Class AbstractBuildable

All Implemented Interfaces:
Buildable, PropertyNameSource, ValidityChecker, Auditable, ImageSearchTarget
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractConfigurable, BoardPicker, BrowserHelpFile, ChatServerControls, ConnectionWindow, DebugControls, EventLog, MapCenterer, ModuleExtension, PieceMover, Scroller

public abstract class AbstractBuildable extends AbstractImageFinder implements Buildable, ValidityChecker, PropertyNameSource, Auditable
Abstract implementation of the Buildable interface. To make a Buildable component, in other words a component which can be read from the XML buildFile along with a set of attributes, extend this class -- or more likely AbstractConfigurable if the component is also to be editable/configurable in the Editor window. You'll need to implement the methods and specify the Buildable attributes of this class, and the build process is handled automatically.
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    • AbstractBuildable Link icon

      public AbstractBuildable()
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