Module:A Time for Trumpets: The Battle of the Bulge, December 1944

From Vassal
ATfT vassal page image.png
Publisher GMT Games Era WWII
Year 2020 Topic Battle of the Bulge
Players 1 to 5 Scale Operational
Length 20+ Hours

Files and Module Information

Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility Developer Other Contributors
A_Time_for_Trumpets_v2.9.vmod Module 103.37 MB 2023.02.02 3.6.10+ Jean Philippe Biron
RaceMeuse_&_SalmOurthe_linked_v2.9.vsav File 5.52 MB 2023.02.02 3.6.10+ Jean Philippe Biron
A_Time_for_Trumpets_v2.8.vmod Module 107.1 MB 2023.01.27 3.6.10+ Jean Philippe Biron
RaceMeuse_&_SalmOurthe_linked_v2.8.vsav File 5.52 MB 2023.01.27 3.6.10+ Jean Philippe Biron
A Time for Trumpets v2.7.vmod Module 106.72 MB 2022.12.13 3.6.7+ Jean Philippe Biron
RaceMeuse_&_SalmOurthe_linked_v2.7.vsav File 5.48 MB 2022.12.13 3.6.7+ Jean Philippe Biron
A Time for Trumpets v2.6.vmod Module 105.39 MB 2022.10.14 3.6.7+ Jean Philippe Biron
RaceMeuse_&_SalmOurthe_linked_v2.6.vsav File 5.38 MB 2022.10.14 3.6.7+ Jean Philippe Biron
A Time for Trumpets v2.5.vmod Module 105.54 MB 2022.10.09 3.6.7+ Jean Philippe Biron
RaceMeuse_&_SalmOurthe_linked_v2.5.vsav File 5.36 MB 2022.10.09 3.6.7+ Jean Philippe Biron
A Time for Trumpets v2.4.vmod Module 105.23 MB 2022.08.18 3.6.7+ Jean Philippe Biron
RaceMeuse_&_SalmOurthe_linked_v2.4.vsav File 5.31 MB 2022.08.18 3.6.7+ Jean Philippe Biron
A Time for Trumpets v2.3.vmod Module 104.76 MB 2022.07.13 3.6.7+ Jean Philippe Biron
A Time for Trumpets v2.2.vmod Module 104.7 MB 2022.04.14 3.6.6+ Jean Philippe Biron
A Time for Trompets v2.1.vmod Module 104.9 MB 2022.04.04 3.6.6+ Jean Philippe Biron
A Time for Trompets v2.0.vmod Module 104.36 MB 2022.04.01 3.6.6+ Jean Philippe Biron
v2.# Introductory Note and User Manual
aTfT_Vassal_Module_v2.9_User_Manual.pdf User Manual v2.9 1.69 MB 2023.02.02 unknown Jean Philippe Biron
aTfT_Vassal_Module_v2.9_ReadMeFirst.txt Read before use 13 KB 2023.02.02 unknown Jean Philippe Biron
A Time for Trumpets V1 1.vmod Module 112.82 MB 2021-02-16 3.2.17+ John Rainey Steve Bradford

Change Log

Version 2.1

Version 2.1 offers now the multiplayer option (three German Players and two Allied Players):

German 5th Pz Army / German 6th Pz Army / German 7th Army / Allied 1st Army / Allied 3rd Army

For secret allocation of aircrafts, passwords and aircraft reveal, the system remains unchanged.

Version 2.2

Fix a bug with the two dice roller which systematically gave 1,1 for the first roll in previous versions.

+ other minor changes

CAREFULL: This version is not compatible with vlog or vsav files from a v2.# earlier version (even if refreshed). So if you have a game in progress on a v2.# earlier version, never count the first roll of two dice (which will always give a double 1). From the second everything is normal.

Version 2.3

  • Activation: Some Leaders did not activate. Fixed now.
  • Now aborted Aircrafts are removed from the game, Aircrafts that are not spent can be returned to the Holding Boxes in the Aircrafts Display.
  • Added Control Markers. Useful for memorizing controlled cities, towns and villages.
  • Added Bridge Crossing Markers. Useful when using the Bridge Crossing Chart (pp11 in the Play Aid Book).
  • Added Bridge Crossing Chart in the Charts and Tables Display.
  • Added KGC HQ on German Reinforcements Card 3.
  • Schnee Eifel Area is more visible on the Game Map.
  • Decision Markers and Numbers Markers can be labelled.
  • Some Counters placements have been corrected.
  • Some Counters graphisms have been improved.
  • Reserve units can be highlighted.
  • Other minor changes.

This version is compatible with vlog or vsav files from v2.2 earlier version (just need to be refreshed).

Version 2.4

  • Mainly corrections for the scenarios (unit placements, text of memos missing in v2.3, more accurate text labeling, etc...)
  • Added new Combat Markers for Blitz Combats
  • Minor bugs fixes
  • New Scenario: Race to the Meuse & Salm and the Ourthe linked together (independent vsav file to download)
  • User Manual Update
  • ReadMeFirst file update

This version is compatible with vlog or vsav files from v2.3 earlier version (just need to be refreshed).

Version 2.5

  • Added Territorial Limitations in some scenario.
  • Added "Show/Hide Territorial Limitations" button in the Main Menu.
  • Added "Turn Off all Highlights" button in the Main Menu.
  • Added 6PzA/StM-StuG Ko and 6PzA/StPz-StuG Ko units in accordance with the errata-fix counters publied in C3i#35
  • Changed the new Map index (all cities, towns, villages, etc...) created and updated by John Devereaux.
  • Fixed the 30C HQ who did not activate.
  • Placed some essential control Markers on the Map.
  • Other minor changes.
  • User Manual Update.
  • ReadMeFirst file update.

