Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus dui lorem, tincidunt eget justo eget, finibus semper erat. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec condimentum justo vitae tortor imperdiet, vitae ornare massa hendrerit.
- 1.2.0
Older releases...
- 1.1.0
Module Instructions
GMT Games 2013; Joel Toppen Design
Version 1.02 update: Added missing “Headman” card and “IPs” marker for 2-player play.
You will need to use VASSAL Engine version 3.2.8 or higher to use this module. (http://www.vassalengine.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=5579).
Creating the deck:
Scenarios 14.1, 14.2, and 14.6: Open the Deck Preparation Window. Click the “Create Deck” button.
Scenario 14.3: Drag the Pueblo Revolt, Franciscan Faction Ascendant, Viceroy De Galvez, and Settlers Colonize NM Historical cards from the top of their draw pile, onto the discard deck containing the Headman card (top right corner of the window). Drag the Mexican Independence Transitional Event from the top of its deck, onto the main map. Click the “Create Deck” button.
Scenario 14.4: Drag the Pueblo Revolt, Franciscan Faction Ascendant, Viceroy De Galvez, Settlers Colonize NM, Santa Fe Massacre*,*Dineanaii, When the Land is Sick, and Narbona’s War Historical cards from the top of their draw pile, onto the discard deck containing the Headman card (top right corner of the window). Drag the Mexican Independence Transitional Event from the top of its deck, onto the empty discard deck as well. Drag the Army of the West Transitional Event from the top of its deck, onto the main map. Click the “Create Deck” button.
Scenario 14.5: Not supported. Yet…
To Reconstitute Deck in Scenario 14.6: At the end of the period, open the “Deck” window and draw all remaining cards off the deck and return them to the top, left-most deck in the “Deck Preparation Window.” Click “Create Deck” button.
To Randomly Remove Culture Card Sets: Open the “Culture Cards” window. If you wish to protect a set from removal, simply drag all three of its cards to the map temporarily. Next, click on the “Randomize” button. All Level 1 cards will go into a deck. Draw the top three cards from this deck (each draw will be random). Those are the three sets you will remove from play. To remove, simply return the Level 1 card to the top of its set in the Culture Cards window, then right-click on that stack and choose to Remove From Play.
Other Module Instructions:
1. To place drought markers, just left-click on the drought spaces in appropriate Territory. Right-click on drought markers to delete them.
2. To place population counters in family boxes, just left-click on the space where you want the population counter to go and the piece will be dispatched from Out of Play.
3. Left-clicking on the Place Elder button will dispatch an elder counter from Out of Play to the left-most space of the Elder Display.
4. Left-clicking on the brown buttons in the Resources Box will dispatch the appropriate piece from Out of Play.
5. Left-clicking on the “Tribal Raid” button in the Tribal Raid box will dispatch a Tribal Raid counter from Out of Play (don’t drag these pieces away if you wish to use right-click function on stones; see below).
6. Left-clicking on the turquoise button of Santa Fe will generate Enemy Raid counters (don’t drag these pieces away if you wish to use right-click function on stones; see below).
7. Right-clicking on the Area (stones) will produce a pop-up menu to dispatch pieces.
8. There are no Enemy AP counters in VASSAL. Just left-click on the “+” and “-” buttons below the Enemy Instruction Display to adjust the number of APs available. For Peace and Defend instructions (where Enemy AP counters go into the Raided Cubes box, substitute Enemy Raid counters.
9. Clicking on the “Reset Instruction Display” on the toolbar will reset the Enemy Instruction Display automatically.
10. Clicking on the “Reset Cubes” on the toolbar will reset the cubes automatically.
11. Clicking on the “Remove From All Areas” button on the toolbar will remove Raid counters from Areas only – not Santa Fe. Use this after a successful Ambush.
12. Clicking on the “Remove ALL” button on the toolbar to remove all counters associated with an Enemy or Tribal Raid.