Vassal 3.7.15 is released! See the news for details.

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  1. 0.0.0


  1. 2.2.0
Older releases...
  1. 1.1.0
  2. 1.0.0


Avalon Hill’s Air Assault on Crete wargame. Requires v3.0 or better of VASSAL engine (preferably 3.0.13 or above).

(See the wiki page for revision history)

Note, this module does not include the Malta bonus game, though a separate module for Malta is available here.

2022-10-22, Stephen Oliver, Air Assault on Crete

v 2.01 Various updates to help with ease of play:

1. Added Graveyard display and recording of Casualty Points on marker as units are eliminated.

2. Added Evacuation display and recording of Casualty Points on marker as units are evacuated.

3. Added Airplane Display and Return All units for ease of play using Air Units each turn.

4. Added Combat markers to assist in marking battles.

5. Added AAOC Rules Summary from back of Rules.

6. Added 2nd “Solitaire Play” if players want to play with the Honor System to speed up play.

7. Removed “Do Not Stack” attributes from units.

8. Placed Convoy and Beach markers on TRC.

2016-01-17, ark Air Assault on Crete

v 1.01 Adds “Hide Pieces” button – {trying to figure out how to make that work – will upload as soon as I do.}

2008-07-26, amended 2012-05-01, cgm

Assault on Cyprus:

Vance Van Borries designed mini-game to accompany Avalon Hill General (18/3) article, “Stepping Stone to Suez, The Proposed Air Assault on Cyprus, 1941.” Article is available in download “AH_Crete Rules and”.

The Assault on Cyprus module was converted from ADC2. VASSAL engine version 3.1.0-beta2, or more recent, must be used to play module.

A number of changes had to be made to provide similar features to the ADC2 module. Info-pages (charts) were converted from text to images. AH grid coordinates viewed only in Terrain Data box had to be made visible in VASSAL. Unit data had to be altered to be better visible in VASSAL. Many new units had to be created to account for VASSAL’s inability to provide individual pieces of each class. And several other minor changes. The Axis and Allies number counters, used for hidden setup, have been remove from on board storage due to volume.

As with ADC2, the green airborne drop limit line can now be turned off in recent VASSAL versions.

Details of play are provided in the “Assault on” which is provided as a separate download. The ReadMe is applicable for all scenarios of the ADC2 Air Assault on Crete module, however only the Assault on Cyprus module has been converted to VASSAL at this time.


Version 1.0 released.

  • Inital production release.
  • Completely new hand-drawn mapboard.
  • Changed some graphics to JPG from PNG and deleted some duplicate and unused data to minimize file size.
  • Corrected a bug which did not allow peeking at Allied units when playing solitaire.
  • Created a custom About Screen.
  • Added ReadMe file to the Help Menu.
  • Created VASSAL self-installer for module.


Posted version 0.4 beta.

  • Module now requires v3.0 or higher of VASSAL engine (preferably 3.0.11 or better). NOT compatible with saved games of earlier versions!
  • Added a new side for Solitaire Play. Note that access to each side’s counters is now restricted to that side (exception: Axis Convoy Units) when playing Axis or Allied.
  • Corrected piece names for Axis AB Mg (2-2-4) and AA (2-1-3) companies.
  • Fixed bug to display Moved status of Axis Convoy units.
  • Inventory window added to auto-calculate Casualty Points for Evacuated (Allied) and Eliminated (Axis) units. Units placed in the appropriate boxes will have their VP values added up automatically. The inventory window also lists the individual units and their Casualty Point values for cross-checking.

*NOTE: If ALL three Airborne Engineer substitute companies AND the Airborne Engineer HQ have been eliminated, you MUST put the Airborne Engineer BATALLION COUNTER in the Eliminated box and remove the substitute counters in order for Casualty Points to be calculated correctly. (See the note at the bottom of the Casualty Point chart.)*

  • Added Zones and Grids to both Organization charts to keep pieces neater.


Posted Updater to update 0.2 beta to 0.3 beta. Minor update of counter art for Luftwaffe aircraft, the HMS York and Coastal Steamer.


Updated the Notes.txt file (now ReadMe.txt). File is a little better organized and keyed to rule sections.


v 0.2 - Initial beta release.

Assault on Cyprus.vmod
