Module:Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game

From Vassal
Boxtop small.jpg
Publisher Upper Deck Entertainment Era Modern
Year 2012 Topic Science Fiction
Players 1 to 5 Scale Abstract
Length 30-120 mins

Files and Module Information

Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility Developer Other Contributors
Legendary_v5_2_1.vmod module 41.09 MB 2024-9-9 3.7.14 Seeker100
Legendary_EXT1_DarkCity_v5_2_1.vmdx Extension 13.37 MB 2024-9-9 3.7.14 Seeker100
Legendary_EXT2_FantasticFour_v5_2_1.vmdx Extension 4.28 MB 2024-9-9 3.7.14 Seeker100
Legendary_EXT3_PaintTheTownRed_v5_2_1.vmdx Extension 4.41 MB 2024-9-9 3.7.14 Seeker100
Legendary_EXT4_Villains_v5_2_1.vmdx Extension 38.94 MB 2024-9-9 3.7.14 Seeker100
Legendary_EXT5_GuadiansOfTheGalaxy_v5_2_1.vmdx Extension 13.41 MB 2024-9-9 3.7.14 Seeker100
Legendary_EXT6_3DCollectible_5_2_1.vmdx Extension 7.14 MB 2024-9-9 3.7.14 Seeker100
Legendary_EXT8_SecretWars_Volume1_1_01.vmdx Extension 82.48 MB 2024-9-9 3.7.14 Seeker100
Legendary_FANEXT1_CityEvents_v5_2.vmdx Extension 9.54 MB 2024-7-28 3.7.14 Seeker100

Fan 1.0
Legendary Marvel Teams.vmod module 80.7 MB 2019-05-15 3.2.8 Goinsei
Legendary251.vmod module 39.2 MB 2013-04-24 3.2.2 wootersl DevoDog
Legendary_4_1.vmod module 20.74 MB 2014-12-13 3.2.13 Malach
Legendary_EXT1_DarkCity.vmdx Extension 9.32 MB 2014-12-20 3.2.14 Malach
Legendary_EXT2_FantasticFour.vmdx Extension 3.24 MB 2014-12-20 3.2.14 Malach
Legendary_EXT3_PaintTheTownRed..vmdx Extension 3.19 MB 2014-12-20 3.2.14 Malach
Legendary_EXT4_Villains.vmdx Extension 35.92 MB 2014-12-20 3.2.13 Malach
Legendary_EXT5_GuadiansOfTheGalaxy.vmdx Extension 12.11 MB 2014-12-20 3.2.14 Malach
Legendary_FANEXT1_CityEvents.vmdx Extension 9.48 MB 2014-12-20 3.2.13 Malach
Legendary_EXT6_3DCollectible.vmdx Extension 7.57 MB 2015-04-24 3.2.15 Malach
Legendary_5_0.vmod module 19.57 MB 2014-12-20 3.2.14 Malach


Fan 1.0 - A Fan-made version of the Legendary Marvel Heroes deck building game. It changes the heroes for teams, a lot of new Bystanders and new Schemes, all based on the original game and expansions. It's not meant to get any reward, monetary or fame, for this work. It's just a free fan-version exclusive for Vassal. There is not any automation at all but extensively use of hotkeys and auto-shuffle. So you may play it as you play on a table. (Better read the game rules included in it).

Other comments on v5: !! TO PLAY WITH ALL EXTENSIONS YOU HAVE TO UP THE MODULE JVM INITIAL HEAP MEMORY TO 512Mb AND THE JVM MAXIMUM HEAP MEMORY TO 1024Mb !! And it's still not working, even if increase more.

Still to do:

  • update to 2nd edition once we have good card scans (some changes it is implementing I might add to this module. such as moving sidekicks into the core box)
  • Add separate card reskins from hero setup box (Marvel Studios 10th Anniversary and promo cards)
  • Put in an automated calculator that calculates claws and recruitment points based on order of cards played
  • Add promo cards to 3D Trading Card set & move dimensions cards to dimensions
  • Add Civil War, X-Men, world war hulk, dimensions, S.H.I.E.L.D., Doctor Strange and the Shadows of Nightmare expansions (these are due to requiring modifications to the base module or new prototypes to be made)
  • Add all official expansions
  • Do up some instructions on how to use this module (a lot of automated stuff)
  • Add some of the better fan expansions.

Version 5.2.1 - finishes automation for core gameplay of Secret Wars Volume 1. this dose not include the PvP ambitions mode.

Release Candidate Version 5.2 - adds Secret Wars Volume 1, changes style of random cards for heroes and masterminds, added Ambition box, add holding box for teleporting cards and short cut to send them there, fixed miss named Dr. Doom card, added further automation support for 3d collectable cards as well as random cards, added ambitions holding box for PVP mode, actual city event rules also attached to the city events extension, various bug fixes will happen over the course of the release candidate versions.

Version 5.1.30 - HQ fix for doppelganger, preparations for further automation, added definition for sidekicks, New Recruits no longer marked as hydra, update to city events so you can interact with the decks

Version 5.1.27 - fixed send to VP from locations, prepared some decks for the additions in expansions, and added city event rules.

Version 5.1.1 - Added solitaire mode, revamped rule book, added hydra starting deck for Villains expansion, corrected Hawkeye being called gambit, added way to send cards in the HQ straight to a players discard pile, masked SHIELD officers in preparation for SHIELD expansion, added missing master mind card, and removed side restrictions from some menus.

Version 5.x - Added Added automation for Master Mind and Villains Strength - Work with all 4.0.x Extensions

Version 4.1 - Added "put under hero draw" function - correction of some bugs - Work with all 4.0.x Extensions

Version 4.0.4 - Expansion Villains for 4.x modules - it is not the stand alone module of Legendary: Marvel Villains, it is an expansion to play on base marvel game with an cross-over of Villains cards - Added Missing Scheme Twist "Crown Thor King of Asgard" - Added Missing Hero "Sabretooth"

Version 4.0.5 - Expansion Guardians Of The Galaxy for 4.x module - Added missing shards counter

Version 4.0.3 - Expansion Paint The Town Red for 4.x modules

Version 4.0.2 - Expansion Fantastic Four for 4.x modules

Version 4.0.1 - Expansion Dark City for 4.x modules

Version 4.0 - Split the module into base + Extensions - Added some counter - Added counters to manually indicate the amount of stars / claws played by current player - Added 1rs player random choice button - correction of some bugs

Version 3.0 - Added Spiderman expansion while reducing file size by 50%!

Version 2.71 - Added missing "Save Humanity" scheme along with all missing randomizer cards.

Version 2.7 - Added all expansion cards to date.

Version 2.6 - Added majority of expansion cards, implemented face down bystander deck w/ new bystanders, disabled auto-shuffle on Villain and Hero Decks to work with cards that affect the top cards of those decks. Hero and Villain decks must now be manually shuffled from the start.

Version 2.51 - Fixed Master Strike, Scheme and Hero cards so they get drawn to Villain Card Holder window

Version 2.5 - Added numerous automated features, including draw card buttons

Version 2.0 - Added numerous game tracking info, including a Victory point Tracker

Version 1 - Playable basic version

Screen Shots


  • ameguid
  • wootersl
  • DevoDog
  • Seeker100