Module:Flat Top

From Vassal
Publisher Avalon Hill Era WWII
Year 1977 Topic Naval
Players 2 to 2 Scale Operational
Length Long


Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility
FlatTop_v3.6.vmod Module 2.68 MB 09/15/2021 3.6|- 3.5
FlatTop_v3.5.vmod Module 2.63 MB 09/05/2021 3.5.8+
FLTv30b01.vmod Module 2.53 MB unknown 3.0+
FlatTop2wim.vmod Module 2.52 MB unknown 2.5
FlattopDB.vmod Module 1.36 MB unknown unknown
Blind Version 0.1
BlindTop.vmod Module 1.52 MB unknown unknown
FLT-VerH.pdf Version History 25 KB 07-17-08 unknown Archive; FLT version 2 for vassal 2.5; Wim Oudshoorn 2.77 MB unknown unknown

Module Information

Maintainer Bill Thomson(wga)
Contributors sgiese, wga, swampwallaby, jrmerson, Stiglr


- v3.6: Module updated for Vassal 3.6 compatibility . v3.5: Module updated for Vassal 3.5.8 compatibility. Both sides' AF Charts modified to include the bases in the Midway and Wake Island scenarios. AF Plotting boards improved with more accurate grids, which also allow placement of markers on the lines midway between hours.

Module updated for Vassal 3.x compatibility. Custom code specific to Vassal 2.5 was removed as module was not longer functional with current versions of Vassal (2.99, 3.x). Impact to various aspects of former functionality is not known. With module again functional, several players are lined up to put it to use.

Earlier modules are credited to Scott Giese (original version) followed by Wim Oudshoorn (FLTv2.5)

Updated Version History assimilates earlier separate versions.

The two distinct Flat Top module folders have been combined into one.

Send any feedback for enhancements, fixes, suggestions to: Bill Thomson;; 817-501-2978

Blind Version

A rework of the original Flat Top module posted here. Added blind capabilities to the game. The image shown below is from the referee perspective with both maps open. As you can see, there is a lot of work left to do, but it is a start

Screen Shots


  • sgiese
  • jrmerson
  • jrmerson
  • Paul-E
  • akulkis00
  • AndrewC
  • BugDany
  • Burkhalter
  • ceres66x
  • Corsair1
  • CroakerPete
  • ctewks
  • cutolo
  • daxelos
  • DeadEyeGunner
  • jdesguin
  • dolbee123
  • DRZ
  • Dynaman
  • Edmund
  • elfkingsteve
  • erock
  • jfaugeras
  • Fersboo
  • Games
  • Intimidator
  • jamin2kiss
  • joeodessa
  • JokerRulez
  • LannesAlf
  • ltlisk
  • Lukefreck
  • MCharves
  • mcosgrove6
  • MichaelHovan
  • nitro50010
  • PierreM
  • pslogger
  • pupikiza
  • raestuart
  • redmax67
  • Resisti
  • rickbill
  • robarrieta
  • Kevin Rohrer
  • sabreman1966
  • Scott
  • SgtStinky
  • shaughnh
  • shmcbee
  • Starkadd
  • Stiglr
  • WimO
  • wizard010357
  • Wneptune
  • zhukov