fixed player name bug which falsely reported empty player

  • Bug: LaunchButton return focus to previous focus owner

  • Bug: ReturnToDeck would not prompt user for deck if there was a draw pile that had the empty string as a name

  • Bug: Disable main selection highlighter if thickness is set to 0

  • Bug: Disable Undo at the start of a new log

  • Bug: Fix PropertyExpressoin to correctly compare 2 properties

  • Bug: Two bugs in HexGridNumbering.getCenterPoint()

  • Bug: Can’t display a Global Property in a Text Label of a piece that has a Set Global Property trait defined.

  • Bug: Report movement of Invisible pieces (? moves ? to ?)

  • Bug: Offset of dragged piece from Deck with maximum # of pieces to show

  • Bug: Offset of dragged piece from Deck with large number of showing pieces

  • Bug: Fix bug in RestrictCommands not re-enabling commands

  • Bug: Properly handle px units in width and height of SVG images

  • Bug: Fixed bug in SendToLocation when using offsets.

  • Bug: SpecialDiceButton use correct format for text/window-title

3.0.18 - 3 February 2008

  • Remove LOS_Thread console output.

  • Bug: Fix LaunchButton focusability.

3.0.17 - 30 December 2007

  • Bug: Load extensions for built-in modules.

3.0.16 - 27 December 2007

  • Bug: Don’t report legacy clone/delete actions for invisible pieces

3.0.15 - 17 December 2007

  • Bug: NullPointerException in Embelishment

  • RFE: SetupStack now understands locations on grids and regions.

3.0.14 - 17 December 2007

  • Not released.

3.0.13 - 8 November 2007

Usability improvements: * Move up/down/top/bottom keys preserve order when multiple pieces are selected. * Pieces dropped onto an expanded stack won’t snap to the hexgrid instead. * A piece with the Place Marker trait will stay selected after placing the marker.

3.0.12 - 20 October 2007

  • Bug: Untrapped error on "Jump right in"

  • Bug: Arbitrary rotations on private maps,

  • Bug: Decks with Mask traits assigned to "any side"

  • Bug: Suppressible reports for Dice Buttons

  • Bug: Piece pacement when loading a Deck from file

  • Bug: Boards that have no name

3.0.11 - 8 October 2007

  • Bug: A number of minor bugs with PropertySheet dialogs, toolbar menus, prefix names, stack movement.

3.0.10 - 4 October 2007

  • Bug: Fixed a NullPointerException.

3.0.9 - 3 October 2007

  • Bug: Fixed some problems with non-docking Map Windows, including the Map Overview Window and toolbar.

3.0.8 - 1 Ocbober 2007

  • Restored high-quality image scaling preference.

3.0.7 - 26 September 2007

  • Added High-quality scaling algorithm for zooming in. The scaling is faster than the previous smooth-scaling algorithm, so the "Use smooth scaling" preferences option has been removed.

3.0.6 - 5 September 2007

  • Not released.

3.0.5 - 1 September 2007

  • Bug: Layout problems with the board picker in the Game Setup wizard.

  • Bug: Untrapped error when adding a new Chart to a module.

3.0.4 - 29 August 2007

  • Bug: Masked pieces can be un-masked by non-owners

  • Bug: The "Level1=" field is not property initialized in the Layer properties editor.

3.0.3 - 21 August 2007

  • Bug: Problem creating module installers.

3.0.2 - 16 August 2007

  • Not released.

3.0.1 - 13 August 2007

  • Bug: Multi-Action buttons no longer appear as sub-menus within a Toolbar menu

  • Bug: Dynamic Properties are correctly substituted within a Text Label.

3.0.0 - 9 August 2007

  • Choose between central server and direct peer-to-peer connection

  • Internationalization support: Modules can be translated into any language via module extensions

  • Create standalone installers for a module: installed executable will launch module directly in play mode using the correct version of VASSAL

  • Support for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) images

  • Improved HelpFiles: display in external browser window. Create HelpFiles by bundling the contents of a folder

  • Add arbitrary Global Key Commands to the right-click menu of a Deck

  • Copy/Paste traits when editing a GamePiece

  • Preferences to auto-prompt to start log files at Start and End of a Replay.

  • LOS thread enhancements: snap to grid, report action, echo on opponent’s window

  • Make delay before scrolling at map edge configurable

  • All toolbar buttons have configurable tooltip text

  • Configurable text for the "Mark Moved" button

  • A Moving stack should not pick up other counters from stacks

  • Layer option to automatically track a Property value

  • Allow Layer Reset command to reference $..$ properties

  • New tabs for Notes Window

  • Enable 'Last move Highlighter' by default in all modules

  • Allow Transparent Border/Bg color in Mouse Over Stack Viewer

  • Send To Location - specify Zone, other piece’s location

  • Shift clicking on map should not deselect counters

2.9 - 9 November 2006

  • GlobalHotKey trait fires toolbar hotkeys from a Game Piece menu

  • SetGlobalProperty trait changes a Global Property from a Game Piece

  • Define Global Properties for Zones

  • Overlay a Zone with semi-tranparent patterns based on a Zone’s properties

  • Combine multiple toolbar actions into a single button

  • New properties: last die-roll, number of cards in deck

  • Apply Global Key Commands to a portion of a deck (Allows single-click dealing of decks)

  • Define customizable highlighter for selected pieces, based on GamePiece properties

  • Graphical editor for placing At-Start Stacks

2.8 - 7 September 2006

  • Play Sound trait plays an audible sound triggered by a Game Piece action.

