Module:The Last Hundred Yards

From Vassal
LHY Box.jpg
Publisher GMT Games Era WWII
Year 2019 Topic Western Front
Players 1 to 2 Scale Tactical
Length 60–180 Min Series The Last Hundred Yards

Files and Module Information

Volumes 1, 2, 4 & MP1

Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility Developer Other Contributors
LHY-Europe.4.13.vmod Module 72.11 MB 2024-04-25 3.7+ Marc Rivet Andrea Cantatore
LHY-Europe.4.12.vmod Module 71.72 MB 2024-01-11 3.7.6+ Marc Rivet Andrea Cantatore
LHY-Europe.4.11.vmod Module 71.72 MB 2024-01-01 3.7.6+ Marc Rivet Andrea Cantatore
LHY-Europe.4.1.vmod Module 71.77 MB 2023-11-29 3.7.5+ Marc Rivet Andrea Cantatore
LHY-Europe.4.03.vmod Module 68.07 MB 2023-11-10 3.7.5+ Marc Rivet Andrea Cantatore

Combined Game (LHY and LHY:AoE) LHY Europe

Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility Developer Other Contributors
LHY-ETO.301.vmod Module 68.83 MB 2022-02-10 3.6.4+ Marc Rivet Andrea Cantatore
LHY-ETO212.vmod Module 70.29 MB 2021-10-23 3.5 Marc Rivet Andrea Cantatore

LHY only

Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility Developer Other Contributors
LHY-1-37.vmod Module 35.63 MB 2020-10-07 3.2 Jim Pyle Allen Dickerson
LHY-1-36.vmod Module 35.63 MB 2020-09-22 3.2 Jim Pyle Allen Dickerson
LHY-1-35.vmod Module 35.47 MB 2020-08-16 3.2 Jim Pyle Allen Dickerson
LHY-1-30.vmod Module 37.44 MB 2019-12-16 3.2 Jim Pyle Allen Dickerson
LHY-1-20.vmod Module 37.43 MB 2019-09-13 3.2 Jim Pyle Allen Dickerson
LHY-1.15.vmod Module 34.68 MB 2019-07-27 3.2 Jim Pyle Allen Dickerson
LHY-1-00.vmod Module 33.79 MB 2019-06-04 3.2 Jim Pyle Allen Dickerson


LHY Europe v4.13


  • Fixed Russian Guard Infantry 1/3/1 GD.
  • Fixed German 3Kp Pz (Plt 3).
  • Updated 'Stacking options' (lowered separation of pieces).


  • Updated DYO Missions ( both East and West Front forms now included).
  • Updated Mission 43 (errata 2024-04-08).
  • Refreshed Missions 44, 47, 49, 56 & 58.

LHY Europe v4.12


  • Fixed Mission 17 (replacing Sector 16 with 19).

LHY Europe v4.11

Saved games from v4.1 are playable.


  • Fixed Mission Card 53.
  • Updated Player Aids. (Dec-1 2023).
  • Updated Game Track. (Jan-1 2024).

LHY Europe v4.1


  • Suppressed event reporting (to chat/log) of pieces moving from Forces window.
  • Fixed Fire Action not rotating.
  • Fixed Text Label on Mines/Roadblock/Wire.


  • Added Mission Cards from Vols 1, 2, 4 & MP1.
  • Fixed Mission 28 not loading.

LHY Europe v4.03 (Vols 1,2,4 & MP1)

Saved games from previous versions of the Vassal Player (<3.7) is not supported.


  • Added 'Action Status' (red "X") as a visual cue to denote units that have conducted an action.
  • Updated to require Vassal Player version 3.7.4+.
  • Updated Mouse-over-Stack Viewer in all windows.
  • Updated Player Aids. (Oct-13 2023)
  • Updated Game Track. (May-5 2023)
  • Updated 'Player', 'Graveyard' and 'Set Up' windows (combined "Forces" window).
  • Updated 'Assembly' (Default:OFF) & 'Illumination' (Default:Selected) "Show Area" hotkeys.
  • Updated events reporting (to chat/log).


  • Added Pre-defined Setups for missions from Volume 4 & Map Pack 1.
  • Updated Pre-defined Setups for Volumes 1 & 2.


  • Game Track has a 'Calculate Time Lapse' button (left most) which will move time in 2-5 minute increments.
  • Game Track has a 'Synchronize to Time Track' button (right most) which will reset the "calculator" game time to the current time track hour/10 minutes/minute values.
  • Russian Leaders sent to the time track will be placed 5 minutes ahead and "reduced" to (replaced by) next leader.
  • American & German Leaders when sent to the time track will be placed 7 minutes ahead.
  • A larger hex size to unit size ratio has been adopted.
  • Placing an 'Overwatch' marker (context menu or Alt+P) on a vehicle will also remove it's 'Motion' marker.
  • 'Remove Actions' will also clear movement trails from units of the owning player side.

LHY Europe v3.01 (Vol 1 & 2)
Saved games from previous versions of the Vassal Player (<3.6) is not supported.
Please read the Change Log for more detailed description of changes (Help->ETO Change Log).

LHY Europe v2.12:
Please read the Change Log for more detailed description of changes (Help->ETO Change Log).

ver 1.37: Corrected Mission #2 setup

ver 1.36: Updated CRT and TEC

ver 1.35: Updated Game Tracks and CRT

Random Draw Cup won't work for setups included in the module but will work for any New Game setups. You can use one of the unused Squad/Section cups if needed for Random draws in setups included in the module.

The Last Hundred Yards introduces innovative systems intended to model Small Unit Behavior in Combat during WWII

Version History:

LHY_VASSAL Module 1.30 edits

1. Fixed Mission #6 setup 2. Fixed some counters not rotating 3. Cleaned up Movement Trails

LHY_Vassal Module 1.15 edits

1. Changed LOS marker to only report From and To hexes, not all hexes traversed. It also now displays total range. 2. Added a proper splash screen with the game box in it. 3. Added new art for the Terrain button, the Combat Tables, Maps and Charts buttons. 4. Corrected spelling of "borders" in Markers section. 5. Casualty track has been set up with zones to report (in the text buffer) the status of Casualty Differential levels and of the casualty marker. 6. Similarly, the time tracks have been edited to report (in the text buffer) total elapsed time, IF the HOURS, 10s of minutes, single minutes are moved/nudged in succession. 7. Initiative marker now reports the current holder of initiative when it's flipped or selected. 8. Rotation of Assault directional markers was not working. This was fixed. 9. Reduced size of mouseover stack display to 50%.

Screen Shots


  • Allen Dickerson
  • Jon White
  • Hethwill
  • Greg