Before making changes in the Module area, all users should review the important Module Section Information at least once (last updated Apr 10 2021)
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Thanks, The VASSAL Team
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VASSAL modules
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Pages in category "Modules"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 3,224 total.
(previous page) (next page)'
- Module:11 de Setembre Setge 1714
- Module:12 Hours at Maleme
- Module:12 Patrols
- Module:13 Days: The Cuban Missile Crisis
- Module:13 Dead End Drive
- Module:13: The Colonies in Revolt
- Module:1631 Un Empire En Flammes
- Module:1714: The Case of the Catalans
- Module:1775: Rebellion
- Module:1776
- Module:1792: La Patrie en Danger
- Module:1805: Sea of Glory
- Module:1807: The Eagles Turn East
- Module:1809: Napoleons Danube Campaign
- Module:1812!: War on the Great Lakes Frontier
- Module:1812: Napoleon's Fateful March
- Module:1812: The Campaign of Napoleon in Russia
- Module:1812: The Invasion of Canada
- Module:1813: Napoleon's Nemesis
- Module:1866: The Struggle for Supremacy in Germany
- Module:18xx
- Module:1914
- Module:1914: Fureur à l'Est
- Module:1914: Germany at War
- Module:1914: Glory's End / When Eagles Fight
- Module:1914: Nach Paris
- Module:1914: Offensive à outrance
- Module:1914: Serbien Muss Sterbien
- Module:1914: Twilight in the East
- Module:1918/1919: Storm in the West
- Module:1918: Brother against Brother
- Module:1918: Operation Michel
- Module:1936: Guerra Civil
- Module:1942
- Module:1944: D-Day to the Rhine
- Module:1960: The Making of the President
- Module:1972: The Lost Phantom
- Module:1979: Revolution in Iran
- Module:1985: Under an Iron Sky
- Module:1989: Dawn of Freedom
- Module:1st Alamein
- Module:A Call to Arms: Babylon 5 Space Combat
- Module:A Chat Module
- Module:A Distant Plain
- Module:A Fearful Slaughter: The Battle of Shiloh
- Module:A Few Acres of Snow
- Module:A Frozen Hell
- Module:A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition)
- Module:A Gate of Hell: The Campaign for Charleston, July-September 1863
- Module:A Gest of Robin Hood
- Module:A Gleam of Bayonets: The Battle of Antietam
- Module:A Glorious Chance: The Naval Struggle for Lake Ontario in the War of 1812
- Module:A House Divided
- Module:A la charge: Normands et Byzantins
- Module:A la guerre...
- Module:A las Barricadas!
- Module:A las Barricadas! (2nd Edition)
- Module:A Master Stroke: The Battle for Meiktila, March 5-14, 1945
- Module:A Mighty Fortress
- Module:A Modest Inclination Towards Speed
- Module:A Most Dangerous Time
- Module:A Most Fearful Sacrifice: The Three Days of Gettysburg
- Module:A Pragmatic War: The War of the Austrian Succession 1741 – 1748
- Module:A Raging Storm
- Module:A Splendid Little War: The 1898 Santiago Campaign
- Module:A Study in Emerald
- Module:A Thunder Upon the Land: The Battles of Narva and Poltava
- Module:A Time for Trumpets: The Battle of the Bulge, December 1944
- Module:A Victory Awaits: Operation Barbarossa 1941
- Module:A Victory Denied
- Module:A Victory Lost
- Module:A Wing and a Prayer: Bombing the Reich
- Module:A Winter War
- Module:A World at War
- Module:Abaddon
- Module:Absolute Victory: World Conflict 1939-1945
- Module:Absolute War! The Russian Front 1941-45
- Module:Acadians
- Module:Aces High
- Module:Aces of Valor
- Module:Acquire
- Module:Across 5 Aprils
- Module:Across Four Oceans
- Module:Across Suez
- Module:Across the Bug River: Volodymyr-Volynskyi 1941
- Module:Across the Pacific
- Module:Across the Potomac
- Module:Admiralty
- Module:Adowa
- Module:Advanced Civilization
- Module:Advanced Delve Dice
- Module:Advanced Pacific Theater of Operations
- Module:Advanced Squad Leader
- Module:Advanced Tobruk System
- Module:Aegean Strike
- Module:Aether Captains
- Module:Afrika (2nd Edition)
- Module:Afrika Korps
- Module:Afrika: The Northern African Campaign, 1940-1942
- Module:AFTERSHOCK: A Humanitarian Crisis Game
- Module:Against the Reich
- Module:Age of Aces
- Module:Age of Bismarck: The Unifications of Italy and Germany 1859-1871
- Module:Age of Dogfights: WW1
- Module:Age of Empires III: The Age of Discovery
- Module:Age of Muskets Volume I: Tomb for an Empire
- Module:Age of Napoleon
- Module:Age of Sail
- Module:Age Of Steam
- Module:Agordat 1893
- Module:Agricola, Master of Britain
- Module:Air & Armor
- Module:Air & Armor: Würzburg, Tactical Armored Warfare in Europe – Designer Signature Edition
- Module:Air Assault on Crete
- Module:Air Force
- Module:Air Scarmush: Tactical Flight Contest
- Module:Air Strike
- Module:Air Superiority
- Module:Airborne in My Pocket
- Module:Alamo
- Module:Albion 20
- Module:Albion: Land of Faerie
- Module:Alchelemental
- Module:Alchemists
- Module:Alea Iacta Est
- Module:Alexander at Tyre
- Module:Alexander The Great
- Module:Alexandros and I Am Spartacus!
- Module:Algeria: The war of Independence 1954-1962
- Module:Alhambra: Big Box
- Module:Alien Frontiers
- Module:Aliens
- Module:All Bridges Burning
- Module:All hands on deck
- Module:All is lost save Honour
- Module:All or Nothing
- Module:All Things Zombie
- Module:All Things Zombie: The Boardgame
- Module:All-Star Baseball
- Module:Allen's Dirt The Game
- Module:Alma 1854
- Module:Almeida et Bussaco 1810
- Module:Almoravid
- Module:Almost a Miracle! The Revolutionary War in the North
- Module:Amateurs to Arms!
- Module:Ambon: Burning Sun & Little Seagulls
- Module:Ambush
- Module:America Falling: The Coming Civil War
- Module:American Megafauna
- Module:American Tank Ace: 1944-1945
- Module:Amerika Bomber: Evil Queen of the Skies
- Module:Ameritrash
- Module:Amigos and Insurrectos: The Philippine Insurrection 1899-1902
- Module:Amoeba Wars
- Module:Amphipolis: 424/422 av. J.-C.
- Module:An Attrition of Souls
- Module:An Infamous Traffic
- Module:Ancient Battles Deluxe
- Module:Ancient Civilizations of the Inner Sea
- Module:Ancient Civilizations of the Middle East
- Module:Ancients
- Module:Andartes
- Module:Andean Abyss
- Module:Android: Mainframe
- Module:Android: Netrunner
- Module:Angola
- Module:Anima Tactics
- Module:Annihilator / OneWorld
- Module:Antietam 1862
- Module:Antipalos
- Module:Antiquity
- Module:Anvil-Dragoon: The Second D-Day
- Module:Anzio
- Module:Anzio Beachhead
- Module:Anzio/Cassino
- Module:APBA American Saddle Racing Game
- Module:Apocalypse in the East: The Rise of the First Caliphate 646-656 A.D.
- Module:Apocalypse of Steel
- Module:Apocalypse Road
- Module:Apocalypse: World War II in Europe
- Module:Apples to Apples
- Module:April's Harvest: The Battle of Shiloh, April 6 & 7, 1862