Module:Hammer of the Scots

Publisher | Columbia Games | Era | Medieval |
Year | 2002 | Topic | Wargame |
Players | 2 to 2 | Scale | Strategic |
Length | Medium |
Filename | Filetype | Size | Date | Compatibility |
9.0b | ||||
HammerOfTheScots_v9.0b.vmod | Module | 1.17 MB | 2023-05-17 | 3.6.17 |
8 | ||||
Hammer-Scots-v8.vmod | Module | 1.15 MB | 2016-02-21 | 3.2.15 |
7 | ||||
Hammer-Scots-v7.vmod | Module | 1.03 MB | 2010-03-15 | 3.1 |
Module Information
Maintainer | shilinski |
Contributors | shilinski |
Columbia Games: Scottish Wars of Independence
For rules and more information, visit Columbia Games Hammer of the Scots. When you run the module, pull down the help menu to see the HotS players guide, which explains how to use the module.
Version 9.0b 2023-05-17 (not by the listed maintainer) Cards in hand in save games were not loading under 3.6.17, seems resolved. Added rotate to maximum strength shortcut. Added go home and send back shortcuts for nobles, including two home areas each for Comyn and Bruce. Home area locations should not obscure the home area name or castle limit. Multiple behind the scenes changes using prototypes which means some of the right-click shortcut menus are in different orders for a few pieces (like French knights, Wallace etc that can be killed). Multiple other behind the scenes changes. Save games from older versions should run but their controls will be different, this is a legacy issue with Vassal itself.
version 8. 3/21/2016. Someone pointed out that two units were mislabeled, so I fixed that. Since I was updating the module, I also made other improvements to bring it in line with other later block modules I've made.
version 7. 3/15/2010. New map and other small improvements.
Q. You're supposed to draw half (round up) of the draw pool for the English levy. In the module how do you tell how many are in the pool?
A. You don't. Deal out the blocks into two piles and take the first pile. It will have the extra block if there are an odd number. Discard the other pile to put them back in the levy pool.
Screen Shots
- ForestGreenHobbit
- Darcy Burgess
- shilinski
- gamingguy
- lugosi76
- MedievalBanquet
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- CarlN0130
- Jonny
- jwboone62
- Wargamer777
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