This version is compatible with vlog or vsav files from v2.4 earlier version. It just need to be refreshed (check "Use Names to match modified Text Label traits" & "Delete pieces without map" when refreshing).

Version 2.6

  • Fixed a bug where Memo Markers were wrongly removed when applying the 58.0 procedure.
  • 15PG HQ can now be flipped on its deployed side.
  • Other minor changes.
  • ReadMeFirst file update.

This version is compatible with vlog or vsav files from v2.5 earlier version. It just need to be refreshed (check "Use Names to match modified Text Label traits" & "Delete pieces without map" when refreshing).

Version 2.7

  • 150th Panzer Brigade - Choosing "reserve status" for any of these units didn't place "RESERVE" Markers. Fixed.
  • 3FJ Division - None of these units could have a "label" set. Fixed
  • Added a button in the general menu to flip automatically all the Defensive Position Markers during the Player End of Turn Segment (Step 31).
  • Added a button in the general menu to Show/Hide Control Markers.
  • The "Remove Fired Markers" button is now active also on the German Artillery Park Cards.
  • The Leader "Spent" side is now with transparency on the front side.
  • The "Strategic Movement" Markers are now with transparency on the units. Useful to avoid big stacks of units with "Strat Move" Markers.
  • Corrected 5GRA/7MA unit (wrong backside).
  • Many other useful change and minor corrections.
  • ReadMeFirst file update.

This version is compatible with vlog or vsav files from v2.6 earlier version. Procedure to refresh:

  • If the 3AD/CCB Disp CP unit is in play:

Open your file with v2.6, locate where the unit is, delete it permanently with the following command: CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + Num-Minus (numeric keypad) and save the file. Re-open it with version 2.7, replace the unit with a new one from the units window, refresh (check "Use Names to match modified Text Label traits" & "Delete pieces without map" when refreshing).

  • If the 3AD/CCB Disp CP unit is not in play:

Simply open the file with version 2.7 and refresh (check "Use Names to match modified Text Label traits" & "Delete pieces without map" when refreshing).

Version 2.8

  • Leaders are no longer been marker "active" or "resting" per rule 39.2.b.
  • Units that separate their Strat Move marker are now reported.
  • The warning message for changing 8C/8CLux zone is now extended for all 8C subordinate HQs.
  • Added "mvt trail" trait for trucks and Fuel dumps.
  • The ability to highlight Fuel Dumps is now available.
  • A new orange Memo Marker is now available, at the request of players who use them frequently.
  • Added a "Decision" marker to make the Combats a little more enjoyable in PBEM.
  • 1SS & 12SS artillery counters now show correct range.
  • 2SS/3/III mounted/dismounted statuses change now works properly. Other units with the same problem have been corrected.
  • 6th Army 506 Companies have now the correct pictures.
  • 2SS/3/III can now lose a step. The command did not work.
  • 3PZG/8/II can now be switched back to truck mounted status. The command did not work. Other units with the same problem have been corrected.
  • The 519 PzJ and some German Bridge units have now also a 5PzA representation for game purpose.
  • Created a new button in the general menu that reset all the Bridge Crossing Markers to 0.
  • Other minor improvements and corrections of some small bugs.
  • User Manual Update.
  • ReadMeFirst file update.

This version is compatible with vlog or vsav files from v2.7 earlier version. Files just need to be refreshed (check "Use Names to match modified Text Label traits" & "Delete pieces without map" when refreshing).

Version 2.9

  • The buttons "Remove all Aircrafts" (ALT SHIFT F12) and "Remove all German Fired Markers" (ALT F1) worked fine in version 2.7 but however with an error message. An attempted fix in version 2.8 caused them not to work at all. Now the problem is definitively fixed. This two buttons work perfectly.
  • Fixed an activation bug for 8C subordinate HQs changing 8C/8CLux zone.
  • Now "Disrupt 1" markers issued from previously flipped "Shock" markers are correctly removed using "Remove all Disrupt 1 markers" button (ALT SHIFT J).
  • Added Gentigen (8253), Weilerbach (9058) and Roth (8251) on the map (as historical locations).
  • Placing Hasty and Prep Demolition markers are now reported.
  • User Manual Update.
  • ReadMeFirst file update.

This version is compatible with vlog or vsav files from v2.8 earlier version. Files just need to be refreshed (check "Use Names to match modified Text Label traits" & "Delete pieces without map" when refreshing).


  • "Bridge Crossing" Markers from version 2.7 or earlier do not refresh correctly. You will have then to replace them with new ones and reenter the point values before refreshing.
  • Refreshing "Bridge Crossing" Markers from version 2.8 will reset them to 0. You will have then to replace them with new ones and reenter the point values before refreshing.
  • Refreshing "Bridge Crossing" Markers from version 2.9 will proceed correctly and will keep the point values.

In a general way it is recommended that players use a same version.

If you notice errors, omissions, misprintings, bugs, wrong setups or anything else please fell free to contact me by email and report it to me. I will make the corrections accordingly. Thank you.


A Time for Trumpets (ATFT) is a battalion level game of the Battle of the Bulge. The game system incorporates a number of concepts from two the highly playable games on the same subject: Bitter Woods by The Avalon Hill Game Company and the iconic battalion level Wacht am Rhein from SPI in 1977. In addition, the command and control concepts devised for the TAHGC version of The Siege of Jerusalem were utilized.

Screen Shots


  • Jean Philippe Biron