Module:Red Storm: The Air War Over Central Germany, 1987

From Vassal
Publisher GMT Games Era Modern Warfare
Year 2019 Topic Air Combat
Players 1 to 2 Scale Operational
Length 120

Files and Module Information

Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility Developer Other Contributors
Red_Storm_Vassal_v4p.vmod module 51.19 MB 2022-06-25 3.6.6 Doug Bush Mike Carberry
Red_Storm_Vassal_v4n.vmod module 22.55 MB 2019-08-19 3.2.17 Doug Bush Mitchell Land
QoL Fork 1.0.1
Red Storm Fork.vmod Module 22.54 MB 2020-05-28 3.2.17 Bobit


The QoL (Quality of Life) Fork is a fan-made mod which attempts to improve ease of play. It features flight logs with all relevant data from the ADC (Aircraft Data Chart), and replaces generic counters with a command to turn any flight counter into a generic counter. Due to the latter change it also prohibits players from touching their opponent's aircraft, and makes flight names and suits the same for all aircraft of the same type.

Screen Shots


  • Some Guy
  • dbeaver
  • rickbill
  • Jim Lederer
  • Pat P.
  • pupikiza
  • Geof Clark
  • Kellmat74
  • cundo