Class GeneralFilter


public final class GeneralFilter extends Object
GeneralFilter is a pluggable image resampler.

GeneralFilter up- or down-samples images or parts of images using any one of the various filters contained in it as internal classes.

GeneralFilter is based on filter_rcg.c, which contains modifications made by Ray Gardener to filter.c, originally by Dale Schumacher. filter.c appeared in

Dale Schumacher. "General Filtered Image Rescaling". Graphics Gems III. David Kirk, ed. Academic Press. 1994. pp. 8–16, 414–424.
and the source for filter.c and filter_rcg.c are available here. Both filter.c and filter_rcg.c are in the Public Domain.

The filters provided here are intended for scaling, though other filters could be created which resample in other ways.

Joel Uckelman