Module Information
POR is a game for 2-4 players that covers the political struggle to pass the Act of Union of 1707 which brought England and Scotland under a single government. For a hundred years the two countries had been ruled by the same monarch, but with separate governments and laws. The Union was in keeping with the centralizing trend that could be found all over Western Europe. As might be expected, it was not universally acclaimed, especially in Scotland. Coincidentally, a Jacobite rising was being planned in coordination with the French, who were (of course) at war with England and hoped to create a diversion that would draw enemy troops away from their frontier. This plot played into the widespread discontent with the Union, so that when a French expeditionary corps was dispatched to escort the Old Pretender, James Francis Edward Stuart, to Scotland in March of 1708, the conspirators could count on a massive uprising in support of his claim to the Throne. Unfortunately for them, the plan quickly unraveled due to a variety of causes and the famous Rising of 1708 that restored Scotland's independence never happened.
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