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Race to the Sea 1914
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus dui lorem, tincidunt eget justo eget, finibus semper erat. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec condimentum justo vitae tortor imperdiet, vitae ornare massa hendrerit.
- 1.12.0
Older releases...
- 1.0.0
Module version 1.00 downloaded with Yaah8 magazine free from Wargame Vault.
Updated module version 1.12
- Separate Tabs for German and Allied Player Aids.
- Corrected British cavalry counter (was spelled Cavarly).
- Corrected Discard menu spelling (was Disard).
Improvements and Bug Fixes
- Corrected Allied cavalry getting a German Activation marker.
- New Turn button now moves all the Initiative cards from the Discard Deck and the Player Hand board to the draw deck first.
- Moved the discarded initiative cards in the Standard Setup to the Draw pile (discarded initiative card was always a French 3 and German 4 on first turn).
- Fixes hidden hit marker colour (can now tell if light or heavy casualties).