ClassDescriptionAdds Connect/Disconnect button to the server controls toolbarInterface for registering event listeners with the Swing components in a ChatServerControls componentInterface for user interactions with players in the current roomWhen invoked, will Kick another player out of his current room back to the Main Room.When invoked, will join a game room on the serverWhen invoked, will Kick another player out of his current room back to the Main Room.Renders rooms with a "locked" icon if locked Change Owners name to display RedAdds controls to post/retrieve message from a message boardWhen invoked, will open a private message window to another playerAdds mouse listeners to the RoomTree components: double-click to join a room, etc.JTree component displaying chat rooms on the serverCell render component for
Send a wake-up sound to another player - Can't wake-up oneself - No wake-ups in the default room - No wake-ups to people in different rooms - No wake-up to the same person in the same room until at least 5 seconds has passed.Shows the current status of connections to the serverInterface for user interaction with {org.vassalengine.module.ServerWindow}When invoked, will show profile information about another playerDescription?When invoked, will request synchronization info from another player - Cannot Synch when in the default room - Cannot Synch with a player in a different room - Cannot Synch with yourself - Cannot Synch with any player in the same room within 15 seconds of your last synch in this room