Module:Twin Peaks

From Vassal
TwinPeaks bc.jpg
Publisher GMT Games Era Gunpowder
Year 2014 Topic American Civil War
Players 2 to 2 Scale Tactical
Length Medium Series Great Battles of the American Civil War

Files and Module Information

Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility Developer Other Contributors
Cedar_Mountain_v2.21.vmod Module 21.87 MB 2020-04-11 3.2.17 Allen Dickerson Allen Dickerson
Cedar_Mountain_v2.20.vmod Module 21.87 MB 2020-04-04 3.2.17 Allen Dickerson Allen Dickerson
Cedar_Mountain_v2.10.vmod Module 21.85 MB 2019-10-28 3.2.15 Allen Dickerson Allen Dickerson
Cedar_Mountain_v2.02.vmod Module 21.75 MB 2016-04-05 3.2.15 Allen Dickerson Allen Dickerson
Cedar_Mountain_v1.03.vmod Module 15.54 MB 2015-04-16 3.2.15 Greg Laubach Greg Laubach
Cedar_Mountain_v1.02.vmod Module 15.53 MB 2015-02-13 3.2.15 Greg Laubach Greg Laubach
South_Mountain_1_4.vmod Module 20.02 MB 2022-01-18 3.6.4 Allen Dickerson Allen Dickerson
South_Mountain_1_3.vmod Module 19.96 MB 2022-01-07 3.6.3 Allen Dickerson Allen Dickerson
South_Mountain_1_2.vmod Module 19.96 MB 2019-03-30 3.2.16 Allen Dickerson Allen Dickerson
South_Mountain_1_1.vmod Module 19.79 MB 2017-05-06 3.2.16 Allen Dickerson Allen Dickerson
South_Mountain_1_0.vmod Module 19.61 MB 2015-04-24 3.2.15 Allen Dickerson Allen Dickerson


  • South Mountain revised 1/18/2022 (1.4) to add Abandoned Artillery Marker; change Ammo Depletion to current system progression; to add Scout/Trailhead markers (in Union units tab) and to change the Rotation commands to Ctrl-. and Ctrl-, . Also, an Orders marker was created with all three statuses in layers on one marker.
  • South Mountain revised 1/07/2022 (1.3) to address issue with AMs not masking
  • South Mountain added 4/24/2015 (1.00)
  • South Mountain revised 5/5/2017 (1.01)
  • South Mountain revised 3/30/2019 (1.2)
  • Cedar Mountain added 11/06/15, with a similar graphic and design package as South Mountain.

South Mountain revised 3/30/19

  • CSA Macbeth battery was missing; this has been added to relevant scenarios
  • Four battalions of the Union Hartsuff Brigade were missing: 11PA a, 11PA b, 83NY a, and 83NY b; these have been added to relevant scenarios

South Mountain revised 5/5/17

  • Fatigue Level "OK" was missing from Brigadier counters; this was corrected
  • Added a toggleable SP counter as an optional marker for those wanting to better replicate physical play
  • Some markers combined, such as May/Must Advance, Refuse Left/Right

Cedar Mountain updated to 2.02 4/4/16 to address a few small issues and to consolidate/reduce markers.

  • 6VAa regiment dismounted now has a disordered side
  • Cavalry regiments have their own Charge! and Blown markers (as they can act independently of their parent brigade)
  • Deployment markers now cast an "area of effect" to aid in set-up
  • Attack and March orders "markers" created for use with independent cavalry regiments
  • Overmove layer added for Corps commanders; toggle on when a Corps Cmdr exceeds his 10MP allowance to retain their influence radius, the radius notation will be changed to 0.
  • Each side now has its own movement trail color.

Cedar Mountain v2.21: Fixed a few more marker issues (some not rotating when flipped); Banks' counter still not cooperating, however.

Cedar Mountain v2.20: Fixed a bunch of issues: Replaced Banks' counter (wasn't rotating properly); fixed two CSA dismounted cavalry units, whose disordered sides would not display; fixed mouseover not showing SP markers; added an Abandoned Guns counter to reflect latest series rules; Added a consolidated Orders counter for use on map (not on Brigadiers); now toggles through Attack, Advance and March.

Cedar Mountain v2.10: Added a Strength Point marker, which can incremented to reflect either current unit strength or losses. For that "just like a physical copy" play (at the cost of map clutter and larger stacks)

© GMT Games 2014; Greg Laubach and Richard Berg Design

Screen Shots


  • Greg Laubach
  • Allen Dickerson
  • Monte
  • SgtStinky