Module:Summer Storm: The Battle of Gettysburg

From Vassal
Publisher Clash of Arms Games Era Gunpowder
Year 1998 Topic American Civil War
Players 1 to 2 Scale Mixed
Length 480 mins


Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility
SummerStormVASSAL_1_5d.vmod Module 19.29 MB 2016-08-05 3.2.16
E Cav Field Scenario(1.5c).vsav Saved Game Setup 7 KB 2016-08-05 3.2.16
July 1 Tac Game(1.5c).vsav Saved Game Setup 8 KB 2016-08-05 3.2.16
Null (1.5c).vsav Saved Game Setup 1 KB 2016-08-05 3.2.16
Operational Game (1.5c).vsav Saved Game Setup 18 KB 2016-08-05 3.2.16
Training Scenario(1.5c)_1_5d.vsav Saved Game Setup 12 KB 2016-08-05 3.2.16
Training Scenario-Cav Variant (1.5c).vsav Saved Game Setup 15 KB 2016-08-05 3.2.16
July 2 scenario description Rev 4b.pdf doc 376 KB 2020-04-18 3.2.16
July 2 Scenario SS152 Army Status Sheet Rev 4b.pdf doc 1.21 MB 2020-04-18 3.2.16
July 2 Scenario Rev 4b.vsav Saved Game Setup 37 KB 2020-04-18 3.2.16
July 3 scenario description Rev 4b.pdf doc 392 KB 2020-04-18 3.2.16
July 3 Scenario SS152 Army Status Sheet Rev 4b.pdf doc 1.8 MB 2020-04-18 3.2.16
July_3_scenario_Rev_4b.vsav Saved Game Setup 51 KB 2020-04-18 3.2.16

Module Information

Maintainer Gonzalo Santacruz
Contributors Lee Trowbridge


SS 1.5d Summer Storm Module

General: In the module, there are several maps. The first is the main map (the Summer Storm Tactical Map). Other maps or sheets are accessed from tabs. These include the Training Map (Map C only from the Tactical map), two Operational Maps and two orders cards, one for each player.

Four possible “sides” are set up: CSA, USA, Solo, and Observer. All sides can see the Tactical Map. The CSA and USA can see their own Orders Card and Operational Map and can move their own pieces. Solo and Observer can see all maps and Orders cards; Solo can move all pieces.

There are 6 defined official starting scenarios: Training Scenario, Training Scenario-Cav Variant, East Cav Field Scenario, the July 1 Tactical Game, and the Operational Game. The last setup is a “null” scenario, an empty game setup with no units deployed. Scenario specific descriptions and notes on a "Notes" tab visible after the scenario is loaded.

There are also 2 unofficial scenarios, one for the 2nd day of Gettysburg and one for the afternoon of the third day (Bombardment, Pickett's Charge, E Cav Field action). Each of these scenarios has a description file, an Army Status sheet file containing starting morale, loss and setup locations, and finally a save-game file which places the units in their starting locations.

Screen Shots
