Module:Mini Rogue

From Vassal
Mini Rogue.png
Publisher Mountain Gold Games Era Fantasy
Year 2016 Topic Adventure
Players 1 to 1 Scale Tactical
Length 30 minutes


Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility
MiniRogue.vmod module 3.74 MB 2017-02-11 3.2

Module Information

Maintainer G1ul10


Mini Rogue is a 9-card game in which a single player delves into a deep dungeon to get the famous ruby called The Og's Blood on the bottom floor.

The player must choose how to spend their resources in order to be powerful enough to confront ever difficult monsters. Random events and encounters make every play-through a unique experience.

How to use the module

- Draw the dungeon cards from the deck on the left and place them on the darkest areas in the main map. The order with which the cards are drawn is random. If necessary, flip the boss monster card by selecting it and using the mouse right button.

- Move the token on the cards and perform the actions. Keep track of the status of the game with the squared smaller tokens. Eight of them are available on the right of the mapboard.

- To roll dice, use the appropriate button in the top button bar. A new window is open that can be conveniently repositioned.

- Once the dungeon is finished, put the cards back in the pile using the "Reshuffle" button on the top button bar, adjust the dungeon marker on the right, and you are ready to start a new level.

Screen Shots


  • G1ul10