Class PropertySheet

All Implemented Interfaces:
PropertyNameSource, PropertySource, EditablePiece, GamePiece, PropertyExporter, StateMergeable, TranslatablePiece, PersistentPropertyContainer, Auditable, ImageSearchTarget, SearchTarget

public class PropertySheet extends Decorator implements TranslatablePiece
A Decorator class that endows a GamePiece with a dialog.
  • Field Details

    • ID

      public static final String ID
      See Also:
    • oldState

      protected String oldState
    • launchKeyStroke

      protected NamedKeyStroke launchKeyStroke
    • launch

      protected KeyCommand launch
    • backgroundColor

      protected Color backgroundColor
    • m_definition

      protected String m_definition
    • frame

      protected VASSAL.counters.PropertySheet.PropertySheetDialog frame
    • applyButton

      protected JButton applyButton
    • commitStyle

      protected int commitStyle
    • isUpdating

      protected boolean isUpdating
    • state

      protected String state
    • properties

      protected Map<String,Object> properties
    • m_fields

      protected List<JComponent> m_fields
    • description

      protected String description
  • Constructor Details

    • PropertySheet

      public PropertySheet()
    • PropertySheet

      public PropertySheet(String type, GamePiece p)
  • Method Details

    • mySetType

      public void mySetType(String s)
      Changes the "type" definition this decoration, which discards all value data and structures. Format: definition; name; keystroke
      Specified by:
      mySetType in interface EditablePiece
      s - a serialized configuration string to set the "type information" of this piece, which is information that doesn't change during the course of a single game (e.g. Image Files, Context Menu strings, etc). Typically ready to be processed e.g. by SequenceEncoder.decode()
    • draw

      public void draw(Graphics g, int x, int y, Component obs, double zoom)
      Description copied from interface: GamePiece
      Draw this GamePiece
      Specified by:
      draw in interface GamePiece
      g - target Graphics object
      x - x-location of the center of the piece
      y - y-location of the center of the piece
      obs - the Component on which this piece is being drawn
      zoom - the scaling factor.
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: GamePiece
      The plain English name for this piece
      Specified by:
      getName in interface GamePiece
    • boundingBox

      public Rectangle boundingBox()
      Specified by:
      boundingBox in interface GamePiece
      The area which this GamePiece occupies when drawn at the point (0,0)
    • getShape

      public Shape getShape()
      Specified by:
      getShape in interface GamePiece
      The shape of the piece from the user's viewpoint. This defines the area in which the user must click to select or move the piece, for example. Like GamePiece.boundingBox(), it assumes the position is (0,0) -- which to be clear is normally aligned with the CENTER of the piece image -- and must be translated to the actual location where the piece is being drawn. For most ordinary pieces, the shape returned here will simply be equivalent to the bounding box, but see NonRectangular.
    • myGetState

      public String myGetState()
      Description copied from class: Decorator
      The "state information" is "game state" information that can change during the course of a game. State information is saved when the game is saved and is transferred between players on the server. For example, the relative order of pieces in a stack is state information, but whether the stack is expanded is not.
      Specified by:
      myGetState in class Decorator
      the game state information of this trait alone
      See Also:
    • mySetState

      public void mySetState(String state)
      Description copied from class: Decorator
      Sets the state of this-trait-only (inverse of Decorator.myGetState()). The "state information" is information that can change during the course of a game. State information is saved when the game is saved and is transferred between players on the server. For example, the relative order of pieces in a stack is state information, but whether the stack is expanded is not.
      Specified by:
      mySetState in class Decorator
      state - New state information serialized in string form, ready to be passed to a SequenceEncoder#decode.
    • myGetType

      public String myGetType()
      returns string defining the field types
      Specified by:
      myGetType in class Decorator
      the type information of this trait alone
      See Also:
    • myGetKeyCommands

      protected KeyCommand[] myGetKeyCommands()
      Specified by:
      myGetKeyCommands in class Decorator
      the key commands for this trait alone
      See Also:
    • myKeyEvent

      public Command myKeyEvent(KeyStroke stroke)
      Description copied from class: Decorator
      The response of this trait alone to the given KeyStroke or the virtual keystroke of a NamedKeyStroke. NamedKeyStrokes are allocated a unique internal KeyStroke when they are first used in a module, and that KeyStroke is passed up and down the decorator stack to represent them (see NamedKeyStroke.getKeyStroke()).
      Specified by:
      myKeyEvent in class Decorator
      stroke - KeyStroke to apply (to apply a Named Keystroke send NamedKeyStroke.getKeyStroke()
      Generated Command to reproduce any changes just made to to the game state, or null if no effect
      See Also:
    • getLocalizedProperty

