Vassal 3.7.15 is released! See the news for details.

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  1. 1.31.0
Older releases...
  1. 1.30.0
  2. 1.26.21
  3. 1.26.6
  4. 1.26.5
  5. 1.26.0
  6. 1.25.0
  7. 1.20.0
  8. 1.5.0
  9. 1.1.0

First Bull Run

  1. 1.1.0

Second Bull Run

  1. 1.31.0
Older releases...
  1. 1.3.0


“Complete” v1.31: A few set-up errors in First Bull Run were corrected, and the module was upgraded for Vassal 3.5.7.

1.30: The “Plains of Manassas” 2nd Manassas scenario contained some errors in the setup, and a few counters have been amended with new errata, which this version corrects. Also the .vmod is updated for version 3.5.7 and later.

1.26j21: A major addition to the module:

  • AM and EM pulling and returning is now automated
  • Collapse status is automatically calculated and displayed
  • Cavalry counters now track orders and fatigue
  • 1BR Leader Boards
    • Every leader represented by a section on their sides leader board
    • Each brigade automatically tracks:
      • fatigue
      • leader replacement
      • brigade effectiveness
      • number of AMs used
    • Each division/army automatically tracks:
      • division/army effectiveness
      • replacement
    • In addition there are boxes in each brigade to hold that brigades routed and eliminated units (not tracked automatically yet) to assist in the tracking of Effectiveness.

1.26j6: A bugfix release - all the informational markers should have had ‘Flip’ [Ctrl+F] and instead they had been changed to ‘Disorder’ [Ctrl+D] which blocked the ‘Delete’ action.

1.26j5: An overhaul of the counter-based actions, primarily targeted at visibility and removing of clutter from the map board.

  • Counter menu and keyboard shortcut clean-up
  • Instead of seperate information markers, there are now counter ‘flags’ for features:
    • SP indication on counter through ‘casualties’ sub-menu
    • Phasing/Non-Phasing fire
    • Collapse
    • Charge/Continued Shock/Blown
    • Abandoned Guns

1.26: (*sigh*… it never ends, does it?)

  • Consolidated the Fatigue marker.
  • Added a (missing) Collapsed marker.
  • Adjusted facing of Hatch’s units in 2nd Bull Run Brawner Farm scenario: units in Advance, but using road movement rates should face hexSIDES, similar to units in March. Thus, the units are now facing “easterLY”, to conform with scenario rules.


  • Fixed a few markers so that they display properly as they rotate (if you experience any wonky behavior during a scenario, try using Tools / Refresh counters first; it may alleviate the issue)
  • Brawner’s Farm (Second Bull Run): Lawton Brigade removed from Reserve
  • Brawner’s Farm (Second Bull Run): Hatch (brigadier) added to Union forces
  • Added Abandoned Artillery markers (for use with 2019 Rules)


  • Fixed Extended Line counters so that they display properly as they rotate
  • Added a tint to Deployment Marker radii
  • Added a Strength Point counter for optional use under units


  • A relatively unimportant brigadier by the name of Thomas Jackson was omitted from the 1st Bull Run counter set. He’s been added…


  • Added a Line of Sight thread to the module (how could I have forgotten **that**?)
  • Added Fatigue markers for those 1BR units that have no brigadiers (to whose counters Fatigue is generally assigned)
  • Corrected a few setup errors for First Bull Run (full day) scenario.


  • Consolidated a few of the markers, and added an Orders marker which toggles through Attack/Advance/March for use on independent and out-of command units.

  • Added a green ID’d check mark level to the Colors Confusion overlay in 1BR. Units which have run the confusion colors gauntlet can be marked, so you don’t keep having to subject them to IFF trials.

Many thanks to my play-testers, and to Mark Simonitch (map and counter scans), Joel Toppen (VASSAL editing guidance) and the kind folks at GMT for permitting publication of VASSAL modules covering their fine games.

Version 1.1
Version 1.3
Version 1.3
Version 1.26j5
Version 1.26j21
