Module:Patton's Best

From Vassal
Publisher Avalon Hill Era WWII
Year 1987 Topic Western Front
Players 1 to 1 Scale Tactical
Length Short


Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility
Pattons Best Graphics Upgrade1_3a.vmod Module 62.11 MB 11/22/2023 3.7.4 Greg Amos
Pattons Best Graphics Upgrade1_3.vmod Module 62.11 MB 9/23/2022 3.6.7 Greg Amos
Pattons_Best_rdm.vmod Module 9.53 MB 2017-05-24 3.2.17
Pattons_Best.vmod Module 9.49 MB unknown unknown Pattons Best v0.97 9.47 MB unknown unknown

Module Information

Maintainer E
Contributors E, rdmorss


Patton's Best 1.3a

Fixed typo in campaign VP button. Updated to VASSAL 3.7

Patton's Best 1.3

I updated all graphics for those of us who have aging eyes.Added my usual rounded corners and lighting. I used alternative counters I found online. I also added automation to the After Action Report. There is a "How To Use" video in the Help menu of the module.

Patton's Best v0.97a

At the request of a module user, rdmorss offers the following tweaks:

  • Added "Ready Rack Ammo Reload" marker to flip side of "Ammo Reload" marker.
  • Fixed Smoke x1, Smoke x2, and Smoke x3 markers to correctly show smoke depletion on the flip side.

Patton's Best v0.97

Last Update: 14 Apr 2007

(* All my initial releases start at v0.95 as an ode to Murphy's Law)

Version 0.97 for Vassal 2.99 (& higher?)

1. Upgraded After Action Report text fields to "Click 'n Type"

  (versus old "select, hit ENTER, then type").

2. Very slight upgrade on white counters' graphics.

Version 0.96 for Vassal 2.8 (& higher?)

1. Upgraded After Action Report system with 15 instances and ability to erase/reset the entire report at once. Now you can go 15 days without having to worry about explaining to George why you're lagging because of paperwork!

Version 0.95

Initial Release

Screen Shots


  • E
  • DerDiplomat
  • ArmedMedic
  • tmccarron
  • frenkyM
  • GJK
  • sabreman1966
  • JeffGeorge
  • LordJesse
  • StugIIIg
  • MCharves
  • Salar
  • Scott Mayne