Class Embellishment0

All Implemented Interfaces:
PropertyNameSource, PropertySource, EditablePiece, GamePiece, PropertyExporter, StateMergeable, TranslatablePiece, PersistentPropertyContainer, Auditable, ImageSearchTarget, SearchTarget

public class Embellishment0 extends Decorator implements TranslatablePiece
Embellishment has been extensively re-written for Vassal 3.2 changing both the behavior and the visual look of the configurer. A version number has been added to distinguish between the two versions. Note, there is also a much older Embellishment trait with a type of emb When editing a module, the old versions will be automatically converted to the new version. One feature (multiple keystrokes for a command) cannot be converted. This class contains the complete code of the original version 0 emb2 Embellishment to support editing of unconverted version 0 Embellishments and run-time support for modules containing unconverted traits. This is essentially the latest 3.1 version of Embellishment