Class Embellishment

All Implemented Interfaces:
PropertyNameSource, PropertySource, EditablePiece, GamePiece, PropertyExporter, StateMergeable, TranslatablePiece, PersistentPropertyContainer, Auditable, ImageSearchTarget, SearchTarget, RecursionLimiter.Loopable

public class Embellishment extends Decorator implements TranslatablePiece, RecursionLimiter.Loopable
d/b/a "Layer" The "Layer" trait. Contains a list of images that the user may cycle through. The current image is superimposed over the inner piece. The entire layer may be activated or deactivated. Changes to support NamedKeyStrokes: - Random and reset command changed directly to Name Key Strokes. - Disentangle alwaysActive flag from length of activateKey field. Make a separate field and save in type - Add a Version field to type to enable conversion of Activate/Increase/Decrease commands. Note commands with more than 1 target keycode cannot be converted - Simplify code. Removed Version 0 (3.1) code to a separate class Embellishment0. The BasicCommandEncoder replaces this class with an Embellishment0 if Embellishment(type, inner) returns a version 0 Embellishment trait.