Module:PanzerBlitz: Hill of Death

From Vassal
Publisher Multi-Man Publishing Era WWII
Year 2009 Topic Western Front
Players 2 to 2 Scale Tactical
Length Medium


Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility
PanzerBlitz-HoD_v0.4.vmod 18.72 MB 2022-05-23 3.1.15
PanzerBlitz-HoD_v0.3.vmod 18.72 MB 2011-03-19 3.1.15
PanzerBlitz-HoD_v0.2.vmod 11.04 MB 2011-03-19 3.1.15
PanzerBlitz-HoD_v0.1.vmod 18.66 MB 2011-03-13 3.1.15

Module Information

Maintainer Michael Gilchrist
Contributors Michael Gilchrist


First shot at my first module. Please provide feedback of what you'd like to see in the next version as well as bugs or mistakes.

v0.4 Minor enhancements: 1 Turn button added 2 Counter rotation and facing 3 Track movement initially off

v0.3 Carentan version: Added Carentan Map and Situation setup files from Operations Special Edition 3; Fixed bug with missing Hull Down counters in situation setup files; Added counter bevelling for a prettier look;

v0.2 Official Art version: Replaced all art with art supplied by MMP at 100dpi;

v0.1 Initial version: Uses scanned map and scanned counters at 100dpi;

Items to add: Method to crop map; Crop maps to appropriate area for situation setup files; Charts (if allowed);

Screen Shots


  • Michael Gilchrist
  • dmsheppard1949
  • domustcr
  • SgtStinky