Category:Avalanche Press Ltd.
About this Publisher
Avalanche Press is a game publisher located in Irondale, Alabama, just outside Birmingham. The company was founded in 1993, and published its first titles in 1994. While the company primarily produces wargames today, over the period 2000-2005 it also published a number of d20 role-playing supplements and several Euro-style boardgames.
At this time there are modules available for most of the Panzer Grenadier series of games at although each title is only available to owners of the hard copy of that title. Check them out for more details.
Also many of the naval games for Great War at Sea and Second World War at Sea are available or in development.
Currently, Bismarck 2e, Midway Deluxe, Eastern Fleet, Coral Sea, South Pacific, and Russo Japanese War are available to owners of the hardcopies of the latest editions of these games. (Versions published since 2021.) More titles coming before the end of 2023.
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