Class ChessClock

All Implemented Interfaces:
ActionListener, EventListener, AutoConfigurable, Buildable, Configurable, GameComponent, PropertyNameSource, CommandEncoder, ComponentDescription, ValidityChecker, Translatable, Auditable, ImageSearchTarget, SearchTarget

CHESS CLOCK class for VASSAL. The ChessClock class itself implements a single timer, which is added as a button to the Module toolbar. Clicking the button starts and stops the clock, which we attempt to keep (roughly) in sync across multiple players' computers. A pair (or more, or I suppose only one) of them are then added to ChessClockControl.
Brian Reynolds and Michael Kiefte Class originally created by Michael Kiefte for Twilight Struggle, including handshaking for verification of time totals between online machines. Made more generically configurable, ChessClockControl added, and integrated into standard VASSAL, by Brian Reynolds.