VASSAL Reference Manual

Home > Module > Game Piece Palette > Game Piece > Mark When Moved

Mark When Moved

Pieces which have the Mark When Moved trait will automatically display a specifiable image after they have been moved. Specify the image and the position relative to the center of the piece at which to draw the image. A Moved property will also be exposed on the piece, and will be set to true whenever the piece is moved. This Moved property can be toggled back to false with the configured key command and/or menu item.


  • In order to enable this feature, you must also go to the Map Window of the module and enable the Mark pieces that move setting.

  • A Toolbar button can also be configured in the properties of each Map Window that clears the moved status of all pieces on the map.

  • For pieces containing this trait, the Property Moved=true is set when the piece has been moved.

  • When the trait is activated with the menu item or Key Command, then Moved=false is set.

  • Clearing the piece’s move history with this trait (e.g. using the menu item or Key Command) will also clear the Movement Trails for the piece, if any.

SEE ALSO: Movement Trails)


A short description of this trait for your own reference.

Menu command:

Right-click context menu item that will clear the piece’s move history (setting Moved property back to false and clearing any Movement Trails). If this item is left blank, no context menu entry will appear but the move history can still be cleared with the Key Command, below.

Key command:

Keystroke or Named Command to clear the piece’s move history (setting Moved property back to false and clearing any Movement Trails).

Marker Image:

Use the Select button to load a new image or the Default button to return to the default image.

Horizontal Offset:

Specify how many pixels to the right of the center of the piece to display the moved marker.

Vertical Offset:

Specify how many pixels down from the center of the piece to display the moved marker.
