Module:G.I. Joe TCG

From Vassal
Publisher Wizards of the Coast Era Modern
Year 2004 Topic Fighting
Players 2 to 2 Scale Tactical
Length < 30 minutes


Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility
gijoetcg.vmod Module 4.88 MB unknown Core Module
armoredstrike.vmdx Extension 2.97 MB unknown 1.0 or Greater
friendorfoe.vmdx Extension 3.08 MB unknown 1.0 or Greater
valorvsvenom.vmdx Extension 987 KB unknown 1.0 or Greater
Pinup_Girls.vmdx Minor custom made card extension 686 KB 10/03/10 1.5.1 or Greater
Other Files
GI_JOE_TCG_Rulebook.pdf‎ Official Rulebook 2.3 MB unknown unknown

Module Information

Maintainer ABCoLD
Contributors Sultan, ABCoLD


G.I.JOE Trading Card Game The GI JOE TCG is an exciting trading card game that puts you in strategic control of heroic GI Joe troops battling the evil forces of Cobra. Deploy your troops, engage the enemy in One-on-One combat, and then launch an all-out Firefight. The last squad standing wins!

This defunct game from 2004-2005 was abandoned in its infancy and quite undeservedly. It still has an avid fan base that produces new cards for the game and help keeps this fun little bit of Joe history alive.

For those New to Vassal

  1. Download and install the Vassal Game Engine.
  2. Download the gijoetcg.vmod Game Module from the files section.
  3. Transfer the gijoetcg.vmod module to a uniquely named folder to be used for this game only.
  4. Double click the gijoetcg.vmod module to open it.

To download and play with the Armored Strike and other Expansions.

  1. Open the folder you created for the gijoetcg.vmod module.
  2. In the same folder as the gijoetcg.vmod module, create a SUBfolder (a folder within the folder) named gijoetcg_ext .
  3. Download the module extension (.mdx) file of your choice.
  4. Transfer the module extension file you downloaded to the gijoetcg_ext subfolder.
  5. Open the gijoetcg.vmod file normally.
  6. More than one .mdx file may be downloaded and used at a time. Download additional modules and try them out at your leisure. Follow the above instructions for proper installation of each new module extension.

Fans of TCGs and newcomers can Continue the Mission by joining the active fan community at


Screen Shots


  • Sultan
  • Holokin
  • ABCoLD
  • beachhead