VASSAL Reference Manual

Home > Module > Game Piece Palette > Game Piece > Restricted Access

Restricted Access

This trait allows you to specify player side(s) to whom this piece belongs. The side(s) must be chosen from among those listed in the module’s Definition of Player Sides. Only players playing one of the specified sides will be able to modify certain traits of this Game Piece. Other players will not see menu items corresponding to traits appearing before this trait in the list of traits for the Game Piece, and the corresponding key commands will do nothing. Thus, this trait is similar to Invisible traits and Mask traits in that it should be placed below the traits it is intended to "protect".

Pieces in a Game Piece Palette can be manipulated by anybody so long as no game is in progress.


A brief description of the purpose of this trait for your own reference.

Belongs to side:

Enter the list of sides to whom this piece belongs.

Also belongs to initially-placing player:

When this option is checked, then the player who initially clicks on the piece or first places it on any map will become the owner, in addition to listed sides.

It is a good idea to specify at least one side when using this option. Otherwise, any pieces created by an observer will not be able to be removed. If, during a game, a player clicks the Retire button to become an observer, then all pieces owned by that player become owned by nobody, even if the player was already an observer.

If you are creating a Pre-defined Setup, always Retire before saving so that players loading the game, rather than you, will own the pieces in the setup.
Prevent non-owning players from moving piece:

Use this option to prevent non-owning players from moving the piece, as well as disabling access to the piece commands.
