Class Info


public final class Info extends Object
Class for storing release-related information
  • Field Details

    • javaBinPath

      @Deprecated(since="2020-10-03", forRemoval=true) public static final String javaBinPath
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Use getJavaBinPath() instead.
      The path to the JVM binary.
  • Method Details

    • setConfig

      public static void setConfig(Config c)
    • getVersion

      public static String getVersion()
      A valid version format is "w.x.y[-z]", where 'w','x', and 'y' are integers and z is a string. In the version number, w.x are the major/minor release number, y is the bug-fix release number, and the 'z' identifies an intermediate build: e.g., 3.3.3-alpha1 or 3.3.3-SNAPSHOT
      the full version of the VASSAL engine.
    • getReportableVersion

      public static String getReportableVersion()
      Bugzilla (and other potential external reporting tools) require only the primary numeric portion of the version number: e.g., 3.3.3-SNAPSHOT return 3.3.3.
      The reportable version number
    • getErrorLogPath

      public static File getErrorLogPath()
      a version-specific errorLog path
    • getJavaBinPath

      public static File getJavaBinPath()
    • getBaseDir

      public static File getBaseDir()
      Returns the directory where VASSAL is installed.
      a File representing the directory
    • getDocDir

      public static File getDocDir()
    • getConfDir

      public static File getConfDir()
    • getCacheDir

      public static File getCacheDir()
    • getTempDir

      public static File getTempDir()
    • getPrefsDir

      public static File getPrefsDir()
    • getScreenBounds

      @Deprecated(since="2020-10-03", forRemoval=true) public static Rectangle getScreenBounds(Component c)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      size of screen accounting for the screen insets (e.g., Windows taskbar)
    • isMacOSX

      @Deprecated(since="2020-08-06", forRemoval=true) public static boolean isMacOSX()
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Use SystemUtils.IS_OS_MAC instead
    • isModuleTooNew

      public static boolean isModuleTooNew(String version)
    • hasOldFormat

      public static boolean hasOldFormat(String version)
    • getBinDir

      @Deprecated(since="2020-10-03", forRemoval=true) public static File getBinDir()
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Use getBaseDir() instead.
    • getHomeDir

      @Deprecated(since="2020-10-02", forRemoval=true) public static File getHomeDir()
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Use getConfDir() instead.