Module:Raider Drop Zone

From Vassal
RDZ thumbnail.jpg
Publisher (Self-Published) Era Future
Year 2024 Topic Science Fiction
Players 2 to 2 Scale Operational
Length 1-8 hours depending on scenario

Files and Module Information

Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility Developer Other ContributorsRaider Drop Zone
Raider_Drop_Zone.vmod Module 23.01 MB 06-24-2024 3.7.12 Mike Seely Keith Tracton

Change Log

Version 1.0: Initial Release!


Raider Drop Zone - The Assault on Planet Kraken is a two-player game of company, regimental and divisional combat action between the elite human Terran Fleet Raider Forces and the dreaded alien Kraken, set in the science fiction universe of Firepower Pass (tm).

Screen Shots