Module:Dark Moon

From Vassal
Dark Moon.jpg
Publisher Stronghold Games Era Future
Year 2015 Topic Science Fiction
Players 3 to 7 Scale Abstract
Length 1-2 hours


Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility
Dark_Moon_0.5.vmod module 6 MB 2015-10-10 3.2.15

Module Information

Maintainer Robo
Contributors Robo


All Complication Task cards are censored to ensure players own a copy.

Vassal bug: Sometimes card decks can bug out(cards gone missing, always face-up).
Solution: Synchronize to the player who do not see this bug.

Follow these steps to create Final Event task deck.
1. Right-click on current task and send to Game Box.
2. Right-click on discarded task and send to draw deck.
3. Right-click on draw deck and send complication tasks to Game Box.

If you have no die to vote, use the Empty Hand die in Pieces window to vote. Flip die to hide it.

Screen Shots