Class CompoundPieceCollection

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
DefaultPieceCollection, LayeredPieceCollection.Collection

public abstract class CompoundPieceCollection extends Object implements PieceCollection
Base class for PieceCollection implementation that organizes GamePieces -- a category which in this case also includes Decks and Stacks, in addition to ordinary pieces -- into distinct visual layers. The layers are drawn in order of their index, i.e. layer 0 is drawn first and thus appears "on the bottom", as higher layers are drawn over top of it.

Maintains, usually on behalf of a Map, lists of all the pieces in each of several layers, along with a set of "enabled" flags marking which layers are disabled/hidden and which are enabled/visible. When a piece is added to the overall collection, its appropriate layer is determined and it is added to the list of pieces on that layer.
  • Field Details Link icon

    • layers Link icon

      protected SimplePieceCollection[] layers
    • bottomLayer Link icon

      protected int bottomLayer
    • enabled Link icon

      protected boolean[] enabled
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • CompoundPieceCollection Link icon

      protected CompoundPieceCollection(int layerCount)
  • Method Details Link icon

    • initLayers Link icon

      protected void initLayers(int layerCount)
    • getLayerForPiece Link icon

      public int getLayerForPiece(GamePiece p)
      Default implementation is "degenerate", having only a single layer -- when extending this class, this method takes a piece and determines which of several layers it belongs in, returning an index.
      p - A game piece
      Index for the visual layer the piece should be drawn with.
    • getLayerNameForPiece Link icon

      public String getLayerNameForPiece(GamePiece p)
      Default implementation is "degenerate", having only a single layer -- when extending this class, this method takes a piece and determines which of several layers it belongs in, returning the layer name.
      p - A game piece
      the layer name it belongs in.
    • getLayerForName Link icon

      public int getLayerForName(String layerName)
      Default implementation is "degenerate", having only a single layer -- when extending this class, this method takes layer name and returns the index for that layer, or -1 if the string does not name a valid layer.
      layerName - the name of a layer
      the index for the layer
    • getCollectionForPiece Link icon

      protected PieceCollection getCollectionForPiece(GamePiece p)
      Given a game piece, returns the simple piece collection for the layer that it belongs in
      p - A game piece
      the piece collection for the layer that it belongs in
    • add Link icon

      public void add(GamePiece p)
      Adds a piece to the overall collection, by adding it to the simple collection for the layer it belongs in.
      Specified by:
      add in interface PieceCollection
      p - Game piece to add
    • clear Link icon

      public void clear()
      Clears the whole collection.
      Specified by:
      clear in interface PieceCollection
    • getPieces Link icon

      public GamePiece[] getPieces()
      Description copied from interface: PieceCollection
      Return all currently-visible pieces in the collection as a read-only array
      Specified by:
      getPieces in interface PieceCollection
    • getPieces Link icon

      protected GamePiece[] getPieces(boolean includeDisabled)
      includeDisabled - true if pieces in disabled layers should be included
      A list of all pieces in this overall collection, or all that are in "enabled" layers, depending on the parameter
    • getAllPieces Link icon

      public GamePiece[] getAllPieces()
      Description copied from interface: PieceCollection
      Return all pieces in the collection, regardless of visibility
      Specified by:
      getAllPieces in interface PieceCollection
      a list of all pieces in any layer of this collection.
    • indexOf Link icon

      public int indexOf(GamePiece p)
      Description copied from interface: PieceCollection
      Returns the index of a piece. When painting the map, pieces are drawn in order of index -- lowest index drawn first and therefore appearing "below" later pieces which are drawn on top of it.
      Specified by:
      indexOf in interface PieceCollection
      p - A game piece
      A unique index for the game piece within the overall collection.
    • remove Link icon

      public void remove(GamePiece p)
      Description copied from interface: PieceCollection
      Removes the piece
      Specified by:
      remove in interface PieceCollection
      p - piece to remove from the collection
    • moveToBack Link icon

      public void moveToBack(GamePiece p)
      Description copied from interface: PieceCollection
      Reposition a piece to the back of all others in the same visual layer
      Specified by:
      moveToBack in interface PieceCollection
      p - piece to move to the visual back of its layer
    • moveToFront Link icon

      public void moveToFront(GamePiece p)
      Description copied from interface: PieceCollection
      Reposition a piece to the front of all others in the same visual layer
      Specified by:
      moveToFront in interface PieceCollection
      p - piece to move to visual front of its layer
    • canMerge Link icon

      public boolean canMerge(GamePiece p1, GamePiece p2)
      Used when moving a piece on top of another piece to determine whether they can be merged together (e.g. can this Piece be added to that Stack, can this Stack be added to that Deck, can these two Stacks be combined together into one). Default preconditions for merging into a Stack include not being Invisible due to a Hideable trait, and not having a "Does Not Stack" trait (Immobilized). When extending the class additional requirements can be added (e.g. LayeredPieceCollection requires pieces to be in the same visual layer in order to form a stack).
      Specified by:
      canMerge in interface PieceCollection
      p1 - one piece/stack/deck
      p2 - another piece/stack/deck
      Whether the two pieces are legal to merge
    • canStacksMerge Link icon

      protected boolean canStacksMerge(Stack s1, Stack s2)
      Stacks can merge if their component pieces can merge
      s1 - stack
      s2 - another stack
      can they make one stack?
    • canStackAndPieceMerge Link icon

      protected boolean canStackAndPieceMerge(Stack s, GamePiece p)
      A piece can be merged into a stack if it is merge-compatible with the first piece in the stack.
      s - stack
      p - piece
      can they make one stack?
    • canPiecesMerge Link icon

      protected boolean canPiecesMerge(GamePiece p1, GamePiece p2)
      Two pieces can merge in the default case as long as neither is presently invisible and neither has a Does Not Stack (Hideable) trait.
      p1 - a piece
      p2 - another piece
      WonderTwin powers activate?
    • getLayerCount Link icon

      public int getLayerCount()
      the number of visual layers in this collection
    • setBottomLayer Link icon

      public void setBottomLayer(int layer)
    • getBottomLayer Link icon

      public int getBottomLayer()
      current bottom layer
    • getTopLayer Link icon

      public int getTopLayer()
      the current top layer
    • rotate Link icon

      public void rotate(boolean rotateUp, boolean skipNullLayers)
    • rotate Link icon

      public void rotate(boolean rotateUp)
    • setLayerEnabled Link icon

      public void setLayerEnabled(int layer, boolean b)
      Enable/Disable layers
      layer - layer index
      b - true to enable the layer, false to disable
    • toggleLayerEnabled Link icon

      public void toggleLayerEnabled(int layer)
      Toggle for Enable/Disable of layers
      layer - layer index
    • setLayerEnabled Link icon

      public void setLayerEnabled(String layer, boolean b)
      Enable/Disable layers
      layer - layer name
      b - true to enable the layer, false to disable
    • toggleLayerEnabled Link icon

      public void toggleLayerEnabled(String layer)
      Toggle for Enable/Disable of layers
      layer - layer name
    • reset Link icon

      public void reset()