Module:Italia 1917-1918: A Farewell to Arms

From Vassal
Publisher Nuts! Publishing Era WWI
Year 2024 Topic Mediterranean Front
Players 1 to 2 Scale Operational
Length 60 to 240 min

Files and Module Information

Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility Developer Other Contributors
italia v1.0.vmod module 55.78 MB 2024-09-03 3.7.14 christian Vanden Bosch

Change Log


Italia 1917-1918/A Farewell to Arms (Italia18) is an operational scale wargame that simulates the fighting that took place on the Italian front during the final 12 months of the war, from the disaster of Caporetto to the final Italian offensive known as the Battle of Vittorio-Veneto.

Screen Shots


  • Some Guy