Module:Normandy '44

From Vassal
Publisher GMT Games Era WWII
Year 2010 Topic Western Front
Players 2 to 3 Scale Operational


Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility
Normandy_ver094.vmod Module 15.36 MB 2014-05-10 3.2.15
0.93 variant
Normandy_ver093b.vmod Module 15.12 MB 2014-06-03 3.2.11
Normandy_ver093.vmod Module 15.13 MB 2014-06-03 3.2.11
Normandy_ver091.vmod Module 6.47 MB 2013-09-19 3.2.2+
0.9 variant
Normandy_ver09b.vmod Module 6.36 MB 2013-06-03 3.2.4
Normandy_ver09.vmod Module 6.48 MB 2013-04-30 3.2.2+
Normandy_ver08.vmod Module 6.26 MB 2012-03-24 3.1.14+
Normandy_ver06.vmod Module 6.22 MB 2010-11-05 3.1.14+
Normandy_ver05.vmod Module 6.22 MB 2010-10-12 3.1.14+

Module Information

Maintainer unknown
Contributors unknown


Variant 0.94

  • Updated for 2015 Reprint Edition of Normandy '44

Variant 0.93

  • Movement trails are now invisible initially but can be viewed from the right-click menu

Changes in 0.93

  • Version 0.93 is based on 0.9 but uses higher resolution artwork provided by the Designer. It includes the errata counters. Combat markers also no longer snap to the hexgrid

Changes in 0.91

  • Thus these files have been updated:
    • GE-12SS-25pzg.png
    • GE-12SS-26pzg.png
    • GE-12SS-26pzg-B.png
    • GE-276-986.png
    • GE-352-FEB.png
    • GE-SP-PtHoc.png

Variant 0.9

  • Removes movement trails per user request. Previously saved games are not compatible. For more info contact tmccarron

Changes in 0.9

  • The number of cadre units is now automatically tracked. When you reduce a 3-step unit to cadre, the markers will move automagically on the general records track
  • The unit names where shortened a bit to better fit the stack view popup
  • reassociated the markers with the commands for counter states after the Marker/Combat Marker windows were changed and references broken
  • moved the common commands from unit type definitions (e.g. USInfantry) to US/BR/DECombatUnit prototypes for easier maintance across 5 types of units per nationality; left only Entrenching and Scattered where applicable under the unit subtypes
  • created a sub-menu for the counter states for better readability
  • removed the "+2" from the IP markers graphic, it was a relic from playtest era, then copied from Ardennes '44 (where IPs add +2 DCB, whereas in N'44 they do not)
  • Added the box cover image to the splash screen
  • Movement trails added (CTRL-T)
  • Fixed the setup hex for 649 Ost/709th (should start in hex 3608 instead of 3606)
  • Hex & Unit ID's added to stack view and added magnification & padding to stack view popup
  • Send to Cadre Box shortcut changed to CTRL-C
  • "Show artillery range" context menu action added to HQ & artillery units (CTRL-A)

Minor glitches in module 0.6:

  • British 1st Corps HQ, once flipped to its moved side, cannot be flipped back to its operational side.
  • The Cadre Box should be renamed Dead Pile.

Screen Shots


  • Xavier Rubio
  • Paul-E
  • Rick Galli
  • Pierre Miranda
  • Craig68x
  • Aquga
  • Pieter
  • SgtStinky