Class FormattedString

All Implemented Interfaces:
Auditable, RecursionLimiter.Loopable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class FormattedString extends Object implements RecursionLimiter.Loopable A String that can include options of the form $optionName$. Option values are maintained in a property list and getText returns the string will all options replaced by their value. FormattedStrings are ultimately evaluated using the Beanshell Interpreter, so a Formatted String can be specified as a valid BeanShell expression surrounded by {}'s. For this reason, full support is included for generating Expression Audit Trails to be parsed inward the the Expression interpreter.
  • Field Details Link icon

  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • FormattedString Link icon

      public FormattedString()
    • FormattedString Link icon

      public FormattedString(String s)
    • FormattedString Link icon

      public FormattedString(PropertySource defaultProperties)
    • FormattedString Link icon

      public FormattedString(String formatString, PropertySource defaultProperties)
  • Method Details Link icon

    • isDynamic Link icon

      public static boolean isDynamic(String text)
      Return true if the supplied string contains $$ variables or is a Beanshell expression
      text - String to check
      true if the string needs to be evaluated
    • setFormat Link icon

      public void setFormat(String fs)
    • getFormat Link icon

      public String getFormat()
    • setProperty Link icon

      public void setProperty(String name, String value)
    • clearProperties Link icon

      public void clearProperties()
    • setDefaultProperties Link icon

      public void setDefaultProperties(PropertySource defaultProperties)
    • getDefaultProperties Link icon

      public PropertySource getDefaultProperties()
    • getText Link icon

      @Deprecated(since="2021-12-01") public String getText()
      Evaulate a formatted String and return unlocalized text Use the default property source to find property values
      evaluated formatted String
    • getText Link icon

      public String getText(Auditable owner, String fieldKey)
      Evaulate a formatted String and return unlocalized text Use the default property source to find property values Create an AuditTrail object if expression auditing enabled
      owner - Owning component of this formatted string.
      fieldKey - Message key describing the editor field holding this formmated string
      evaluated formatted String
    • getLocalizedText Link icon

      @Deprecated(since="2021-12-01") public String getLocalizedText()
      Evaluate a Formatted String and return localized text Use the default property source to find property values
      localized text
    • getLocalizedText Link icon

      public String getLocalizedText(Auditable owner, String fieldKey)
      Evaulate a formatted String and return localized text Use the default property source to find property values Create an AuditTrail object if expression auditing enabled
      owner - Owning component of this formatted string.
      fieldKey - Message key describing the editor field holding this formmated string
      evaluated formatted String
    • getText Link icon

      @Deprecated(since="2021-12-01") public String getText(PropertySource ps)
      Evaulate a formatted String and return unlocalized text Also, if any property keys match a property in the given GamePiece, substitute the value of that property
      ps - property source
      Return the resulting string after substituting properties
    • getText Link icon

      public String getText(PropertySource ps, Auditable owner, String fieldKey)
      Evaulate a formatted String and return unlocalized text Use the supplied property source to find property values Create an AuditTrail object if expression auditing enabled
      owner - Owning component of this formatted string.
      fieldKey - Message key describing the editor field holding this formatted string
      evaluated formatted String
    • getText Link icon

      public String getText(PropertySource ps, Auditable owner, String fieldKey, boolean quietly)
      Evaluate a formatted String and return unlocalized text Use the supplied property source to find property values Create an AuditTrail object if expression auditing enabled
      ps - Property Source to use to evaluate properties
      owner - Owning component of this formatted string.
      fieldKey - Message key describing the editor field holding this formatted string
      quietly - True to suppress error reporting
      evaluated formatted String
    • getText Link icon

      public String getText(PropertySource ps, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit)
      Evaulate a formatted String and return unlocalized text Use the supplied property source to find property values
      ps - Property source to supply property values
      owner - Owning component of this formatted string.
      audit - AuditTrail to use for expression auditing
      evaluated formatted String
    • getText Link icon

      @Deprecated(since="2021-12-01") public String getText(PropertySource ps, boolean localized)
      Evaulate a formatted String and return unlocalized text
    • getText Link icon

