Vassal 3.7.15 is released! See the news for details.

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  1. 1.12.0
Older releases...
  1. 1.10.0


Ver 1.12

Took down the 1.11 module, 101AbD mortars were not fixed in that version. The Note below still applies to any file made with 1.10 and older.

COMPATIBILITY NOTE: Due to the name change of the module, not the file name but the name that appears in Vassal Library window, saved logs and files will have to be manually selected in order to be opened. Vassal thinks they do not belong to this module. If you manually use the File, Open and browse to where you saved file folder you can select the file you want. The module will pop a message stating that this file appears to have been created with a different module\game. Just close it and ignore it. After the file opens use the Tools:Refresh option to update the counters in the saved file. After you save it once the issue disappears.

Both players should have the same version of the module otherwise issues will occur. When looking for a live game you will only see those that have the new module. Once again both players need to be using the same module.

Changes: Corrected US mortar units so that they have the show range right click function. Changed all of the leaders with a replacement side so that the show command range highlight will reflect the correct range depending on if it is the original leader or the replacement. Removed the old Assault window, not needed, it was for the 1.1 version of the game. Some other tweaks and clean ups.

ver 1.10

COMPATIBILITY NOTE: Due to adding a border around the map any vlog or vsav files loaded from previous versions will have all the counters shifted. They will be shifted by the same amount so if you band-select, i.e. click and drag to select all the counters, and then click and drag one of the stacks to its correct hex, all will be shifted to their correct hexes. If you have trouble doing this or don’t feel comfortable doing it email me a vsav of your game and I’ll do it for you.


1. Fixed a couple 2 Pz Div counters not highlighting

2. Added border to map so easy to place units on edge hexes

3. Several Scenario setup fixes thanks to multiple players’ input

4. Widened spacing between “expanded” stack units

5. Corrected number of rearguard units allowed in scenarios

6. Corrected range of several units

7. Corrected range of some of the leaders

8. Fixed Rearguard menu (duplicates)

9. Added some missing slope hexside markers on map

ver 1.07

1. Added hexside highlights to easily identify Slope hexsided

2. Fixed Leader Command Ranges

 NOTE: The Tools/Refresh/Run will not update the leaders. You'll need to pull a new one out of the pieces window.'

ver 1.06

1. Fixed problem with not being able to select all sides for Scenario 7

2. Fixed reporting message when purchasing Axis Activation Chits

3. Changed “Clone” hot key on deletable markers from Ctrl-C to Ctrl-Shift-C so don’t accidentally clone them when trying to put unit in column

ver 1.04

1. Fixed some campaign game reinforcements

2. Fixed some units highlighting with wrong formation

3. Fixed image for Pz Lehr Arty Park D

ver 1.03

1. Fixed Scen 7 setup:

    1. Added 2 Pz Arty Park A, 
    2. Added notes to Reinfs for CP/DP changes
    3. Corrected VIII Corps starting CP Rating

2. Fixed Allied AT Rearguard adding a “Rubble” when returning to formation card 3. Add “Night” to weather tool bar

ver 1.02

Fixed setup and reinforcements errors for Scenario 7

ver 1.01

1. Fixed Scenario 7 setup to allow selection of German side

2. Added “Weather” button to tool bar menu (See HELP button about using this)

ver 1.00

1. Initial Release

2. NOTE: Several of the previous GTS module automation features are not available in this module
