Vassal 3.7.15 is released! See the news for details.

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  1. 0.91.0
Older releases...
  1. 0.20.0
  2. 0.10.0


Version 0.20 notes (DanielTShaw) A playable module with the FULL map and all the counters. It includes the standard scenarios, plus my 1932 Shanghai Incident. Some typos corrected from version 0.10. Still not called this version 1.00 yet as it as not been played on line or even solo for a long game. Do let me know how it works for you.

Version 0.10 notes (DanielTShaw) A playable module with the FULL map and all the counters. If you intend to only play the Hong Kong scenario, you may find the version below easier to manage. I’ve not called this version 1.00 yet as it as not been played on line or even solo for a long game.

  • Full Map Version
  • Although War of Resistance is strictly a “Glory” series game, that is a sub-series of “Europa” so it has been classified there to make it easier to find.

Version 0.91 Hong Kong Scenario Only

  • The smallest scenario of War of Resistance is the first to be VASSALized…
