
From Vassal
Publisher Avalon Hill Era Contemporary
Year 1970 Topic Sports
Players 2 to 2 Scale Abstract
Length 60 mins

Files and Module Information

Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility Developer Other Contributors
Paydirt_0.4DM.vmod modules 3.66 MB 2023-02-23 3.2.17 Ian Clarence
Paydirt_DDF_Super_Bowl_LVII_0.3.vmdx team sheets 362 KB 2023-03-13 3.2.17 Ian Clarence
Paydirt_DDF_Super_Bowl_LVIII_0.3.vmdx team sheets 517 KB 2024-03-21 3.2.17 Ian Clarence
Paydirt_DDF_Super_Bowl_LIX_0.2.vmdx team sheets 548 KB 2025-01-31 3.2.17 Ian Clarence

Change Log

The 'Paydirt_DDF_Super_Bowl_LVIII_0.1' extension contains provisional versions of team sheets for Super Bowl LVIII - kindly provided by Data-Driven Football ( These will be updated when the official 2023 season is released.

The official 2023 season is now available and this extension has been replaced.

31/01/25: Provisional team sheets for Super Bowl LIX added.

02/02/25: Extensions 'Paydirt_DDF_Super_Bowl_LVIII' & 'Paydirt_DDF_Super_Bowl_LIX' updated (to 0.3 & 0.2, respectively) to fix player selection bug.


Link to Paydirt on BoardGameGeek:-

Please read the in-game help file for information on the special features of this module.

There are only 2 team sheets included in the module - 1967 Green Bay & Dallas (the 'Ice Bowl' teams) - but players can use any paper or electronic copies of team sheets they have.

The 'Paydirt_DDF_Super_Bowl_LVII_0.3' extension contains the final release versions of team sheets for Super Bowl LVII - provided by Data-Driven Football (

The 'Paydirt_DDF_Super_Bowl_LVIII_0.2' extension contains the final release versions of team sheets for Super Bowl LVIII - provided by Data-Driven Football (

The 'Paydirt_DDF_Super_Bowl_LIX_0.1' extension contains the provisional versions of team sheets for Super Bowl LIX - provided by Data-Driven Football (

Screen Shots


  • Ian Clarence