      @Deprecated(since="2021-12-01") public String getText(PropertySource ps, String def)
      Return the resulting string after substituting properties Also, if any property keys match a property in the given GamePiece, substitute the value of that property. If the resulting string is empty, then the default is returned.
      ps - Property source
      def - the default if the result is otherwise empty
      Return the resulting string after substituting properties
      See Also:
    • getText Link icon

      public String getText(PropertySource ps, String def, Auditable owner, String fieldKey)
      Evaulate a formatted String and return unlocalized text Use the supplied property source to find property values If any property value is found to be null, use the supplied default value instead Create an AuditTrail object if expression auditing enabled
      ps - Property source to supply property values
      def - Default value for properties with no value
      owner - Owning component of this formatted string.
      fieldKey - Message key describing the editor field holding this formatted string
      evaluated formatted String
    • getText Link icon

      public String getText(PropertySource ps, String def, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit)
      Evaulate a formatted String and return unlocalized text Use the supplied property source to find property values If any property value is found to be null, use the supplied default value instead
      ps - Property source to supply property values
      def - Default value for properties with no value
      owner - Owning component of this formatted string.
      audit - AuditTrail to use for expression auditing
      evaluated formatted String
    • getLocalizedText Link icon

      public String getLocalizedText(PropertySource ps, Auditable owner, String fieldKey)
      Evaulate a formatted String and return localized text Use the supplied property source to find property values Create an AuditTrail object if expression auditing enabled
      owner - Owning component of this formatted string.
      fieldKey - Message key describing the editor field holding this formatted string
      evaluated formatted String
    • getLocalizedText Link icon

      public String getLocalizedText(PropertySource ps, Auditable owner, String fieldKey, boolean quietly)
    • getLocalizedText Link icon

      public String getLocalizedText(PropertySource ps, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit)
      Evaulate a formatted String and return localized text Use the supplied property source to find property values
      ps - Property source to supply property values
      owner - Owning component of this formatted string.
      audit - AuditTrail to use for expression auditing
      evaluated formatted String
    • getLocalizedText Link icon

      @Deprecated(since="2021-12-01") public String getLocalizedText(PropertySource ps)
      Evaulate a formatted String and return localized text
    • getText Link icon

      public String getText(PropertySource ps, boolean localized, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit)
      Evaluate the supplied Formmatted String, using the supplied property source to replace any property references. NOTE that evaluation is handled by the Beanshell Interpreter, so full Beanshell is supported in Formatted Strings (yikes!) Use the supplied owner and audit trail for error reporting purposes.
      ps - Property source to use to supply property values
      localized - true if getLocalizedProperty() calls should be used to evaluate property values
      owner - Auditable owner of this Formmatted String for reporting purposes
      audit - Audit Trail for Expression evaluation error reporting (may be null)
      Evaluated formatted string
    • getText Link icon

      public String getText(PropertySource ps, boolean localized, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit, boolean quietly)
      Core implementation of getText. All other call signatures should eventually call this version. Evaluate the supplied Formmatted String, using the supplied property source to replace any property references. NOTE that evaluation is handled by the Beanshell Interpreter, so full Beanshell is supported in Formatted Strings (yikes!) Use the supplied owner and audit trail for error reporting purposes.
      ps - Property source to use to supply property values
      localized - true if getLocalizedProperty() calls should be used to evaluate property values
      owner - Auditable owner of this Formmatted String for reporting purposes
      audit - Audit Trail for Expression evaluation error reporting (may be null)
      quietly - True to suppress all error reporting
      Evaluated formatted string
    • getTextAsInt Link icon

      public int getTextAsInt(PropertySource ps, String description, EditablePiece source)
      Expand a FormattedString using the supplied propertySource and parse it as an integer. If the expanded string is not an integer, generate a Bad Data Report with debugging information and return a value of 0
    • getTextAsInt Link icon

      public int getTextAsInt(PropertySource ps, String description, EditablePiece source, Auditable owner, AuditTrail audit)
    • getTextAsInt Link icon

      public int getTextAsInt(PropertySource ps, String description, AbstractConfigurable source)
    • debugInfo Link icon

      public static String debugInfo(FormattedString fs, String value, String description)
      Format a standard debug message for use in Decorator bad data reports. description=value description[format]=value Use format 1 if the generated value is the same as the format Use format 2 if the formatted contains an expression that has been expanded.
      fs - Formatted String
      value - Value generated by the formatted string
      description - Description of the String
      error message
    • debugInfo Link icon

      public String debugInfo(String value, String description)
    • hashCode Link icon

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals Link icon

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • getComponentTypeName Link icon

      public String getComponentTypeName()
      Description copied from interface: Auditable
      Return a description of the Type of trait or Component an Auditable is
      Specified by:
      getComponentTypeName in interface Auditable
      Component Type
    • getComponentName Link icon

      public String getComponentName()
      Description copied from interface: Auditable
      Return the name of the trait or Component an Auditable is
      Specified by:
      getComponentName in interface Auditable
      Component name