Module:DSE - Motorcade Showdown

From Vassal
Motorcade Vassal.png
Publisher DSE Era Modern
Year 2020 Topic Wargame
Players 2 to 2 Scale Tactical
Length Short-Medium


Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility
Motorcade_Showdown_(v0.2.9).vmod Module 52.79 MB 2020-12-17 3.4.11
Motorcade.pdf Rules 3.38 MB 2020-12-17

Module Information

Maintainer Curt Pangracs, DSE


This game module is part of the MMAS series of games created by students of the Command & General Staff College (CGSC) MMAS in Wargaming program. Game created by SA William Miller, US Department of State.

"Motorcade Showdown is a wargame modeling motorcade operations in order to teach the fundamentals of the protection and disruption of motorcade movements. In this game, players can experience motorcade operations from the perspective of both the protection cell and also the disruption cell. It exercises the players’ ability to make accurate decisions to facilitate delivering the principal safely to the venue, and aids in learning the cause and effect relationship of planning routes incorrectly, failing to anticipate potential threats, and reacting inappropriately to obstacles or dangers. It enhances an individual’s critical decision-making abilities concerning basic motorcade skills, and understanding of adversary operations, in order to prevent incorrect choices during the conduct of motorcade operations."

This module was created by Curt Pangracs, Directorate of Simulation Education (DSE), Army University, US Department of Defense, and has been cleared for general release.

Screen Shots
