Vassal 3.7.15 is released! See the news for details.

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  1. 1.0.0


Module Instructions:

1. To change zeppelin mat, click on the button on the toolbar. Continued clicking on this button will cycle through the zeppelins.

2. To change theater mat, click on the button on the toolbar. Continued clicking on this button will cycle through the theaters.

3. Because the mats have different layouts, the player will need to move some markers on the mat to conform to the new zeppelin’s layout.

4. Spaces on the zeppelin mat for awards have a slightly highlighted border. This is also the case on the Kommandant Display. The highlighted border indicates that the space can be simply left-clicked upon to place the award. Continue clicking to increase the award level in the case of the wound badge.

5. Note that the awards on the Kommandant Display are synchronized with the zeppelin mat.

6. The module does not have a log sheet per se. The notepad function included in the module should be sufficient to keep a record. There’s not a lot of math in this game…

7. When switching to the Africa theater, the player will need to move the weather, wind, and mission markers to conform to the new layout.

8. The zeppelin mats and theater maps are not zoned for reporting. This is intentional. The only way I could think of to zone these displays was to include them as separate maps. The end result would have been really awkward for the player. Without boring you with the gruesome details, let’s just say this way is better and smoother.


