Module:Summoner Wars (Second Edition)

From Vassal
Publisher Plaid Hat Games Era Fantasy
Year 2021 Topic Fighting
Players 2 to 2 Scale Tactical
Length 30-60minutes


Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility
Summoner_Wars_2nd_Edition_2_0.vmod Module 11 MB 2023-05-19 3.6.6
Summoner_Wars_2nd_Edition.vmod Module 7.17 MB 2022-02-26 3.2.17

Module Information

Maintainer alecrespi
Contributors Donegal / alecrespi


v 2.0 changelog

  • vassal 3.6.6 compatibility
  • enabled HTML support chat log
  • refreshed game icons
  • floating box for pieces window
  • redesigned playing board / side board
  • rectangular grid (main board)
  • official website link
  • official online rules link
  • report chat text (current phase)
  • global properties magic blue / red
  • card movement (WASD) Q/E rotate
  • automatic "draw to hand"
  • removed "deck building" deck (load/save can be done directly from "Custom Draw Deck")
  • faction decks (by now only 4) with predefined setup
  • pre-built armies with starting deploy/setup
  • auto assigne side color on cards/deck
  • discard red/blue
  • damage / boost converted to "Dynamic Properties"
  • added status icons (attacker/ battled / defender)
  • added a toolbar button to clear movement trails and status icons
  • cards on discard decks are always facedown
  • disabled movement trails on both player hands
  • card count fixed (34 instead of 32)
  • added a counter to show the number of cards in opponent hand
  • report discarded card on chat log
  • added submenu to group battle status selection
  • added a picture overlay to indicate current event effect
  • shuffle via click button and a send to trigger (bottom of the deck)

Screen Shots


  • Donegal
  • alecrespi