Class BshCommandEncoder

All Implemented Interfaces:
Buildable, CommandEncoder

public class BshCommandEncoder extends BasicCommandEncoder
Used by the Bsh Plugin
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • BshCommandEncoder Link icon

      public BshCommandEncoder()
  • Method Details Link icon

    • createDecorator Link icon

      public Decorator createDecorator(String type, GamePiece inner)
      Description copied from class: BasicCommandEncoder
      Creates a Decorator instance - a GamePiece "Trait". Modules which wish to provide their own custom classes should subclass BasicCommandEncoder and override this class. The override should check for and parse any definitions that match desired custom Traits(Decorators), and then use super to call this method for any unmatched definitions. Further documentation on creating custom traits appears in BasicCommandEncoder's own javadoc entry, or alternatively at the top of
      createDecorator in class BasicCommandEncoder
      type - the type of the Decorator ("Trait") to be created. Once created, the Decorator should return this value from its Decorator.myGetType() method.
      inner - the inner trait/piece of the Decorator (the "innermost" member of a game piece will be a BasicPiece; each successive Trait in the trait list presented in a piece's PieceDefiner dialog represents a sep "outward").