Module:La Bataille de France, 1940

From Vassal
Publisher Compass Games Era WWII
Year 2015 Topic Western Front
Players 2 to 2 Scale Tactical
Length 120 min

Files and Module Information

Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility Developer Other Contributors
lbf40.vmod Module 66.7 MB 2015-03-28 3.2.6 Tim McCarron
LBF-2.51.vmod Module 79.79 MB 2019-12-18 3.2.17 David Bennett
WSS-LBF-3.0.vmod Module 65.85 MB 2020-11-11 3.4 David Bennett


Version 1.0 Check the Module Quick Ref Guide found under the Charts Window for info (visual guide) - fairly straight forward module otherwise.

Any questions ask here or email me - I'll catch them

Right now only thing Im considering I didn't get in was markers for Vet/Green units - Vets were easy (medal icon) but couldn't come up for anything for Green units so left that out for now - open to suggestions!

Version 2.51 Check the "Using This Module" found under the Help menu. Many updates have been added for this version

  • In-Command check has been changed from a country level to a service level ie. a German 'A' Company Armor officer will not effect a German 'A' Company infantry platoon.
  • Fire factor and Assault values will be automatically reduced with step loss
  • Initiative rolls with modifiers
  • Added the markers for Vet/Green units
  • Conceal Units and Mine counters from Opponent

Version 3.0

  • Please Note:Version 3.0 will only work with vassal versions 3.4.x and above...*****
  • Clean up of coding for slighter faster Turn Phasing
  • Fixed a couple of incorrect counters
  • Added "No initiative" option for first turn in the initiative dice roller.

Screen Shots


  • Tim McCarron