VASSAL Reference Manual

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Scenario Properties

Scenario Properties are a special kind of Global Property that are collected into groups in tabs within a single dialog box that is activated by the FileScenario Options menu option.

A Toolbar Button with an Icon and/or a Hotkey can also be defined in the Global Options component to open the Scenario Properties window.

The Menu option, button and hotkey are only enabled when a game is in progress AND at least one Scenario Property has been defined.

Scenario Options are designed to be a central place to record scenario specific options such as special rules, visibility, weather etc.

Scenario Properties (or Scenario Options) are grouped together in named Scenario Properties Option Tabs, which are created within the module level Global Properties component and Scenario Options are created within each Scenario Option Tab.

Scenario Properties Option Tabs can be locked from further changes.

The values of all Scenario Options are saved in each Save Game.

ScenarioOptions1 ScenarioOptions2


In this example, which matches the image above, a Folder has been used to group the Scenario Properties Option Tabs in the Global Properties component.

Scenario Properties Option Tabs

A Scenario Properties Option tab groups a set of Scenario Properties in a named tab.

Each tab can be Locked (by any user) to prevent further changes to the properties defined on that tab by players. Once locked, a Scenario Option Tab can only be unlocked by the user who locked it.

Game Components can still change Scenario Properties on locked tabs. Only Players are prevented from changing the Scenario Property values.

Sets the name of the Tab.


A description of the Tab, for reference only.

Report Format:

A Message Format that is used to report any changes to Scenario Property values by users.

Tab Heading:

Text that will appear at the top of the Tab before any values. This can include HTML for text styling and multi-line headings (see example).

Description Alignment:

Set the text alignment (left, centre or right) of the descriptions that appear in the left-hand column of the tab.

The right-hand column is always aligned to the left.


Scenario Property

Each Scenario Property creates a Global Property that can be referenced by game components in the usual way.

One of the main differences between a Scenario Property and a Globa Property is that you cannot create Change-Property Toolbar Buttons on Scenario Properties.

The Global Property has a small User Interface created within it’s owning Option Tab that allows the value of the Global Property to be changed manually by players.

The value of the Global Property can also be changed by standard Vassal mechanisms such as the Set Global Property trait.

There are 4 kinds of Scenario Options that define the style of control that players see to change the value of the property:

Scenario Property Common Fields

The following 3 fields are common to all Scenario Property types


Sets the name of the Global Property that will be created. This is the property name that can be used by game components to access the value of this Scenario Property.

Option prompt:

The text that is displayed to users next to the option in the user interface.

Send Hotkey on change:

The specified Hot Key will be sent whenever a player (NOT a game component) changes the value of this Scenario Property.

Move Property description to right-hand column:

Displays the Option Prompt on the right-hand side and the property value on the left hand side of the Tab. This option gives you greater flexibility to customize the look of the tab and keep items neatly aligned. This is the default for Checkbox items.


List Scenario Property

Defines a Scenario Property where players can choose from a list of values

Initial value:

Sets the initial value the Global Property will have when a new game is started. If you change the values in the list below, the drop-down list of initial values will be updated next time you save and re-open this property.

Valid options:

The list of valid values to choose from.


Checkbox Scenario Property

Defines a Scenario Property that can have a true or false value.

Initial value:

Set the initial value of the Global Property to true by clicking on the checkbox


String Scenario Property

Defines a Scenario Property that can hold any text.

Initial value:

Sets the initial value the Global Property will have when a new game is started. Any kind of value can be types into this box.


Number Scenario Property

Defines a Scenario Property where players are restricted to changing the value to a whole number.

Initial value:

Sets the initial value the Global Property will have when a new game is started. Any kind of value can be types into this box, but only whole numbers will be saved when OK is clicked.