      public Object getLocalizedProperty(Object key)
      Description copied from class: Decorator
      Returns a localized translation of the specified property value, if available. Otherwise returns the non-localized version. See Decorator.getProperty(java.lang.Object).
      Specified by:
      getLocalizedProperty in interface PropertySource
      getLocalizedProperty in class Decorator
      key - String key of property to be returned
      Object containing localized text of the specified property, if available, otherwise non-localized value
    • getProperty

      public Object getProperty(Object key)
      Description copied from class: Decorator
      Properties can be associated with a piece -- many may be game-specific, but others are standard, such as the LocationName property exposed by BasicPiece -- and can be read through this interface. The properties may or may not need to be encoded in the piece's Decorator.getState() method. Properties include the value of e.g. Marker Traits, DynamicProperty Traits, and so forth. Furthermore they include the values of any visible "Global Property" in a Vassal module, whether at the module level, map level, or zone level -- but these "higher level" properties, coming from "outside the piece", CANNOT be written to by the Decorator.setProperty(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) method even though they can be read by this method -- in this sense the two methods are NOT perfect mirrors.

      Within a Trait/Decorator, default behavior is to process some requests directly (e.g. requests for our "inner" or "outer" link), process our *part* of certain other requests (e.g. request for our game state information we supply state information for this trait and then append any information obtained from passing the same request inward), and then for any other requests that we cannot process we simply pass the request to the next trait/member inward.

      When using this interface a piece's own properties are preferred to those of "Global Properties", and those in turn are searched Zone-first then Map, then Module.

      This method implements the PropertySource interface, which allows Global Properties to be read by other types of object than GamePieces.
      Specified by:
      getProperty in interface GamePiece
      Specified by:
      getProperty in interface PropertySource
      getProperty in class Decorator
      key - String key of property to be returned
      Object containing new value of the specified property
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Description copied from interface: EditablePiece
      A plain-English description of this type of trait/piece - includes data from fields where appropriate
      Specified by:
      getDescription in interface EditablePiece
    • getBaseDescription

      public String getBaseDescription()
      Description copied from interface: EditablePiece
      Support for a basic-name-only description introduced later, so this default retrofits it from the full description if an explicit one is not defined.
      Specified by:
      getBaseDescription in interface EditablePiece
      name of trait/piece type, w/o additional data
    • getDescriptionField

      public String getDescriptionField()
      Description copied from class: Decorator
      If Decorator contains a description *field*, returns the current contents of it.
      getDescriptionField in class Decorator
      contents of "description" field, if it exists.
    • getHelpFile

      public HelpFile getHelpFile()
      Specified by:
      getHelpFile in interface EditablePiece
      the help file for this trait
    • getEditor

      public PieceEditor getEditor()
      Specified by:
      getEditor in interface EditablePiece
      getEditor in class Decorator
      the configurer for this trait - the dialog which allows the editing the piece's type information. Default configurer is a SimplePieceEditor, but many traits will want to provide custom versions.
    • getI18nData

      public PieceI18nData getI18nData()
      Description copied from class: Decorator
      Return Internationalization (I18n) data for this piece
      Specified by:
      getI18nData in interface TranslatablePiece
      getI18nData in class Decorator
      I18n data, used to hold translations of strings
    • getPropertyNames

      public List<String> getPropertyNames()
      Return Property names exposed by this trait
      Specified by:
      getPropertyNames in interface PropertyNameSource
      getPropertyNames in class Decorator
      List of property names "exposed" by this piece -- that are available to other Traits and components to read. Default behavior for a Trait is not to expose any properties, but Traits which should expose some (e.g. DynamicProperty or Marker) would provide an array of the property names here.
    • getNamedKeyStrokeList

      public List<NamedKeyStroke> getNamedKeyStrokeList()
      Description copied from class: Decorator
      Specified by:
      getNamedKeyStrokeList in interface SearchTarget
      getNamedKeyStrokeList in class Decorator
      a list of any Named KeyStrokes referenced in the Decorator, if any (for search)
    • getMenuTextList

      public List<String> getMenuTextList()
      Description copied from class: Decorator
      Specified by:
      getMenuTextList in interface SearchTarget
      getMenuTextList in class Decorator
      a list of any Menu Text strings referenced in the Decorator, if any (for search)