  • Action Button trait places a virtual button on a piece, letting you invoke an arbitrary action by clicking with the mouse.

  • Mouse-over Stack Viewer can draw pieces as if they were not rotated

  • Global Preferences let you set global properties whose value can be specified by the player during game time.

2.7 - 14 July 2006

  • Game Piece Inventory window component shows the pieces in play organized by location, piece properties, or any other grouping you choose.

  • Tabbed maps: place any number of maps together under a set of tabs in a single window.

  • Restricted Commands trait disables commands on a piece under conditions that you define.

  • Decks can be saved to and loaded from a file for Collectible Card Game support.

2.6 - 14 April 2006

  • New Toolbar Menu component lets you move organize buttons from the toolbar into customizable drop-down menus.

  • Global Properties let you define properties globally on a Map or Module

  • Dynamic Properties trait lets you define keyboard commands to change properties on game pieces

  • Game Piece Layer Control lets you to enable/disable/cycle-through the Layers that hold pieces on a Map

  • Ability to enable/disable Game Piece Layers

  • Greater control over the mouse-over stack viewer

  • Share Invisible/Masked pieces between sides

  • "Send back" command for "Send to Location" trait

  • Improved editor for configuring map grids

  • Automatically invoke specified keyboard commands on a piece placed on the map via a "Place Marker" command

2.5 - 5 February 2006

  • Game Piece Images: a flexible and convenient way to build images from scratch for use in game pieces.

  • New 'Last Move Highlighter' component highlights the last piece moved on a map.

  • Non-stacking pieces can be made selectable but not movable

2.4 - 24 November 2005

  • New Map Shading component for overlaying a map with semi-transparent color or image. Usable in combination with Area of Effect trait.

  • Trigger Action trait fires multiple key events in response to a single key event.

  • Right-click menu commands apply to all selected pieces

2.3 - 6 November 2005

  • New tool for updating saved games to be compatible with a new module version

  • Module updater accessible through module edit window


  • Rotate pieces to a random facing.

  • Select a random level within a Layer.

  • Make pieces transparent when showing the Line of Sight thread


  • Global Key Commands that are much more powerful. Apply to all maps at once. Place them in the right-click menus of individual pieces. Select targets based on level value in a Layer, map position, and more.

  • Customizable buttons for step/undo/server-controls buttons in toolbar.

  • 'Replace With' trait will match label values, Layer status, etc. with the original piece.

  • 'Area of Effect' trait highlights an area surrounding a game piece, for showing zones of control, etc.


  • Any key combination (not just CTRL-) can now be used to manipulate counters.

  • Dragging the mouse now selects all pieces in a region, which can be moved as a group.

  • Trait to draw a movement trail for a piece

  • Pieces that can be moved using keyboard shortcuts

  • Pieces that pivot around a fixed point

  • Change offset and orientation of grid numbering

  • Fix positioning of rotated counters within a stack


  • Create predefined setups accessible from the File menu

  • Multi-zoned grids define sub-regions of a board with their own grid

  • Keyboard command to reset a Layer to a particular level

  • Customize title of "Choose Boards" dialog

  • Use HTML to format Text Labels

  • Default "Mark Moved" icon

  • Scale thickness of highlight in overview map

  • New windows don’t go off screen

1.8 - 26 December 2004

  • Ability to lock rooms on the server, preventing new players from joining

  • Server now supports full international character sets

  • Create your own tutorials in Help

  • Transparent background for text labels.

  • Reduced memory usage for rotated images

  • Bug fix: undo delete counters

  • Bug fix: clone counters on maps with stacking-disabled

  • Bug fix: unable to disable "send deck to other deck" command

  • Bug fix: recenter map when right-clicking on shift-to-select piece

1.7 - 27 September 2004

  • Define layers for ordering pieces on maps.

  • Toolbar wraps when buttons reach edge of screen

  • For gridless boards, Line of Sight Thread can define range in raw pixels.

  • Button to shift all pieces to be recentered on a map.

  • Specify auto-report format for changes to piece on a map-by-map basis


  • Ability to group right-click menu items for game pieces into sub-menus.

  • Place Marker and Replace with Other traits can specify an offset and optionally match rotation angle with the original piece.


  • Fully configurable auto-report messages: Specify the exact format for reporting movement of pieces on/between map windows, dice rolls, keyboard/right-click commands on pieces, etc.

  • Symbolic dice: configure with any number of images and select one at random to display in a dedicated window

  • Replace with Other trait now supports "circular" replacements: A → B and B → A

1.4.4 - 14 August 2004


  • Improvements to Decks: Menu item that shuffles entire deck into another deck. Bug fixes: undo/redo, drawing

  • Non-standard dice: any distribution of numbers or select a random string from a list

  • Set default zoom factor

  • Improvements to irregular grids for area-movement games

  • Counters with the Place Marker trait can specify text to automatically echo to chat area

  • Internet Dice Button stores opponent’s email address with the saved game. - 19 March 2004 - 8 January 2004

1.2.3 - 1 October 2003

1.1.14 - 7 July 2003

1.1.8 - 28 March 2003

1.0.1 - 3 January 2003

1.0 - 31 December 2002

  • Initial release.