
Publisher | unknown | Era | unknown |
Year | unknown | Topic | unknown |
Players | unknown | Scale | unknown |
Length | unknown |
Filename | Filetype | Size | Date | Compatibility |
map-thebatcave.vmdx | The Bat Cave | 79 KB | unknown | unknown |
map-xmenhanger.vmdx | X-Men Hanger | 109 KB | unknown | unknown |
map-marv1themall.vmdx | Marvel 1 The Mall | 51 KB | unknown | unknown |
map-dangerroomwk.vmdx | Danger Room 2 Map | 5.03 MB | unknown | unknown |
map-xavieroutdoor.vmdx | Xavier Outdoor | 3.67 MB | unknown | unknown |
map-dcbthetruckstop.vmdx | DC B The Truck Stop Map | 187 KB | unknown | unknown |
map-oap1thebuilding.vmdx | OAP 1 The Building | 156 KB | unknown | unknown |
map-thelab.vmdx | The Lab | 3.66 MB | unknown | unknown |
map-dailybugle.vmdx | Daily Bugle Map | 106 KB | unknown | unknown |
map-dccthemuseum.vmdx | DC C The Museum Map | 67 KB | unknown | unknown |
map-thetemple.vmdx | The Temple | 2.45 MB | unknown | unknown |
map-iap1thefactory.vmdx | IAP 1 - The Factory | 66 KB | unknown | unknown |
map-avengersoutdor.vmdx | Avengers Outdoor Map | 3.52 MB | unknown | unknown |
map-thesewers.vmdx | The Sewers | 84 KB | unknown | unknown |
general_set.vmdx | White and Black General Tokens | 44 KB | unknown | unknown |
map-dangerroom.vmdx | Danger Room Map | 4.96 MB | unknown | unknown |
map-heroix.vmdx | Heroix | 234 KB | unknown | unknown |
map-junkyard.vmdx | Junkyard | 4.62 MB | unknown | unknown |
map-centennialzoo.vmdx | Centennial Zoo Map | 299 KB | unknown | unknown |
map-avengersindoor.vmdx | Avengers Indoor Map | 67 KB | unknown | unknown |
map-theriver.vmdx | The River | 3.93 MB | unknown | unknown |
map-evilheadquarters.vmdx | Evil Headquarters | 116 KB | unknown | unknown |
map-marv2theintersection.vmdx | Marvel 2 The Intersection | 76 KB | unknown | unknown |
map-themansion.vmdx | The Mansion | 62 KB | unknown | unknown |
map-jlawatchtower.vmdx | JLA Watchtower | 2.33 MB | unknown | unknown |
map-iap2themansion.vmdx | IAP 2 - The Mansion | 62 KB | unknown | unknown |
map-jungleisland.vmdx | Jungle Island | 178 KB | unknown | unknown |
map-thelablarge.vmdx | The Lab (large) | 169 KB | unknown | unknown |
map-junkyard2.vmdx | Junkyard (large) | 229 KB | unknown | unknown |
map-starlabs.vmdx | STAR Labs | 59 KB | unknown | unknown |
map-marv3thepark.vmdx | Marvel 3 The Park | 243 KB | unknown | unknown |
map-axischemical.vmdx | Axis Chemical Map | 122 KB | unknown | unknown |
map-containership.vmdx | Container Ship Map | 4.87 MB | unknown | unknown |
Clixers.vmod | Clixers Module | 163 KB | unknown | unknown |
map-castleundersiege.vmdx | Castle Under Siege Map | 4.53 MB | unknown | unknown |
map-metropolis.vmdx | Metropolis | 3.17 MB | unknown | unknown |
map-marv4thewarehouse.vmdx | Marvel 4 The Warehouse | 68 KB | unknown | unknown |
map-oap2construction.vmdx | OAP 2 The Construction Yard | 267 KB | unknown | unknown |
Module Information
Maintainer | unknown |
Contributors | Superclone |
A VASSAL Heroclix/Horroclix Engine
Clixers is a sequel to the extremely well done Microclix 1.4 created by Mad Clixer in 2005. The original Microclix can be found here:
Every effort has been made to maintain backward compatibility with Microclix, and the fantastic work that the Mad Clixer did on it. Without his initial work, this module would not be possible. This new module has made heavy use of the original Microclix structure, with the colossal figure set duplicated here for the convenience of the user.
Clixers consists of a collection of maps, originally created and donated by Puquak of the online clix community "The Creation Matrix"; a community for whom this module was originally created, in order to manage online play by post games.
Clixers provides two generic sets of numbered tokens, white and black, which can be used for either Heroclix or Horroclix. Players can choose to rename the numbered tokens at their leasure to represent those figures with which they are playing. There is also a tool for determining line of sight, and a set of dice for those who wish to play live online.
To contribute to this module please contact Superclone at
- Superclone
- ltlisk